Re: [galaxy-dev] Workflow extraction breaks on a bwa step

2012-11-07 Thread Daniel Blankenberg
Hi Alex,

Thanks for reporting this error. This is likely caused by the change in type 
for one of the parameters used in the tool between when the original job was 
run and when the workflow extraction was attempted. I've committed a fix in 
changeset 8169:6ff28399645a and also added a warning message when extracting 
workflows that have differences in tool versions in changeset 

If this isn't the likely cause (the original tool run was recent and the 
extraction was performed with the same tool version) or if you still have the 
issue after apply the fix, please let us know.

Thanks for using Galaxy,


On Nov 6, 2012, at 5:51 PM, Oleksandr Moskalenko wrote:

> Hi,
> I wonder if it's a known problem. I had a quick look through the mailing 
> list, but didn't see any relevant messages:
> An extraction of a workflow from a history breaks on the bwa step:
> Error - : invalid literal for int() with base 
> 10: 'False'
> URL:
> File 
> '/galaxy/run/prod/eggs/Paste-1.6-py2.6.egg/paste/exceptions/',
>  line 143 in __call__
>  app_iter = self.application(environ, start_response)
> File '/galaxy/run/prod/eggs/Paste-1.6-py2.6.egg/paste/', line 80 
> in __call__
>  return self.application(environ, start_response)
> File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/web/framework/middleware/', 
> line 91 in __call__
>  return environ, start_response )
> File '/galaxy/run/prod/eggs/Paste-1.6-py2.6.egg/paste/', 
> line 632 in __call__
>  return self.application(environ, start_response)
> File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/web/framework/', line 160 in __call__
>  body = method( trans, **kwargs )
> File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/web/controllers/', line 1253 in 
> build_from_current_history
>  param_values = job.get_param_values( )
> File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/model/', line 263 in 
> get_param_values
>  param_dict = tool.params_from_strings( param_dict, app, 
> ignore_errors=ignore_errors )
> File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/tools/', line 2041 in 
> params_from_strings
>  return params_from_strings( self.inputs, params, app, ignore_errors )
> File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/', line 94 in 
> params_from_strings
>  value = params[key].value_from_basic( value, app, ignore_errors )
> File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/', line 462 in 
> value_from_basic
>  rval[ ] = input.value_from_basic( value[ ], app, 
> ignore_errors )
> File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/', line 136 in 
> value_from_basic
>  return self.to_python( value, app )
> File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/', line 267 in 
> to_python
>  raise err
> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'False'
> ___
> Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
> in your mail client.  To manage your subscriptions to this
> and other Galaxy lists, please use the interface at:

Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
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Re: [galaxy-dev] Workflow extraction breaks on a bwa step

2012-11-06 Thread Oleksandr Moskalenko
This is a pre-migration bwa. I've not updated this Galaxy instance, yet.

Here is a paste of used all options:

Will you select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index?   
Select a reference from history 3: StaphAureus_USA300_FPR3757 .fasta
Is this library mate-paired?paired
Forward FASTQ file  4: FASTQ Groomer on data 1
Reverse FASTQ file  5: FASTQ Groomer on data 2
BWA settings to use full
Maximum edit distance (aln -n)  0
Fraction of missing alignments given 2% uniform base error rate (aln -n)
Maximum number of gap opens (aln -o)1
Maximum number of gap extensions (aln -e)   -1
Disallow long deletion within [value] bp towards the 3'-end (aln -d)16
Disallow insertion/deletion within [value] bp towards the end (aln -i)  5
Number of first subsequences to take as seed (aln -l)   -1
Maximum edit distance in the seed (aln -k)  2
Mismatch penalty (aln -M)   3
Gap open penalty (aln -O)   11
Gap extension penalty (aln -E)  4
Proceed with suboptimal alignments if there are no more than INT equally best 
hits. (aln -R)None
Disable iterative search (aln -N)   False
Maximum number of alignments to output in the XA tag for reads paired properly 
(samse/sampe -n) 3
Maximum number of alignments to output in the XA tag for disconcordant read 
pairs (excluding singletons) (sampe -N) 10
Maximum insert size for a read pair to be considered as being mapped properly 
(sampe -a)500
Maximum occurrences of a read for pairing (sampe -o)10
Specify the read group for this file? (samse/sampe -r)  yes
Read group identifier (ID). Each @RG line must have a unique ID. The value of ID 
is used in the RG tags of alignment records. Must be unique among all read 
groups in header section.M0004_RG
Sequencing center that produced the read (CN)   
Description (DS)
Date that run was produced (DT) 
Flow order (FO). The array of nucleotide bases that correspond to the 
nucleotides used for each flow of each read.   
The array of nucleotide bases that correspond to the key sequence of each read 
Library name (LB)   M0004_LB
Programs used for processing the read group (PG)BWA
Predicted median insert size (PI)   
Platform/technology used to produce the reads (PL)  ILLUMINA
Platform unit (PU)  M0004_PU
Sample (SM) M0004_SM
Suppress the header in the output SAM file  False

Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
in your mail client.  To manage your subscriptions to this
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[galaxy-dev] Workflow extraction breaks on a bwa step

2012-11-06 Thread Oleksandr Moskalenko

I wonder if it's a known problem. I had a quick look through the mailing list, 
but didn't see any relevant messages:

An extraction of a workflow from a history breaks on the bwa step:

Error - : invalid literal for int() with base 10: 
 line 143 in __call__
  app_iter = self.application(environ, start_response)
File '/galaxy/run/prod/eggs/Paste-1.6-py2.6.egg/paste/', line 80 in 
  return self.application(environ, start_response)
File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/web/framework/middleware/', line 
91 in __call__
  return environ, start_response )
File '/galaxy/run/prod/eggs/Paste-1.6-py2.6.egg/paste/', line 
632 in __call__
  return self.application(environ, start_response)
File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/web/framework/', line 160 in __call__
  body = method( trans, **kwargs )
File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/web/controllers/', line 1253 in 
  param_values = job.get_param_values( )
File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/model/', line 263 in 
  param_dict = tool.params_from_strings( param_dict, app, 
ignore_errors=ignore_errors )
File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/tools/', line 2041 in 
  return params_from_strings( self.inputs, params, app, ignore_errors )
File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/', line 94 in 
  value = params[key].value_from_basic( value, app, ignore_errors )
File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/', line 462 in 
  rval[ ] = input.value_from_basic( value[ ], app, 
ignore_errors )
File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/', line 136 in 
  return self.to_python( value, app )
File '/galaxy/run/prod/lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/', line 267 in 
  raise err
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'False'

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