External Email - Use Caution        

Hello Jessica,

please see my inline reponses below.

Best regards,


On Mo, 2019-12-02 at 02:48 +0000, Hua, Jessica wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution        
> Hi FreeSurfer Experts,
> I used the longitudinal pipeline and analyzed my data using the
> univariate linear mixed effects models.  I had a couple of questions:
> 1) The model outputted the F and p values.  How do I calculate the
> effect size?

There are some standardized effect sizes for LME models described in
the literature, but none are, as far as I know, included in the lme
toolbox, so one would still need to implement them.

In my opinion, it's therefore easiest to express the magnitude of
changes / differences in terms of unstandardized effect sizes, i.e. the
beta coefficients estimated by the model.

> 2) How do I plot my analyses?  I would like to create a plot for
> change in CC volume with eBAC. Below is my model:
>  Yij = ß1 + ß2(timeij) + ß3(eBACi) + ß4*estimated eBACi*timeij +
> ß5(genderi) ß6(intracranial volumei) + b1i + b2i(timeij) + eij.

That really depends on how your plot should look like, and may require
some custom Matlab programming. For 'spaghetti'-style plots (i.e. a
bunch of individual slopes), have you explored the 'lme_timePlot'

> Thank you for your help!
> Jessica
> ---
> Jessica Hua, M.A.
> Cognitive and Emotional Control Lab
> Doctoral Candidate Clinical Psychology 
> University of Missouri
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