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Hi, FS experts!
I used a retinotopy paradigm with four stationary wedges located at the horizontal and vertical meridians. (checkerboard flickering at 8Hz, 4 conditions, 16 seconds each * 4 repetitions:
1. upper half of the vertical meridian
2. right half of the horizontal meridian
3. lower half of the vertical meridian
4. left half of the horizontal meridian
I used a standard block paradigm and four f-contrasts were set (1-vs-234, 2-vs-134, 3-vs-124 and 4-vs-123). I'm trying to draw ROIs of V1, V2 and V3, so I want to display all the contrast on one surface. Since the paradigm is not a typical rotating wedge paradigm, I failed to use the instruction from FS wiki (http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsFastIndividualRetinotopyAnalysis) . I also tried the command: tksurfer-sess -s subjid -a meridian.lh -call.
My question is:
How to display all four contrasts in one time to identify the localization of V1, V2 and v3.

-more info: FS version 6.0, osx system

Any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!


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