Hi,   I use freeradius for a long time and now we are authenticating users of 
roaming partners. I normally allow all the users of a domain. For example: 
trustive/johndoeor teo/maria and I use mydomain realm.  realm trustive {        
type            = radius        authhost      =        
accthost      =        secret         = secretTrustive} realm 
teo {        type            = radius        authhost      =    
    accthost      =        secret         = secretTeo}  
However, I do not want that a Teo user validates in Trustive through me. An 
example of username is /trustive/mydomain/teo/maria.   I want to detect the Teo 
user maria and block this kind of autentication in Trustive network.   How can 
I implement this behiavior in freeradius ?                                  
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