External Email - Use Caution        

Multiple postdoc positions in cognitive neuroscience and computational
neuroscience are available in the Opitz Lab, University of Minnesota! The
lab works in the field of brain stimulation (with the focus on the
transcranial methods – TMS, tACS/tDCS) across multiple levels of
investigation. We conduct both computational research (using resources of
Minnesota Supercomputing Institute) and human experimental research (EEG,
ECoG, functional and structural MRI, psychophysics). In collaboration with
other labs at the University of Minnesota, we perform basic research in
animal models. Through the direct vicinity to the Medical School and Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, we have several collaborators who study
brain stimulation in clinical populations.

We are looking for a postdoc to contribute to our ongoing projects:
closed-loop TMS-EEG, multiscale modeling of TMS/tACS, human research in
neurophysiology of TMS/tACS, cognitive effects of brain stimulation in
healthy humans and patients; or develop their own research agendas.
Interest and ability to integrate into a multidisciplinary team is

The ideal candidate should have Ph.D. in applied quantitative field
(Engineering, Physics, or Applied Mathematics) or life sciences
(Neuroscience, Human Biology, or Cognitive Science). Strong technical and
computational skills are preferred, but candidates with strong human
experimental background are also encouraged to apply.

The Opitz lab is committed to the career advancement of its members. We
offer a diverse and inclusive environment with numerous opportunities for
members to develop their own projects and support for fellowships and
career development awards.

Informal inquiries can be made to: aop...@umn.edu
See more on the website: http://opitzlab.umn.edu/join_us
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