I'm relatively new to the concept of a RADIUS server as a whole, but
I've spent the last couple days reading up on it and I think I'm getting
a decent grasp of the concept. I was hoping you folks wouldn't mind just
looking over what I'm planning to do and let me know of any holes in my
understanding. Also, If you know where I could find documentation that
is applicable, I'd greatly appreciate it. :-)

Here's the idea. I have a Cisco PIX 515 firewall that I want to run VPN
on. VPN clients should authenticate to the FreeRADIUS server which will
check our 2K Active Directory for correct username and password. If the
VPN client provides a username and password in AD, they will be allowed
to connect.

I understand that I'll need to use the LDAP module to connect to AD and
that instead of uid, I'll need to use the attribute SamAccountName.

Is there a wiki for FreeRADIUS that I could pop information up on as I
get this figured out so that others could follow? Documentation is one
of my major ways of trying to give back to the OSS community.

I've been searching the archives and they are good, but I find it
difficult to glean exactly what I'm looking for sometimes.


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