Decided today since I had vary little to do that I'd try all the old 3d games with 3d sound back. 3d soundback is a small old program for vista that is supposed to allow old games to run that used direct sound, in old versions of windows to run on win vista and over.
First settings are number of buffers default is 64 that are alocated.
min size of buffer, I have no idea what the size should be for the gma games.
after I played each game I set, namely gtc and sod, I found a few things.
1.  the game was all in 3d, no sound adjustment.
I could live with that I thought.
Next the volume was quite lowd like it was not filtered.
Again I thought oh well its just f**king emulation, its fine.
However it appears something is not being emulated right, because gma engine crashes at some point a few metres up the first passage in shades of doom or just after I got off the beach in gtc. and some sounds did not play. If I dropped the games software buffer, all effects went but then it was just like a windows game in 7 with the broken direct sound. So I guess until we get games with the sound fixed, windows xp is where I will be playing games unless someone can recomend a good 3d legacy sound emulator for games which will run on all sound cards and make the games well run ok.
I guess I could set their compatability to xp  but even then.

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