try setting your SUBJECTS_DIR to the full path instead of "./"

On 12/4/19 2:48 PM, Rellick, Stephanie wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> Hello,
> I am having an issue with the mri_label2label command.
> What I did was mri merge of the BA4 a and p labels for each hemisphere 
> from the fsaverage files, ending up with a lh.BA4.label and a 
> rh.BA4.label.
> I am wanting to now map the fsaverage lh.BA4.label and rh.BA4.label 
> onto the individual subjects into my study, and was told that to do 
> this, I needed to create those same labels using the BA4 a & p labels 
> in the individual subject label file, and then run the command 
> mri_label2label.
> This is the command that I am running:
> mri_label2label --srcsubject fsaverage --srclabel lh.BA4.label 
> --trgsubject SRMC01_1.long.SRMC01 --trglabel lh.BA4.label --regmethod 
> surface --hemi lh
> And it keeps giving me this error message:
> srclabel = lh.BA4.label
> srcsubject = fsaverage
> trgsubject = SRMC01_1.long.SRMC01
> trglabel = lh.BA4.label
> regmethod = surface
> srchemi = lh
> trghemi = lh
> trgsurface = white
> srcsurfreg = sphere.reg
> trgsurfreg = sphere.reg
> usehash = 1
> Use ProjAbs= 0, 0
> Use ProjFrac = 0, 0
> DoPaint 0
> FREESURFER_HOME /Applications/freesurfer
> Loading source label.
> Found 7403 points in source label.
> Starting surface-based mapping
> Reading source registration
> .//fsaverage/surf/lh.sphere.reg
> Rescaling ...original radius = 100
> Reading target surface
> .//SRMC01_1.long.SRMC01/surf/lh.white
> MRISread(.//SRMC01_1.long.SRMC01/surf/lh.white): could not open file
> No such file or directory
> ERROR: could not read .//SRMC01_1.long.SRMC01/surf/lh.white
> The lh.white file is definitely in the surface folder under that 
> subject so I'm not sure why is says there is no such file or directory.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
> Stephanie
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