Re: [galaxy-dev] Uncaught Error When Installing Tools From Toolshed

2017-07-24 Thread Adrià Cereto i Massagué
I had the same issue.

Thanks to Marius van den Beek's help we figured out it was due to a known
bug and, since I was running from *master* instead of the release branch,
although it had been fixed, the fix hadn't been backported to the
*master *branch

So changing branch:

git checkout release_17.05

And restarting Galaxy fixed the issue.

*Adrià Cereto i Massagué*

Centre de Ciències Òmiques (COS)

Unitat Mixta URV-Eurecat
Av. Universitat, 1.
43204 Reus (Catalonia)
Tel: +34 977 77 53 31 <%2B34%20977%2077%2014%2009>
Extensió URV: 4841

Languages: Català, Castellano, English, Deutsch, Français, Português

2017-06-07 13:59 GMT+02:00 Berner, Thomas :

> Hi everybody,
> is there something new about this? We have the same problem since we
> installed the latest galaxy release after some time last week. Our local
> integrated tools and the tools from the galaxy distribution itself work
> fine, but all toolshed tools are producing this strange error.
> I tested some things about this, e.g. we have 3 different tool configs in
> our instance (own_tool_conf.xml, tool_conf.xml, shed_tool_conf.xml), so I
> thought it could be related to the shed_tool_conf.xml and I checked it,
> with installing a tool to one of the other files, but the error persists.
> But I figured out, that the error only appears when the entry for the tool
> looks like this:
> *...*
> * file="
> <>"
> guid="
> <>">*
> *
> <>*
> *bowtie2*
> *devteam*
> *
> c1ec08cb34f9*
> *
> <>*
> *0.3*
> **
> ...
> Changing it to this:
> ...
> ...
> solves the problem.
> Maybe someone could figure out why, any hint would be welcome.
> Thanks in advance, Thomas
> *Von:* galaxy-dev [] *Im
> Auftrag von *William, Van Der Pol
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 25. Mai 2017 23:42
> *An:*
> *Betreff:* [galaxy-dev] Uncaught Error When Installing Tools From Toolshed
> Hello All,
> I have recently cloned and installed a clean version of Galaxy. I
> installed a tool from the toolshed and Galaxy says it is properly
> installed, however when I try to open the tool in the main page all I see
> is an “Uncaught Error” message. Does anyone have any ideas on what is
> causing this or at least how I can get a more telling error message?
> Thanks
> -Liam
> ___
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Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
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[galaxy-dev] Fwd: Uploads not working in local Galaxy installation

2016-07-21 Thread Adrià Cereto i Massagué

I've been trying to get working a local galaxy installation, using nginx
with the upload module as a proxy.

It all seems to work, except uploading files to Galaxy, where I get a "GET
/_upload/ HTTP/1.1" 404 and nothing else Ic an find in the logs.

There must be some misconfiguration somewhere, but I can't sport it. Could
you help me?

Here's my nginx.conf:

user galaxy;
> worker_processes 10;
> pid /run/;
> events {
>worker_connections 768;
> }
> http {
>gzip  on;
>gzip_http_version 1.1;
>gzip_vary on;
>gzip_comp_level 4;
>gzip_proxied any;
>gzip_types text/plain text/css application/x-javascript text/xml
> application/xml text/javascript application/json;
>gzip_buffers 16 8k;
>gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6].(?!.*SV1)";
>upstream galaxy_app {
>server localhost:8080;
>server {
>client_max_body_size 10G;
>location / {
>proxy_pass   http://galaxy_app;
>proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Host $host;
>proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
>location /_x_accel_redirect/ {
>alias /;
>location ~
> ^/plugins/visualizations/(?.+?)/static/(?.*?)$ {
> /home/galaxy/galaxy/config/plugins/visualizations/$vis_name/static/$static_file;
>expires 24h;
>location /static {
>alias /home/galaxy/galaxy/static;
>expires 24h;
>location /static/style {
>alias /home/galaxy/galaxy/static/june_2007_style/blue;
>expires 24h;
>location /static/scripts {
>alias /home/galaxy/galaxy/static/scripts/packed;
>expires 24h;
>location /favicon.ico {
>alias /home/galaxy/galaxy/static/favicon.ico;
>expires 24h;
>location /robots.txt {
>alias /home/galaxy/galaxy/static/robots.txt;
>expires 24h;
>location /_upload {
>upload_store /home/galaxy/galaxy/database/tmp/upload_store;
>upload_pass_form_field "";
>upload_set_form_field "__${upload_field_name}__is_composite"
> "true";
>upload_set_form_field "__${upload_field_name}__keys" "name
> path";
>upload_set_form_field "${upload_field_name}_name"
> "$upload_file_name";
>upload_set_form_field "${upload_field_name}_path"
> "$upload_tmp_path";
>upload_pass_args on;
>upload_pass /_upload_done;
>location /_upload_done {
>set $dst /api/tools;
>if ($args ~ nginx_redir=([^&]+)) {
>set $dst $1;
>rewrite "" $dst;
>location /plugins {
>alias /home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/config/plugins;
> }

And here's my galaxy.ini:

> port = 8090
> host =
> use_threadpool = true
> threadpool_workers = 10

> [server:handler1]
> port = 8091
> host =
> use_threadpool = true
> threadpool_workers = 10

> [server:handler2]
> port = 8092
> host =
> use_threadpool = true
> threadpool_workers = 10

