Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Mime-Version: 1.0

2000-08-16 Thread Angus MacLeod

richards wrote:

> Hallo Aonghais,
> Ciamar a tha an-diugh?  Tha mi an dochas gu bheil ant-side mhath ann an
> Cape Bretainn.
> How are you today? I hope that the weather is good in CB.


That a' ghrian ris a nis, a' cheud sgeul a fhuair sinn dhi o chionn sheachdainn 's
a còrr tha i air a bhith neulach, ceòthach, frasach agus car gruamach air
uairean. Agus tha an fhlichead suas gu ceud as ceud an diugh. an aig a tha fios? Tha an t-sìde an seo cho caochlaideach.

Is the sun visible now, the first sign that got we of-her since a week and more...
is it on being cloudy, foggy, showery and a bit gloomy at times. And is the
humidity up to one hundred out-of one hundred today the next week.who at
is knowledge? Is the weather here so changeable.

The sun is out now, the first sign we've had of it in more than a's been
cloudd, foggy, showery, and a bit gloomy at times. And the humidity is up to 100%
today next week who knows? The weather here is so changeable.

> Cha robh mi a'Cholaisde roimh. Bidh mi toilichte ag dol sin.
> I wasn't at the College before. I will be happy going there.(...really
> wanted to say...I am looking forward to being there...

Perhaps "Tha mi a' coimhead air adhairt ri bhith ann." , but I'm not completely
sure. It seems right to me. To be sure, you could try, "Tha mi a' coimhead air
adhairt ri mo thurus do 'n Cholaisde." -- I am looking forward to my trip to the

> Tha i aite nuadh, tha mi a'smaoineachadh.
> It is a new place, I think.

Tha e air a bhith ann fad trì bliadhna no mar sin.Is it on being there length
three years or like that.
It's been there three years or so.

Tha Gàidhlig gu leòir aig Leslie McDaniel, agus ise 'na ban-riaghlaidh an sin.
Is Gaelic enough at LMD, and she in-her manager there.
LMD, the manager there, has a lot of Gaelic.

> Tha fios agam a *Shining Waters*
> agus tha am biadh math an-seo.
> I know the SW ( restaurant) and the food is good  there.

'S aithne dhomh "Shiniing Waters" ciudeachd. Tha mi a' comh-còrdadh riut.Is
recognized to-me SW also. Am I agreeing with you.
I know the SW too. I agree with you.

> A bheil thu a' teasasg an seo?
> Are you teaching there?

Bithidh mi a' teagaisg an sin gu dearbh. Agus ag ionnsachadh cuideachd aig na
"native speakers" a tha gus a bhith ann. ;)

Will-be I teaching there indeed. And learning also at the native speakers who are
to be there.

I'll be teaching there indeed. And learning also from the native speakers who are
to be there.

Bithidh sinn 'gad fhaicinn,
We'll be seeing you..

Le meas,

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-16 Thread Angus MacLeod

Leslie Gadallah wrote:

> Aonghais, choir, tha fios agad a nach bi na ceistean ghòraiche leam
> air son bidh mi eòlach.  :)
> Angus, dear, you know that the silly questions from me are not
> because I am learned.  (Speaking of which, I don't feel good about this
> sentence.  Corrections would be appreciated.)

Leslie agus a h-uile duine,

Chanainn:  Tha fios agad nach bi na céistean ghòrach agam o 'n a bhios mi eòlach.

Uill, chan eil mise eòlach air a' Ghàidhlig  na 's motha. Chan eil ach triùir 's
aithne dhomh air feadh an t-saoghail mu dheidhinn  a chanainn gu robh iad fior
eòlach air a' Ghàidhlig. 'S e canain dhomhainn a th' innte... 's dòcha leam gur a
h-e sin a dheanas cho binn breagha brìghmhor i...

Well, am not I knowledgeable on the Gaelic either.. Are not but three (people)
recognized (?) to-me all over the world about that would-say-I that were they
knowledgebale on thh Gaelic. Is it language deep that is in-her... I suppose that
is that that will-make so melodious, beautiful, substantial her.

Well, I'm not learned either. There are only three people I know about whom I
woulld  say that they were truly larned in Gaelic. It's a deep language... I
suppose that's what makes it so melodic, beautiful, and substantial.  (
"Sunstantial" is a very poor word to use here, but I can't think of a bbetter

Le meas,

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -