Re: [galaxy-user] edit file in galaxy

2014-05-15 Thread Jennifer Jackson
Hello, You can use the tools in the groups "Text Manipulation", "Filter and Sort", and the "Get Data -> Upload File -> paste text into the box". There are also other replies along the same thread previously posted to this list, but incorporated into Galaxy Biostar. For example: https://biost

Re: [galaxy-user] edit file in galaxy

2014-05-15 Thread Ay Ayy
過去18年力抗抑鬱病折磨,時刻鼓勵自己努力、加油的女子,終因難敵頭痛失眠,昨午在灣仔軒尼詩道向上班僅兩個月的餐廳請辭後,突由大廈31樓天台躍下,身體倒插在餐廳窗外的大廈一樓玻璃簷篷,消防員到場將她救下送院,證實死亡。 難敵抑鬱辭職即跳樓 死者鍾巧盈(28歲),暱稱小巧,生前與父母及兩名胞妹同住香港仔華貴邨,兩個月前獲軒尼詩道彰顯大廈一樓樂農素食餐廳聘任兼職收銀員。據悉,小巧10歲那年患上抑鬱症,多年來飽受折磨,需經常往醫院接受治療。但她性格樂天,一旦身體狀況不錯,便外出工作,早前曾在一家精品店工作。消息稱小巧最近病情反覆,連續多日頭痛失眠,昨晨11時上班後,向經理辭職。下午2時

Re: [galaxy-user] edit file in galaxy

2014-05-13 Thread Jennifer Jackson
Hi Jasper, Bjorn is correct, using the Text manipulation tools is usually the best way to edit files. But along with that, there is also a way to add in content. Using the tool "Get Data -> Upload File" you can just type/paste in content in the box and it will upload as a file. Spaces can be

Re: [galaxy-user] edit file in galaxy

2014-05-12 Thread
Hi Jasper, that is not possible at the moment, because it would break workflows. Nevertheless, it is easy to write such a tool if you really would like to do that. Have you looked at the text manipulation tools? Many modification, if not all, can be done with this tools. Cheers, Bjoern P.S. The