Dear freesurfers,

After reading the documentation on freesurfer web site and searching in the
mail archive I wasn't able to find an answer to my question.
I'm trying to perform cerebellar segmentation on 100 subjects.
The recon-all step went well : every t1 image finished "without error" when
I checked the recon-all log.
I checked the segmentation result with tmedit and tksurfer (following the
recommendation of freesurfer website). I wasn't able to find any problem.
After that I use the QA tool. Again, after looking at the snapshots the
result appeared correct to me. But for each t1 image, there were between 36
and 45 outliers. So I used the -gen-asegLUT option as suggested in the mail
archive (Please find the result below for a t1 image called as100351_conv),
but wasn't able to understand the result.
The questions I would like to ask you are :

1)What should I do to correct the outliers ?

2) I don't understand this message :
"ERROR: Actual file order disagrees with common file order for subject
and this command doesn't work "recon-all -make all -subjid as100351_conv"

3) I don't understand this message :
"checking subcortical label: Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter value 1.209679200 is an
outlier (avg = . +/- .)..."
The value that appears to be an outliers doesn't match with the value that
I found in Asegstats for Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter.

Thanks a lot for your help, have a nice weekend.

Charles Laidi. (medcharleslaidi (a t)

Running recon_checker on:
mercredi 16 janvier 2013, 22:47:04 (UTC+0100)
Most recent FreeSurfer version used to process this subject:
All FreeSurfer versions used to process this subject:
Checking all output files exist...
     Running command:
/home/charles/Bureau/QAtools_v1.1/recon_all_output_file_checker -subjid
as100351_conv -slog
-outputfileorderfile /home/charles/Bureau/QAtools_v1.1/default_FOF_FSv5.1
     mri/rawavg.mgz last modified 2012-12-14 05:50:00.000000000 +0100
     mri/orig.mgz last modified 2012-12-14 05:50:06.000000000 +0100

     ERROR: Actual file order disagrees with common file order for subject

     At least one step in the recon-all stream has been skipped or
     rerun out of order.  Run the following command to rerun any steps
     which were skipped or for which the output has been modified.

          recon-all -make all -subjid as100351_conv

     Alternatively, examine the ReconAllTable for your version of FreeSurfer
     to identify the recon-all step where the discrepancy is occuring and
     every recon-all step from that point forward.  This subject may have
     processed with a different version of FreeSurfer other than the version
     used to create the common file order file (based on v5.1 by default if
     specified by the user).  Consider generating an output file order file
     your specific dataset using the 'genoutputorderfile' flag.
     See the '-help' flag for details.

     actual order  ====>  common order:
     ..........  ====>  .........
     mri/rawavg.mgz  ====>  mri/rawavg.mgz
     mri/orig.mgz  ====>  mri/orig.mgz
     mri/transforms/talairach.xfm  ====>  mri/transforms/
     mri/transforms/  ====>  mri/transforms/talairach.xfm
     mri/nu.mgz  ====>  mri/nu.mgz
     mri/T1.mgz  ====>  mri/T1.mgz
     mri/brainmask.mgz  ====>  mri/
     ..........  ====>  .........
Checking status log output...
    Running command:
/home/charles/Bureau/QAtools_v1.1/recon_all_status_log_checker -subjid
as100351_conv -details -slog
Using status log:

