hello list,

i'm using freeradius 1.1.0 with mysql 5.0.x and dialup_admin

i want to use the monthly counter function of the sqlcounter module.
I've added
"checkItem      MaxMonthlySession       MaxMonthlySession" to sql.attrmap
also added: MaxMonthlySession to user_edit.attrs

in the radiusd.conf added "monthlycounter" in the authorize section.
freeradius loading the module: http://pastebin.com/542929

I add a user from dialup_admin with a maxmonthlysession = 14400 for
example and when the user tries to log in radius says:
"   1.
      Tue Feb  7 10:47:14 2006 : Info: rlm_sql (sql): No matching entry
in the database for request from user [het]
      Tue Feb  7 10:47:14 2006 : Auth: Login incorrect: [het/het] (from
client pppoe-as port 0 cli 00:0A:EB:40:9F:FD) "

if i don't specify maxmonthlysession the user logs fine.

any idea?

Georgi Alexandrov

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