
We want to use func_print_timecourse_selection (not labl_save) to output
the tables that contain the means across the label (with the bad vertex
points excluded by previously done masking). However I think the time
course functions are not compatible with the .w file format? Right, Doug?

Then, I guess the question is, how do we mask the bad vertex points out of
the time course volumes?


Hi Bruce & Surfers,

OK, we created a .w file and it looks at is should so part (a) below is
solved. However we cannot seem to extract a list of functional overlay
values of vertex points included in a label, which was why we needed to do
this in the first place.

Our goal is to get rid of some bad vertex points points in our functional
overlay by creating a mask that excluded them, then load a label, and use
labl_save to create a list of overlay values contained within the label
(that does not include the vertex points that were masked away).

Bruce, Kevin, Doug, any suggestions?



> Hi Tommi,
> the w-file format is sparse and doesn't have to cover the surface, but
the .mgz does.
> Bruce
> On Tue, 19 Jun 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Dear Fellow Surfers,
>> Is there a FreeSurfer way to mask a stat map overlay, on the inflated
cortical surface, in a way that the masked vertex points
>> (a) are transparent in the overlay display (just the underlying dark
gray/light gray curvature is showing)?
>> (b) do not effect label-specific HDR time courses (i.e., only unmasked
vertex points are taken into account when calculating the HDR curve)?
>> We can edit the stats map with our custom script to generate the mask
(e.g., mark all masked vertex points as 0 in the overlay), but it seems
that in a stats map every vertex point needs to have an overlay value
(i.e., we cannot just skip the vertex points we want to omit - right?).
>> Thanks!
>> -Tommi
>> ---
>> Tommi Raij, M.D., Ph.D.
>> MGH/MIT/HMS Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging Bldg
149, 13th St
>> Charlestown, MA 02129
>> U.S.A.
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