System hangs with Apache SSL mod_auth_radius sending authentication information to a radius - mysql server.

Hi everyone,

I am having a problem with my apache web server hanging and am looking for help. I have check the log files and am finding nothing to indicate the cause of the system hangs.

The web server which hangs is Fedora Core 4

The Radius - Mysql server is Redhat EL4

httpd.conf excerpts.

LoadModule cgi_module modules/
LoadModule radius_auth_module /usr/lib/httpd/modules/
# End of proxy directives.
# Add to the BOTTOM of httpd.conf
# If we're using mod_auth_radius, then add it's specific
# configuration options.
<IfModule mod_auth_radius-2.0.c>

# AddRadiusAuth server[:port] <shared-secret> [ timeout [ : retries ]]
# Use localhost, the old RADIUS port, secret 'testing123',
# time out after 5 seconds, and retry 3 times.
AddRadiusAuth imp-dell-21:1812 password 5:3
#             ServerName       RadiusPassword in clients.conf file
# AuthRadiusBindAddress <hostname/ip-address>
# Bind client (local) socket to this local IP address.
# The server will then see RADIUS client requests will come from
# the given IP address.
# By default, the module does not bind to any particular address,
# and the operating system chooses the address to use.

# AddRadiusCookieValid <minutes-for-which-cookie-is-valid>
# the special value of 0 (zero) means the cookie is valid forever.
AddRadiusCookieValid 5

/var/www/html/.htaccess file is unchanged

#  A sample per-directory access-control configuration, to be used
#  as a '.htacces' file.

# Use basic password authentication.
# AuthType Digest won't work with RADIUS authentication.
AuthType Basic

# Tell the user the realm to which they're authenticating.
# This string should be configured for your site.
AuthName "RADIUS authentication for localhost"

# don't use 'mod_auth'.
# You might want to disable other authentication types here.
# You can get a similar effect by commenting out the
# 'AddModule mod_auth_*' lines, previously in httpd.conf
AuthAuthoritative off

# Use mod_auth_radius for all authentication, and make the responses
# from it authoritative.
AuthRadiusAuthoritative on

# Make a local variation of AddRadiusCookieValid.  The server will choose
# the MINIMUM of the two values.
# AuthRadiusCookieValid <minutes-for-which-cookie-is-valid>
AuthRadiusCookieValid 5

# Set the use of RADIUS authentication at this <Location>"
# Locally set the RADIUS authentication active.
# If there is a directory which you do NOT want to have RADIUS
# authentication for, then use a <Directory> directive, and
# set "AuthRadiusActive Off"
AuthRadiusActive On

# require that mod_auth_radius return a valid user, otherwise
# access is denied.
require valid-user

The error logs do not record what the problem is.

Any ideas?

Frank Reiss
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