[Frugalware-git] homepage-ng: Newsletter issue 69

2010-08-19 Thread AKA phayz

commit 09d28ca03aff58e87b29c59365afdc46163e0ed1
Author: Russell Dickenson (AKA phayz) ph...@frugalware.org
Date:   Thu Aug 19 23:55:33 2010 +1000

Newsletter issue 69

new file:   issue69.html
modified:   ../xml/news.xml

diff --git a/frugalware/weeklynews/issue69.html 
new file mode 100644
index 000..df5e252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frugalware/weeklynews/issue69.html
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+  h2Frugalware Linux Newsletter - Issue 69/h2
+  h2...to inform...to educate...to entertain/h2
+  pquot;“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can 
+  today and make a new ending.”quot;nbsp;nbsp;emMaria Robinson/em/p
+  h2Welcome/h2
+  pThe newsletter's aim is to keep you up to date with what's happened
+  recently in the world of the Linux distribution 'Frugalware'./p
+  pFeatures of this issue include:/p
+  ul
+liFrugalware release party has been cancelled/li
+liTips and tricks - Be bold and try a new font!/li
+liFocus On Package(s) - NetSurf and gbainy/li
+  /ul
+  h2img src=http://frugalware.org/images/newsletter/event.png; 
align=leftEvents etc/h2
+  pHere's a selection of recent events and other items that you might find
+  interesting:/p
+  h3Frugalware release party has been cancelled/h3
+  pIn newsletter issue 66, it was announced that the Frugalware 1.3 release
+  party was to be hosted by Danish translator - beecarl - at his house. Drinks
+  and food were all arranged, and all travel arrangements made, with developers
+  and contributors traveling by plane, train, car, bus and donkey. It's with
+  great sadness then, that we have to announce that the release party has been
+  cancelled. Beecarl instead decided to jump ship (to use an English-language
+  phrase), more accurately, he jumped on a ship. If you don't believe it, 
+  read his a href=http://frugalware.dk/?p=593;blog/a entry. It's hard to
+  believe that he would prefer a free and easy life on the open sea to hosting 
+  noisy party for a large number of geeks. Oh well, maybe he'll have returned 
+  time for 1.4's release party? Until then we'll just sit here and look out 
+  the ocean... /p
+  h2img src=http://frugalware.org/images/newsletter/package.png; 
align=leftNew Packages/h2
+  pNo new packages have been added to Frugalware since the last newsletter
+  issue, but that's not because the developers are taking a break. With
+  Frugalware release 1.3 - code-name Haven - due soon, new packages are not
+  allowed. Until 1.3 is released the developers are focused on fixing existing
+  bugs. New packages must wait until after 1.3 has been released./p
+  h2img src=http://frugalware.org/images/newsletter/tip.png; 
align=leftTips and tricks/h2
+  pbDisclaimer/b - Be aware that the hints amp; tips provided here have
+  NOT been tested and so come with no warranty./p
+  h3Be bold and try a new font!/h3
+  pGeeks are generally known as risk-takers, constantly living life on the
+  edge, taking chances and daring to dream. It only makes sense, then, that you
+  might like to take this to the extreme and try some new monospace fonts in
+  your terminal emulator. There are some excellent monospace TrueType fonts
+  available, packaged for Frugalware. Terminus looks like a bitmap font (and 
+  bitmap version is available in another package), very square and very easy to
+  read, even at quite a small size. It was designed to ease eyestrain over long
+  coding sessions. Monaco looks much like the default monospace font on Apple
+  PCs. It's more rounded and with some letters having serifs, looks more
+  stylish than some other monospace fonts. DejaVu Sans Mono, Droid Sans Mono 
+  Liberation Mono look very similar and each are excellent fonts. Any one of
+  these could be just the font you're looking for so please - install and try
+  them all./p
+  h3Remove orphaned packages/h3
+  pEvery now and then you should search for a remove orphaned packages. As
+  stated in pacman-g2's man page, they were installed as a dependency (i.e. 
+  installed explicitly) and are not required by any other packages. Since
+  they're no longer required, they're simply using disk space for no good
+  reason. Entering the following command will give you a list of orphaned
+  packages, which you can then have pacman-g2 remove./p
+  prepacman -Qe/pre
+  pThis section relies on your contributions! If you have some tips and
+  tricks that you would like to be shown in the newsletter, emplease/em
+  post them on the forums./p
+  h2img src=http://frugalware.org/images/newsletter/package.png; 
align=leftFocus On Package(s)/h2
+  h3NetSurf/h3
+  pa href=http://www.netsurf-browser.org;NetSurf/a describes itself as
+  Small as a mouse, fast as a cheetah, and available for free. NetSurf is a
+  portable web 

