External Email - Use Caution        

*Doctoral Student*

*Neuroscientist with focus on electrophysiology and imaging in Parkinson
disease patients *

The *clinic of neurology, imaging and neurostimulation group
(http://imaging-neurostim.com <http://imaging-neurostim.com>) University of
Mainz*, Germany, invites applications for a

*PhD Student  *

for a functional translational neuroscience (FTN) scholarship three year
position to work on electrophysiology and imaging in Parkinson disease (PD)
patients. A project with multimodality usage of modalities like
electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging
(fMRI) to analyze network fingerprints in PD patients.

The successful applicant holds a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in a
relevant academic area such as *basic life sciences, neuropsychology,
applied* *mathematics or biomedical engineering or similar disciplines. *German
language proficiency is mandatory for communicating with the patients. The
working language at the institute is English. Experience with
electrophysiology and the analysis of brain signals is advantageous, but
not essential. The applicant’s merits are assessed on the basis of the
quality of Master’s level studies and thesis, previous experience with the
brain imaging, motivation and research interests.

The location for this research will mainly be the workgroups “*Section of
Movement Disorders, Neurostimulation and Neuroimaging*“ of Prof. Sergiu
Groppa at the Department of Neurology and “*Biomedical Statistics and
Multimodal Signal Processing Unit*” of Prof. Muthuraman Muthuraman, both at
the Focus Program Translational Neurosciences (http://www.ftn.uni-mainz.de/)
and Neuroimaging Centre Mainz (http://www.ftn.nic.uni-mainz.de/). Expected
close collaborations with national and international partners.

The application should include a statement of research interests, a
curriculum vitae (max. 4 pages) composed according to good scientific
practice, a certificate of Master’s degree, copy of the master’s thesis and
grades of Master’s level studies, the names and e-mail addresses of two
referees and a proof of proficiency in English.

The position will be open until filled. To apply for the position, please
send the above documents as pdfs until 15.02.2019 to* Prof. Sergiu Groppa*,
and *Prof. Muthuraman Muthuraman*, Department of Neurology, Section of
movement disorders and neurostimulation, University of Mainz,
Langenbeckstrasse 1, 55131 Mainz, Germany, or by Email to
<http://uni-mainz.de>; mmuthura(at)uni-mainz.de <http://uni-mainz.de>*. For
additional information please contact* Muthuraman Muthuraman.  *
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