Maybe this will interest a few of the list members.

----- Forwarded message from SecureW2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Subject: Alfa & Ariss Make SecureW2 Available as Open Source
From: SecureW2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 15:37:29 +0100
Thread-Topic: Alfa & Ariss Make SecureW2 Available as Open Source
Thread-Index: AcTL6cxMSm7LCozsRiKXnzJHNh/iMA==

Dear SecureW2 users,

Alfa & Ariss today announced that SecureW2 will soon be available as open 
Alfa & Ariss believes that by releasing SecureW2 as open source, the quality and
feature set of SecureW2 will be prolonged.

SecureW2 with hundred of thousands of users worldwide gives users the means of
connecting to 802.1X enabled networks in a secure and convenient way.

SecureW2 is scheduled to become Open Source within the course of January 2005.
Alfa & Ariss will continue to support customers who have a support contract 
their support contract expires. Alfa & Ariss will postpone services for new
customers until SecureW2 is released as open source.

More precise details about the release date and the location of the source code
will be communicated to the media within the following weeks.

Thank you for using SecureW2.

Tom Rixom
CTO / Alfa & Ariss

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