> [server:handler3]
> port = 8093
> host =
> use_threadpool = true
> threadpool_workers = 10

> [server:main]
> port = 8080
> host =
> use_threadpool = True
> threadpool_workers = 30
> threadpool_kill_thread_limit = 10800

> [filter:gzip]

> [filter:proxy-prefix]
> prefix = /galaxy

> [app:main]
> paste.app_factory = galaxy.web.buildapp:app_factory
> database_connection = postgresql://galaxy:not_the_actual_password@localhost
> /galaxy?host=/var/run/postgresql
> nginx_x_accel_redirect_base = /_x_accel_redirect
> nginx_upload_store = database/tmp/upload_store
> nginx_upload_path = /_upload
> tool_dependency_dir = dep_dir
> use_nglims = False
> nglims_config_file = tool-data/nglims.yaml
> static_enabled = True
> debug = False
> use_interactive = False
> id_secret = ValarDohaerys
> admin_users =,
> allow_user_impersonation = True
> allow_user_dataset_purge = True
> new_user_dataset_access_role_default_private = True
> expose_user_name = True
> master_api_key = heavysplatling
> track_jobs_in_database = True
> enable_job_recovery = True


[galaxy-dev] Uploads not working in local Galaxy installation

2016-07-19 Thread Adrià Cereto i Massagué

I've been trying to get working a local galaxy installation, using nginx
with the upload module as a proxy.

It all seems to work, except uploading files to Galaxy, where I get a "GET
/_upload/ HTTP/1.1" 404 and nothing else Ic an find in the logs.

There must be some misconfiguration somewhere, but I can't sport it. Could
you help me?

Here's my nginx.conf:

user galaxy;
> worker_processes 10;
> pid /run/;
> events {
>worker_connections 768;
> }
> http {
>gzip  on;
>gzip_http_version 1.1;
>gzip_vary on;
>gzip_comp_level 4;
>gzip_proxied any;
>gzip_types text/plain text/css application/x-javascript text/xml
> application/xml text/javascript application/json;
>gzip_buffers 16 8k;
>gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6].(?!.*SV1)";
>upstream galaxy_app {
>server localhost:8080;
>server {
>client_max_body_size 10G;
>location / {
>proxy_pass   http://galaxy_app;
>proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Host $host;
>proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
>location /_x_accel_redirect/ {
>alias /;
>location ~
> ^/plugins/visualizations/(?.+?)/static/(?.*?)$ {
> /home/galaxy/galaxy/config/plugins/visualizations/$vis_name/static/$static_file;
>expires 24h;
>location /static {
>alias /home/galaxy/galaxy/static;
>expires 24h;
>location /static/style {
>alias /home/galaxy/galaxy/static/june_2007_style/blue;
>expires 24h;
>location /static/scripts {
>alias /home/galaxy/galaxy/static/scripts/packed;
>expires 24h;
>location /favicon.ico {
>alias /home/galaxy/galaxy/static/favicon.ico;
>expires 24h;
>location /robots.txt {
>alias /home/galaxy/galaxy/static/robots.txt;
>expires 24h;
>location /_upload {
>upload_store /home/galaxy/galaxy/database/tmp/upload_store;
>upload_pass_form_field "";
>upload_set_form_field "__${upload_field_name}__is_composite"
> "true";
>upload_set_form_field "__${upload_field_name}__keys" "name
> path";
>upload_set_form_field "${upload_field_name}_name"
> "$upload_file_name";
>upload_set_form_field "${upload_field_name}_path"
> "$upload_tmp_path";
>upload_pass_args on;
>upload_pass /_upload_done;
>location /_upload_done {
>set $dst /api/tools;
>if ($args ~ nginx_redir=([^&]+)) {
>set $dst $1;
>rewrite "" $dst;
>location /plugins {
>alias /home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/config/plugins;
> }

And here's my galaxy.ini:

> port = 8090
> host =
> use_threadpool = true
> threadpool_workers = 10

> [server:handler1]
> port = 8091
> host =
> use_threadpool = true
> threadpool_workers = 10

> [server:handler2]
> port = 8092
> host =
> use_threadpool = true
> threadpool_workers = 10

> [server:handler3]
> port = 8093
> host =
> use_threadpool = true
> threadpool_workers = 10

> [server:main]
> port = 8080
> host =
> use_threadpool = True
> threadpool_workers = 30
> threadpool_kill_thread_limit = 10800

> [filter:gzip]

> [filter:proxy-prefix]
> prefix = /galaxy

> [app:main]
> paste.app_factory = galaxy.web.buildapp:app_factory
> database_connection = postgresql://galaxy:not_the_actual_password@localhost
> /galaxy?host=/var/run/postgresql
> nginx_x_accel_redirect_base = /_x_accel_redirect
> nginx_upload_store = database/tmp/upload_store
> nginx_upload_path = /_upload
> tool_dependency_dir = dep_dir
> use_nglims = False
> nglims_config_file = tool-data/nglims.yaml
> static_enabled = True
> debug = False
> use_interactive = False
> id_secret = ValarDohaerys
> admin_users =,
> allow_user_impersonation = True
> allow_user_dataset_purge = True
> new_user_dataset_access_role_default_private = True
> expose_user_name = True
> master_api_key = heavysplatling
> track_jobs_in_database = True
> enable_job_recovery = True
