Hi all,

I write a new module for freeradius like rlm_ippool. In this module, I choose among 
several "Tunnel-Server-Endpoint"s. In the auth ticket, I can have a static TSE 
attribute, in this case, I make no change ( in the reply ticket ). But I could have a 
dynamic TSE, for example if I have :

!!! auth ticket !!!
"User-Name = my_user,
User-Password = my_passwd,
Tunnel-Server-Endpoint =,

In the rlm_tse_dyn module, I check if the TSE is matching a string ( which is a 
parameter in the config file, here : "" ). The module chooses TSE less 
used ( connections/sessions ). All is ok for now, but when I construct reply ticket, I 
have a problem : I make a new pair with the good value for the TSE attribute ( wt 
paircreate, pairadd :  no error, and debug in this module is ok (in the 'post-auth' 
part) ) but TSE attribute in final is empty :

pairadd - *firt==null                     <=  value of TSE attribute in 
module TSE
                ( I modify pairadd for print some debug value. bad but it's for debug 
phase... ).
modcall[post-auth]: module "" returns ok for request 0
modcall: group post-auth returns ok for request 0
Sending Access-Accept of id 220 to
        Tunnel-Server-Endpoint:0 = ""           <= a part of the reply ticket :-(

And for another debug phase, I add another pair "just for fun" : I affect to a 
PW_FRAMED_IP_NETMASK the value of the TSE, and this pair is ok in the reply ticket... 
Has anyone have a idea for solving this problem ???


System developper.
NordNet  - 111 Rue de Croix - 59510 Hem - France 
tl. : +33 3 20 66 55 57 - fax : +33 3 20 66 55 59 
ا~칻&칻&I硶0~b+b٥

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