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Hello everyone,

I am using Freesurfer 6.0 on linux cluster.

We are analyzing CBF data (ASL derived) coupled with fMRI task in
longitudinal design. The fMRI data was analyzed in FS-FAST (with
paired-diff) and now we want to repeat the group analyses on CBF maps. So
far I registered the ASL data to individual anatomy and successfully
transformed into fsaverage surface space (and smoothed afterwards). The
data looks good so far - I can overlay it on inflated fsaverage surface.

My question is: how to stack the data for further mri_glmfit processing? I
suppose I should use mris_preproc for this purpose, but I am at loss with
which flags are appropriate and hoe to use CBF maps as an input here.

So far I did as follows for all the subjects, timepoints and hemispheres:

bbregister --s Sub01_I --mov Sub01_I_CBF.nii.gz --t2 --reg Sub01_I_reg.dat ;

mri_vol2surf --src Sub01_I_CBF.nii.gz --trgsubject fsaverage --out
Sub01_I_CBF_to_surf_lh.nii.gz --srcreg Sub01_I_reg.dat --hemi lh

mris_fwhm --s fsaverage --hemi lh --fwhm 5 --smooth-only --i
Sub01_I_CBF_to_surf_lh.nii.gz --o Sub01_I_CBF_to_surf_lh_smooth.nii.gz;

I would really appreciate your help.



Beata Brzeska
Medical University of Gdansk, Poland
Radiology Department
Beata Brzeska
Zakład Radiologii
Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kliniczne w Gdańsku
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