as100351_conv COMPLETE
Checking asegs for outliers...
Using asegLUT: test4
Running command:
/home/charles/Bureau/QAtools_v1.1/recon_all_aseg_outlier_checker -subjid
as100351_conv -LookupMeansFromFile test4 -slog
checking subcortical label: Left-Cerebral-Exterior, 0 +/-
checking subcortical label: Left-Cerebral-White-Matter, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-Cerebral-Cortex, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-Lateral-Ventricle, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Left-Lateral-Ventricle value .541890500 is an outlier
(avg = . +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Left-Inf-Lat-Vent, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Left-Inf-Lat-Vent value .025678500 is an outlier (avg = .
+/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Left-Cerebellum-Exterior, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter value 1.209679200 is an
outlier (avg = . +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Left-Cerebellum-Cortex, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Left-Cerebellum-Cortex value 3.768655500 is an outlier
(avg = . +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Left-Thalamus, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-Thalamus-Proper, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Left-Thalamus-Proper value .490973600 is an outlier (avg
= . +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Left-Caudate, 0 +/-
checking subcortical label: Left-Putamen, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Left-Putamen value .490533400 is an outlier (avg = . +/-
checking subcortical label: Left-Pallidum, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Left-Pallidum value .141965600 is an outlier (avg = . +/-
checking subcortical label: 3rd-Ventricle, . +/- .
    as100351_conv 3rd-Ventricle value .083565200 is an outlier (avg = . +/-
checking subcortical label: 4th-Ventricle, . +/- .
    as100351_conv 4th-Ventricle value .152163600 is an outlier (avg = . +/-
checking subcortical label: Brain-Stem, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Brain-Stem value 1.515180400 is an outlier (avg = . +/-
checking subcortical label: Left-Hippocampus, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Left-Hippocampus value .329418900 is an outlier (avg = .
+/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Left-Amygdala, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Left-Amygdala value .146147500 is an outlier (avg = . +/-
checking subcortical label: Left-Insula, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-Operculum, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Line-1, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Line-2, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Line-3, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: CSF, . +/- .
    as100351_conv CSF value .103080900 is an outlier (avg = . +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Left-Lesion, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-Accumbens-area, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Left-Accumbens-area value .060014400 is an outlier (avg =
. +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Left-Substancia-Nigra, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-VentralDC, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Left-VentralDC value .304840900 is an outlier (avg = .
+/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Left-undetermined, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-vessel, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Left-vessel value .008143700 is an outlier (avg = . +/-
checking subcortical label: Left-choroid-plexus, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Left-choroid-plexus value .140791700 is an outlier (avg =
. +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Left-F3orb, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-lOg, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-aOg, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-mOg, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-pOg, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-Stellate, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-Porg, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-Aorg, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Cerebral-Exterior, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Cerebral-White-Matter, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Cerebral-Cortex, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Lateral-Ventricle, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Right-Lateral-Ventricle value .284664900 is an outlier
(avg = . +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Right-Inf-Lat-Vent, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Right-Inf-Lat-Vent value .009904500 is an outlier (avg =
. +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Right-Cerebellum-Exterior, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter value 1.212467100 is an
outlier (avg = . +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Right-Cerebellum-Cortex, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Right-Cerebellum-Cortex value 3.943269600 is an outlier
(avg = . +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Right-Thalamus, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Thalamus-Proper, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Right-Thalamus-Proper value .520393900 is an outlier (avg
= . +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Right-Caudate, 0 +/-
checking subcortical label: Right-Putamen, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Right-Putamen value .503959600 is an outlier (avg = . +/-
checking subcortical label: Right-Pallidum, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Right-Pallidum value .119368500 is an outlier (avg = .
+/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Right-Hippocampus, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Right-Hippocampus value .360013100 is an outlier (avg = .
+/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Right-Amygdala, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Right-Amygdala value .143212800 is an outlier (avg = .
+/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Right-Insula, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Operculum, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Lesion, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Accumbens-area, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Right-Accumbens-area value .065150100 is an outlier (avg
= . +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Right-Substancia-Nigra, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-VentralDC, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Right-VentralDC value .298237800 is an outlier (avg = .
+/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Right-undetermined, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-vessel, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Right-vessel value .005575900 is an outlier (avg = . +/-
checking subcortical label: Right-choroid-plexus, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Right-choroid-plexus value .143066100 is an outlier (avg
= . +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Right-F3orb, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-lOg, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-aOg, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-mOg, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-pOg, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Stellate, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Porg, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Aorg, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: 5th-Ventricle, . +/- .
    as100351_conv 5th-Ventricle value .000293400 is an outlier (avg = . +/-
checking subcortical label: Left-Interior, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Interior, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-Lateral-Ventricles, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Lateral-Ventricles, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: WM-hypointensities, . +/- .
    as100351_conv WM-hypointensities value .098165300 is an outlier (avg =
. +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Left-WM-hypointensities, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-WM-hypointensities, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: non-WM-hypointensities, . +/- .
    as100351_conv non-WM-hypointensities value .001393900 is an outlier
(avg = . +/- .)...
checking subcortical label: Left-non-WM-hypointensities, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-non-WM-hypointensities, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-F1, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-F1, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Optic-Chiasm, . +/- .
    as100351_conv Optic-Chiasm value .018635200 is an outlier (avg = . +/-
checking subcortical label: Corpus_Callosum, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-Amygdala-Anterior, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Amygdala-Anterior, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Dura, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-wm-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-caudate-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-putamen-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-accumbens-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-pallidum-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-amygdala-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-hippocampus-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-thalamus-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-VDC-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-wm-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-caudate-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-putamen-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-accumbens-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-pallidum-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-amygdala-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-hippocampus-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-thalamus-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-VDC-intensity-abnormality, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Epidermis, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Conn-Tissue, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: SC-Fat/Muscle, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: CSF-SA, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Muscle, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Ear, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Adipose, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Spinal-Cord, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Soft-Tissue, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Nerve, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Bone, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Air, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Orbital-Fat, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Tongue, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Nasal-Structures, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Globe, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Teeth, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-Caudate/Putamen, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Caudate/Putamen, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Left-Claustrum, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Right-Claustrum, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Cornea, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Diploe, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Vitreous-Humor, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Lens, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Aqueous-Humor, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Outer-Table, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Inner-Table, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Periosteum, . +/- .
checking subcortical label: Endosteum, . +/- .
as100351_conv has 34 outliers ...
Checking white matter SNR measurements...

SNR: Anatomical signal-to-noise ratio in white matter
mWM: Mean white matter intensity value
stdWM: Standard deviation of white matter intensity value
voxWM: Total number of white matter voxels in eroded mask
Running command:
/home/charles/Bureau/QAtools_v1.1/recon_all_wm-anat-snr_checker -subjid
as100351_conv -slog
wm-anat-snr results (as100351_conv):
SNR    meanWM    stdWM    voxWM
21,16    108,11    5,11    44847
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