Hi Mr. Peter,

Like you told me before, you did some cleanups in the sqlippool.conf.

Well, I've tried to install todays freeradius CVS, and it installed
without the sqlippool module, don't know why.

So, I've compiled it manually from

OK, but when I run radiusd -X, I got this in the end, regardless of my
configuration in sqlippool.conf and radiusd.conf:

Module: Loaded SQL IP Pool
 sqlippool: sql-instance-name = "sql"
 sqlippool: lease-duration = 86400
 sqlippool: pool-name = ""
 sqlippool: allocate-begin = "BEGIN"
 sqlippool: allocate-clear = ""
 sqlippool: allocate-find = ""
 sqlippool: allocate-update = ""
 sqlippool: allocate-commit = "COMMIT"
 sqlippool: allocate-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
 sqlippool: start-begin = "BEGIN"
 sqlippool: start-update = ""
 sqlippool: start-commit = "COMMIT"
 sqlippool: start-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
 sqlippool: alive-begin = "BEGIN"
 sqlippool: alive-update = ""
 sqlippool: alive-commit = "COMMIT"
 sqlippool: alive-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
 sqlippool: stop-begin = "BEGIN"
 sqlippool: stop-clear = ""
 sqlippool: stop-commit = "COMMIT"
 sqlippool: stop-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
 sqlippool: on-begin = "BEGIN"
 sqlippool: on-clear = ""
 sqlippool: on-commit = "COMMIT"
 sqlippool: on-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
 sqlippool: off-begin = "BEGIN"
 sqlippool: off-clear = ""
 sqlippool: off-commit = "COMMIT"
 sqlippool: off-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
rlm_sqlippool: the 'allocate-clear' statement must be set.

My radiusd.conf

sqlippool testpool {
               $INCLUDE ${confdir}/sqlippool.conf

               sql-server == "x.x.x.x"
               sql-login == "foo"
               sql-password == "foo"
               sql-db == "foo"

               range-start ==
               range-stop ==
               netmask ==
               lease-duration == 86400

My DB:
CREATE TABLE radippool (
   id                   INT PRIMARY KEY,
   pool_name            VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
   framedipaddress      VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
   nasipaddress         VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
   nas_port             INT NOT NULL,
   calling_station_id   VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
   expiry_time  timestamp(0) NOT NULL,
   username             VARCHAR(100)
with all the sequences, indexes and triggers included

It's not even trying to access the Oracle server.

What can it be?

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