RE: [FRnOG] Marque & Prix pour DWDM Passif ?

2011-09-07 Par sujet Bernd SPIESS

if you need a dedicated specialist for wdm and sfp´s, i can recommend
thomas from flexoptic as dedicated heavy focused sfp/xfp/gbic specialized 
or peter for all the wdm stuff - see their contacts in cc 

best regards

On 9/7/11 2:10 PM, "Ducassou Laurent"  wrote:

>J¹envoie ce petit sujet après avoir consulter les archives de la ML sur
>un an environ. J'ai pu constater qu'un sujet existe mais hélas, beaucoup
>de réponses se sont fait en offlist d'après les écrits.
>J'aurais besoin d'être aiguiller vers des marques fiables pour du DWDM
>passif et le plus important si possible si vous avez des idées de prix
>(en 1paire/lien) pour des mux/demux à 8/16/32 canaux (si possible
>extensible pour les 8/16 canaux) et sur les OADM 1/2/4 canaux.
>Merci d'avance.
>Liste de diffusion du FRnOG

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2011-06-23 Par sujet Bernd SPIESS
see my last written recommendations in the cogent thread

a few more suggestions to find out by yourself if sparkle is an interesting 

see a customer base here:
if you know anyone of these you can ask

analyze the network maps - especially the fiber and ip path´s from
your point of interconnect - paris seems to be good interconnected
as you see 6 different path´s in 6 different geographic directions.
but be careful - it can also be a logical picture which doesn´t tell you
anything about the really used fiber routes.
compare this picture if you are located for example in warsaw - 
so each carriers doesn´t fit for everyone - it depends where you are and
where you want to communicate to

analyze the peering memberships - a pop doesn't help if it is not interconnected
with the national ix´es... analyze the membership lists of france-ix, panap,
equinix etc... but also other main hubs around you - Amsterdam, London,
Madrid, Milano, Zurich, Frankfurt especially have an eye if you see the 
to other large networks in Amsterdam - a, for french customers well suited 
should be directly interconnected to most other tier-1 and near-tier-1 direct 
in paris and
not in amsterdam, frankfurt or London - you can find out typical via looking 
glass or transit-trial.
but think also on private interconnects - if networks are heavily 
interconnected on
private base a peering-point membership is not a must-have. (but it´s 
suspicious to have no 
direct interconnect to medium and small networks then)

analyze the peering strategy - does your carrier of choice peers only with 
other tier-1
and with no one else or does it come down with peerings to a medium size (eG 
interoute or lambdanet)
or even to a tiny size like - expect potential longer ways to smaller 
networks from
carriers who doesn´t peer with smaller networks - you can find out the peering 
by analyzing the peering matrix of some internet exchanges who publish this 

if you are a carrier who is focused on getting many large peerings by yourself 
it´s often a
well know strategy to take only the two largest tier-1 carriers and nothing 
else - this
traffic path is the worst case for many medium sized network who must pay for 
traffic and then have a potential larger interest in peering with you.
if you are not involved in this, a mixture of a large worldwide tier-1 with a 
well peered 
european player can potentially make more sence...

so a few more suggestions for you - hopefully it´s a help

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [] Im Auftrag von Renaud
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011 09:16
An: Liste FRnoG
Betreff: [FRnOG] SPARKLE

Bonjour tout le monde,

Bon je vois que le débat fait rage concernant COGENT !!! Pour ma part je suis 
actuellement en réflexion concernant SPARKLE (telecom italia) notamment pour du 
trafic IP plutôt hors de france.

Puisque le sujet va un peu au-delà de la simple qualité mais se porte aussi du 
coté "opérateur sympa plutôt que voyou", quelqu'un est-il (ou a
été) client chez eux ?

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Liste de diffusion du FRnOG

AW: [FRnOG] Cogent

2011-06-23 Par sujet Bernd SPIESS
hi sebastien

your input that they reported that all the problems are solved now can be true 
or cannot be true - it´s marketing - you talked imho
with a sales guy and not with the peering engineer who really knows about the 
peering situation with other european tier-1 and tier-2  networks

make your own picture - start your browser - define 30 or 40 targets all over 
Europe - from east to west - from north
to south, and compare one time rtt/traceroute times from cogent with other 
typical tier-1/tier-2 carriers on base of their looking glasses.
(no endless ping - just a manual ping or traceroute - to have better results 
you can repeat each path 3 times and take always the best value of all tries)
use paris or alternatively frankfurt as source for all carriers - regarding 
targets i´d recommend the webservers of the
European internet exchanges - here you can mostly be sure that it's there where 
you believe the server to be...
eg is for sure in vienna, is for sure in dublin, is for sure in London etc...

- then you know if they solved it. watch carefully on tracerouts via new-york - 
if you don´t see any they really made it...
I do this test for about 5 years now and repeat it every 6 month - I have a 
long list of blacklisted ip transit carriers because
of that and also knows who is getting better and who is getting worse...

think also the other way round - taking a probably bad carrier brings you bad 
inner-european routes via usa or other continents - this is known well...
but also think on the other side - if you have a larger customer base it´s also 
a problem for you, if your customers
have much communication with servers or users in europe who has this fictive 
bad carrier as their only upstream.
your customer will shout on you - no matter if you took the expensive quality 
carrier - it´s your problem - you have to solve it...
here a suggestion can be a paid peering beside the main "quality" upstream - so 
you avoid possibly bad transit ways or bad peerings to other tier-1 via this 
fictive bad carrier - but you keep
ultimately the closest and fastest way to all servers and user of this fictive 
bad carrier... so your issue is solved

a third commercial aspect is the multihoming szenario - if you pay 1 euro for 
cogent and sell for example for 5 euro to your customer -
a paid peering to cogent would be a commercial win if you deliver traffic to 
multihomed customers - as you are rated as cogent customer
you will always win the traffic path against any other big carrier who "only" 
run´s a peering with cogent because a customer is anywhere
in the world better rated as any peering. so a paid peering could commercial 
bring in much more money as it costs and solves for sure the technical part 
written above...

best regards from austria - (and sorry for english - I don´t speak french but I 
listen via google translation :)  )

Von: [] Im Auftrag von 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011 21:35
Betreff: [FRnOG] Cogent


Aujourd'hui j'ai longuement discuté avec une personne travaillant chez Cogent. 
J'ai évoqué les différents problèmes lié a l'utilisation de leur réseau (ping 
élevé, pour joindre Paris de Paris je fais un détour vers Londres,  etc...)

Donc à première vue tous ces problèmes ( ?!?) seraient réglés m'a ton dit !!
En gros ils auraient enfin réussi a faire upgrader FT pour éviter les 
engorgements et problème d'accès connu récemment...

Maintenant, Cogent aurait retrouvé une stabilité et qualité de transit IP !

Avez-vous remarqués depuis ces derniers mois, une amélioration et/ou qualité de 
transit ? Perte de paquets diminué, ping normal  ...

Le mail n'a pas pour but de lancer une polémique ou troll sur Cogent (Pas 
encore vendredi ;) ), mais juste a avoir des remontées d'informations !

J'aimerais bien connaitre votre point de vue !!

Merci par avance pour vos remarques constructives.

[FRnOG] question regarding panap/telehouse2

2010-01-23 Par sujet Bernd SPIESS
hi frnog list

(sorry to write in english to this list - but) i have 2 questions:

1.  does someone know a contact regarding panap membership or can help with 

2.  does someone has a few free heigh units at telehouse2?

thanx & best regards from autriche.
bernd spiess