On 11/29/2019 4:27 AM, 于倩倩 wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution


I have some questions about the command of mri_vol2surf and mri_surf2surf

1. For fMRI data, I find previous paper reported that they used standard SPM8 
preprocessing routines, no normalize to standard MNI152 template. The T-map 
images were translated to the individual cortical surface by using mri_vol2surf 
function, and then by using mri_sur2surf, all images were translated to the 
fsaverage space for intersubject comparison. But for me, I use the FsFAST to 
analysis our fMRI data and get each individual P-value result about sig.nii.gz. 
How do I use mri_surf2surf function, for translating to fsaverage space? Would 
I use the preprocessing with fsaverage directly?

It might already be on fsaverage, depending upon how you did the analysis. What 
was your mkanalysis-sess command?

2. For quantitative T1 and MTV data, the pervious paper reported that they used 
similar method (mri_vol2surf and mri_surf2surf).

Where can I get the register.dat, when I use the mri_vol2surf function? May I 
understand it estimates the the relation fMRI and T1? Would I use the 
mri_vol2surf function and obtain an individual's surf data in fsaverage space 

Use bbregister

3. For labels, can I make a mask about the BA44 area in which structure is 
simile with the file sig.nii.gz? How?
Again, it depends on what space your sig.nii.gz is in. If it is in fsaverage 
space, then you don't need to do anything more

Best wished!
Qianqian Yu

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