Hi FreeSurfers,

A small group analysis question of fMRI data (fixed effects). The target
brain is "fsaverage".

I have resampled and averaged the stat maps across subjects in _spherical_
space using func2sph-sess / sphsmooth-sess / isxavg-fe-sess /
stxgrinder-sess. Viewing the results on a "fsaverage" surface with
tksurfer works fine, thanks.

Now I would like to also view the mean functional maps in 3D space
(tkmedit) on the "fsaverage" brain. This does not seem to work - obviously
because the results were calculated in spherical space and were never
resampled back to 3D space.

Is there a way to resample the group average from sperical space to 3D
space so that it could be viewed in tkmedit? Or is the only way to achieve
something like this to recalculate the analyses entirely in Talairach
space without using the spherical space?

To make the results actually comparable between 3D (tkmedit) and
surface-based (tksurfer) viewing, I think I should use the same type of
space for intersubject averaging - preferably spherical in both cases.

Hence, if a tool such as sph2func-sess exists (could not find it in the
wiki), or there is a workaround, any suggestions would be very much



Tommi Raij, M.D., Ph.D.
MGH/MIT/HMS Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Bldg 149, 13th St
Charlestown, MA 02129

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