Dear FreeSurfers,

I am trying to update an mris_pmake command line that works with the pub v5.3.0 
version with a new command line that works with pub v6.0.0 version. The purpose 
is to compute the distance between two vertex points on the pial surface using 
the cvs_avg35_inMNI152 brain. We are using CentOS (6.6 on the workstation 
running FS v5.3.0 and 7.4 on the workstation running FS v6.6.0) outside 
Martinos Center.


setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /usr/pubsw/packages/freesurfer/subjects

setenv SUBJECT cvs_avg35_inMNI152

Old command line (gives a reasonable result on v5.3.0):

mris_pmake --subject cvs_avg35_inMNI152_temp --hemi  lh --surface0 pial --curv0 
sulc --curv1 sulc --mpmOverlay euclidean --mpmProg pathFind --mpmArgs 
Start->End vertices                                 [ 121981->132633 ]
Total path cost                                          [ 29.668283 ]

If I try to run this on v6.0.0, I receive the error:

mris_pmake: unrecognized option '--surface0'

I first tried removing --surface0 option, but then the error becomes

mris_pmake: unrecognized option '--curv0'

I then tried removing the --curv0 and eventually --curv 1 options as well, but 
these gave more similar errors (unrecognized option) or core dumped.

Looking at older posts on the FreeSurfer list, I tried removing all three 
--surface0 --curv0 --curv 1 options, but this gives a clearly incorrect result 
where the startVertex and endVertex values are apparently not read from the 
command line:

Start->End vertices                                 [ 0->0 ]
Total path cost                                          [ 0.000000 ]

I tried renaming --surface0 to --surface and --curv0 to --curv, as it seems 
that some of the options have been renamed, and to some degree this worked as 
there were no more 'unrecognized option' errors. However, the result is still

Start->End vertices                                 [ 0->0 ]
Total path cost                                          [ 0.000000 ]

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Btw the command line documentation (mris_pmake --help) does not seem to be 
quite match the version distributed with FS v6.0.0, at least when it comes to 
the option names for surface and curve, and if there are separate definitions 
for 0 and 1.

Thank you!

Best regards,

Tommi Raij

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