[GainsNet] Forwarded message.

2001-09-05 Thread Babar Malik

>From WAND (Women's Action for New Direction)
WAND, Women's Action for New Directions
National Field Office
464 Cherokee Avenue, SE
Suite 201
Atlanta, GA  30312

(404) 524-5999 (ph)
(404) 524-7593 (fax)

Mission:  To empower women to act politically to
reduce militarism and violence and to redirect
excessive military spending toward unmet human and
environmental needs.

By Swanee Hunt and Cristina Posa
Foreign Policy: The Magazine of Global Politics,
Economics, and Ideas

You can't end wars simply by declaring peace.
"Inclusive security"
rests on the principle that fundamental social changes
are necessary to prevent renewed hostilities. Women
have proven time and again their unique ability to
bridge seemingly insurmountable divides. So
why aren't they at the negotiating table?

For full article, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or go to
the Foreign Poilcy

The Internet is invaluable in enabling the inclusive
security approach advocated in this article. The Web
offers not only a wealth of information
but, just as important, relatively cheap and easy
access for citizens worldwide. Most of the women's
peace-building activities and strategies
explored in this article can be found on the Web site
of Women Waging PeaceĀ—a collaborative venture of
Harvard University's John F. Kennedy
School of Government and the nonprofit organization
Hunt Alternatives, which
recognize the essential role and contribution of women
in preventing violent
conflict, stopping war, reconstructing ravaged
societies, and sustaining peace in fragile areas
around the world. On the site, women active in
conflict areas can communicate with each other without
fear of retribution
via a secure server. The women submit narratives
detailing their
strategies, which can then be read on the public Web
site. The site also features a video archive of
interviews with each of these women. You need a
password to
view these interviews, so contact Women Waging Peace
online or call (617) 868-3910.

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in
Europe (OSCE) is an outstanding resource for
qualitative and quantitative studies of women's
involvement in conflict prevention. Start with the
final report of the
Supplementary Implementation Meeting: Gender Issues
(Vienna: unifem, 1999), posted on the group's Web
site. The United Nations Development Fund for Women
(UNIFEM) also publishes reports on its colorful and
easy-to-navigate site. The fund's informative book,
Women at the Peace Table: Making a Difference (New
York: UNIFEM, 2000), available online, features
interviews with some of today's most prominent women
peacemakers, including Hanan
Ashrawi and Mo Mowlam.

For a look at how globalization is changing women's
roles in governments, companies, and militaries, read
Cynthia Enloe's Bananas, Beaches and
Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001). In
Maneuvers: The International Politics of
Militarizing Women's Lives (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 2000),
Enloe examines the military's effects on women,
whether they are soldiers or soldiers' spouses. For a
more general discussion of where feminism fits into
academia and policymaking, see "Searching for the
Princess? Feminist Perspectives in International
Relations" (The Harvard International Review,
Fall 1999) by J. Ann Tickner, associate professor of
international relations at the University of Southern

The Fall 1997 issue of FOREIGN POLICY magazine
features two articles that highlight how women
worldwide are simultaneously gaining political clout
also bearing the brunt of poverty: "Women in Power:
>From Tokenism to Critical Mass" by Jane S. Jaquette
and "Women in Poverty: A New Global Underclass" by
Mayra Buvinic.


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[GainsNet] Forwarded message

2001-08-26 Thread Babar Malik

>= Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear True Expert,
Please increase your knowledge by sharing it with me!
Read on.
I am doing research on Banking-Exclusion with special
reference to women.I realize that women are the most
excluded in anything anywhere.Therefore true positive
action can only be taken by women.
I am a man raised by rural women in a Kenyan village.I
have seen strength in  women from my Grand mother to
my mother and the other women of the village.I believe
this is Both of the not alphabetically literate but
took me to alphabetization school. My Grand Mother a
great Economist even bought me a fountain pen before I
went to school.This was at a time when discriminated
African kids spent a
years  writing on the soil before advancing to write
on a slate. I therefore see women as strong people
with a knack for tactical and strategic action.
I have  noted the exploitation by the 'isms'
of the times. I however see women as rich exploited
people requiring a process with which they can
confront exploitation and  exclusion.
Like the African enslaved people who build America,
they were exploited not because they were weak but
because they were strong .While there is so much stuff
on women participation and empowerment i wish to argue
that this is basic manipulation. For sure look
back you will see that the position of women has
changed little in fact it may have worsened.People can
only include themselves no body can include another
without taking away some of their freedoms to live and
to create culture.The general trend is for
women to be driven  from the frying pan to the fire
thanks to projects of participation and empowerment. I
think we should move beyond Grameen!

Now i need help in 3 things;
1.Good reading references including web sites
2.Funding to do research
3.more ideas

I hope you have suggestions for me.Please send them
immeadiately.I however nothing material to give but I
have some ideas in people banking,co-operatives and
training acquired in my small village and
also in working in East,Central and Southern Africa.I
can exchange this with anybody interested.

Thank you







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