[Frugalware-git] homepage-ng: Newsletter issue 69

2010-08-19 Thread AKA phayz

commit 5cea1fa10ea28311395c8f36fb9e307ce00f7173
Author: Russell Dickenson (AKA phayz) ph...@frugalware.org
Date:   Thu Aug 19 23:57:56 2010 +1000

Newsletter issue 69

* corrected latest news items

modified:   news.xml

diff --git a/frugalware/xml/news.xml b/frugalware/xml/news.xml
index 32a01c0..3eaf156 100644
--- a/frugalware/xml/news.xml
+++ b/frugalware/xml/news.xml
@@ -32,10 +32,9 @@ Example: Mon, 07 Aug 2006 12:34:56 -0600 --
recently in the world of Frugalware.br /
Features of this issue include:
-  liNew Frugalware package contributor/li
-  liKernel 2.6.35/li
-  liTips and tricks - What's contained in package X?/li
-  liFocus on Package(s) - Googsystray and gst123/li
+liFrugalware release party has been cancelled/li
+liTips and tricks - Be bold and try a new font!/li
+liFocus On Package(s) - NetSurf and gbainy/li
You can read it a href=/newsletter/69here/a. We hope you enjoy reading it.
Frugalware-git mailing list

[Frugalware-git] homepage-ng: Newsletter issue 69

2010-08-19 Thread AKA phayz

commit c2440ffdbedb38b77f058400305966c065096e74
Author: Russell Dickenson (AKA phayz) ph...@frugalware.org
Date:   Fri Aug 20 00:00:12 2010 +1000

Newsletter issue 69

* removed double quote marks from quote

modified:   issue69.html

diff --git a/frugalware/weeklynews/issue69.html 
index df5e252..fc6162a 100644
--- a/frugalware/weeklynews/issue69.html
+++ b/frugalware/weeklynews/issue69.html
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@

h2...to inform...to educate...to entertain/h2

-  pquot;“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can 
-  today and make a new ending.”quot;nbsp;nbsp;emMaria Robinson/em/p
+  pquot;Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start
+  today and make a new ending.quot;nbsp;nbsp;emMaria Robinson/em/p

Frugalware-git mailing list

[Frugalware-git] homepage-ng: Newsletter issue 69

2010-08-19 Thread AKA phayz

commit 503bc8c7ddde122f23d90e9ba823034f807d88af
Author: Russell Dickenson (AKA phayz) ph...@frugalware.org
Date:   Fri Aug 20 00:03:05 2010 +1000

Newsletter issue 69

* correcting HTML formatting of security table

modified:   issue69.html

diff --git a/frugalware/weeklynews/issue69.html 
index fc6162a..0db22e1 100644
--- a/frugalware/weeklynews/issue69.html
+++ b/frugalware/weeklynews/issue69.html
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
pHere is a list of a href=/securitysecurity issues/a which have been
discovered and fixed in the 1.2 release since the previous newsletter./p

-  ptable border=1 cellpadding=5 
To/th/trtrtdFSA685/tdtddrupal6-views/tdtdSee FSA684 for 
+  table border=1 cellpadding=5 
To/th/trtrtdFSA685/tdtddrupal6-views/tdtdSee FSA684 for 
trtdFSA684/tdtddrupal-views/tdtdMultiple vulnerabilities have been 
reported in the Views module for Drupal, which can be exploited by malicious 
people to conduct cross-site request forgery, and cross-site scripting 
trtdFSA683/tdtddrupal6-filefield/tdtdSee FSA682 for 
trtdFSA682/tdtddrupal-filefield/tdtdA vulnerability has been 
reported in the FileField module for Drupal, which can be exploited by 
malicious users to conduct script insertion 
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
trtdFSA679/tdtddrupal-cck/tdtdA vulnerability has been reported in 
the Drupal Content Construction Kit, which can be exploited by malicious users 
to disclose sensitive information/tdtddrupal-cck-5.x_1.12-1locris1/td/tr
trtdFSA678/tdtdnss/tdtdA vulnerability has been reported in Network 
Security Services (NSS), which can be exploited by malicious people to 
manipulate certain data/tdtdnss-3.12.6-1locris1/td/tr
trtdFSA677/tdtdpcre/tdtdMichael Santos has discovered a 
vulnerability in PCRE, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a 
DoS (Denial of Service) or potentially compromise an application using the 
-  /table/p
+  /table

h2img src=http://frugalware.org/images/newsletter/newsletter.png; 
align=leftAbout the newsletter/h2
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