Hello Joël,

> I've adjusted some paths and other little things.
>     Freeradius is up
>     smsotpd is up
> I've populated the berkeley db with my identifiant

don't use the smsotpd, use the rlm_perl which is a complete different
setup. The mininimal config you find in the README in the corresponding

> Use of uninitialized value $type in hash element at 
> ./pap_challenge_request.pl line 51.

this happens, when you have a way to old Authen::Radius module. On which
distribution are you?

> Additionaly  i suppose that i will need to change values regarding my
> corporate active directory. Could you point me out where it's needed ?

No, rlm_perl expects the username already writen as username@REALM.

> it is possible to test the first stage "krb5" with radtest ? huh !! I
> think it could be possible to answer to this question by myself .. ;o)

Yes, it is. See the rlm_perl/README file.

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