
I am trying to extract numerical values for BOLD time courses of (a large
number of) ROIs. For this purpose I use a tksurfer tcl script. Everything
works fine when I only have a small number (~6) of contrasts/stimulus
categories (as defined in the paradigm files), but if I increase the
number of stimulus categories to 14-18, the script dies without producing

I am able to produce the numerical tables semi-manually with the GUI/tcl
shell even for the large number of stimulus categories so I do not quite
figure what gives. However, doing this manually for all our data would be
impossible. Any suggestions how I could circumvent this problem?

(The visualization part in the script below, that draws the actual time
course display, is not necessary for producing the numerical tables, but
removing that part of the script does not help - it still dies.)

Any suggestions much appreciated! Also if anyone needs the full script I
am happy to send you a copy - however notice that currently one of the
command lines only works in the developmental environment (nmr-dev-env).




on machine ai
cd /space/cuzco/12/users/raij/avml_fmri_mctogether/
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/cognito/5/users/raij/subjects_mri
setenv SUBJECT fsaverage

#Here is the part of the subroutine that does the extraction (to run the
whole thing from the master script that sets the variable values, launch
run-label-FIR-h.csh in the same directory):

# Set curvature for lh
set curv lh.curv
set curvflag 1

# Clear earlier labels
# Clear earlier timecourses

# Load new label (use actual path to label file instead of $lname if
running the script by itself)
labl_load $lpath/$lname.label

# Load new timecourse. 3 = No registration needed.
# (use actual path to time course file [e.g.,
bold/<analysisname>/h-lh.bhdr] instead of $timecourse if running the
script by itself)
func_load_timecourse $timecourse 3

# Set timecourse to show average value across all vertices included in the
set gaLinkedVars(func_graph_avg_mode) 2

# Some draw command, dunno what it does really
SendLinkedVarGroup graph

# Select only some of the contrasts for display. Specifically, here turn
off contrasts 4-6
# General format: set gGraphSetting(<color>,visible) <0|1>
# where <color> is:
# "Red" is condition zero (NULL), "Green" is condition one, etc.
set gGraphSetting(Brown,visible) 0
set gGraphSetting(Pink,visible) 0
set gGraphSetting(Gray,visible) 0

# Adjust amplitude (y-axis, % BOLD signal change) scale from -1 to +2
.wwGraph.gwGraph.gwGraph axis config y -min -1 -max 2

# Pre-stimulus baseline correction (to turn OFF, use 0)
set gbPreStimOffset 1

# Draw time course display (this command works only in nmr-DEV-env version!)

# Save text file listing the numerical time course values for all categories
func_print_timecourse_selection $lpath/$lname-$aname-h.xls

# Save time course display as postscript
Graph_SaveToPS $lpath/$lname-$aname-h.ps

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