Re: [Audyssey] financial colaboration was: a drastic change isneeded for audio games.

2010-05-31 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,
It is pretty much like anything else in life. When you purchase
anything it is yours to use so long as you follow the rules or
guidelines the company or companies tell you via their license
agreements. It is capitalism at its worst.  The concept of copyright
law may have started out with the intend to help rotect someones work,
to see they got credit for it, but big industry has been able to turn
copyright law into a weapon to  use against any potential rivals.
One of the most rediculous cases of this in living memory is Intel
verses AMD. During the 1990's Intel and AMD were locked in a war to
design the next generation processor for the PC. At the time the best
processor around was the 486, and both Intel and AMD were working
independantly on a 586 processor design. As it happens Intel created
there 586 processor first and got a pattent for it before AMD. A few
months later AMD profected their 586 processor and Intel screamed
bloody murder over it, and right away took AMD to court over it. They
said that the 586 processor was a patented design and AMD could not
create a 586 processor under copyright law, and the 586 trademark was
the soul property of Intel Corp.  As it turned out the two trashed it
out in court and it went all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court
before it got settled.
As it turns out since AMD had designed there processor independantly,
in that the technical specifications wer different from Intel's
design, the two processors were legally two different products. As for
the 586 trademark the Supreme Court issued a ruling that a number can
not be trademarked by a company or individual. Only a unique name or
specially identifying trademark could be trademarked. Soon after the
ruling Intel renamed their 586 processor line the Pentium and AMD the
While these stupid rivalries over copyrights seam to be happening
between the members of the upper class there is a major backlash going
on in the lower classes who simply refuse to be aparty to that kind of
legalistic abuse of copyright over software and everything else. The
GNU Linux software movement is just a case in point of people who
believe that software should be freely shared, distributed, and copied
so much as long as the author or authors of the software get credit
for their contribution to the work. I know of several independant
musicians that are now licensing their music, some of it pretty good,
under the Creative Commons license as they don't want to be a part of
the RIAA and their strong arm appproach to music copyrights.  There
are plenty of people who are sick and tired of the existing
restrictive copyright laws, but big business as usual is trying to
stomp them flat in court.
One case in particular is Microsoft verses Red Hat. Microsoft claimed
that the term window was a trademark, and that the Gnome open source
desktop was a copy of Microsoft windows. As it turned out Microsoft
lost the case and Red Hat as well as other Linux distributions are
still around. However, this only goes to prove the point that big
business really doesn't want any kind of serious competition. They
will use the copyright laws to try and stomp the competition flat if
the courts will let them. What they really want is to have a monopoly
which in of itself is illegal in the United States and past presidents
like Theodore Roosevelt tried to break up trusts and monopolies in the
early 1900's in order to have a more fair free market econemy. We
really don't see our government doing that any more because they are
getting paid big money by said companies to vote their way.

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Re: [Audyssey] financial colaboration was: a drastic change isneeded for audio games.

2010-05-31 Thread shaun everiss

well I have got about 40gb of sounds  from a friend that has the libs.
However I have seen and bought several libraries of sfx that are royalty free.
the authentic sfx packs are royalty free, and I have several imporial 
and other 10 dollar royalty free sfx disks.
So if the sounds are royalty free then  they probably are usable 
anywhere or at least you don't have to pay back the devs.
Free sound libs like those at the site although 
this is a small lib these are free.
I know the a1 sfx site is free and if you search you 
can probably find some sfx libs that are free.

At 04:41 p.m. 31/05/2010, you wrote:

Hi tom.

Hmmm, I assumed that once a sound library was perchiced by an 
individual it was practically there's to use.

I find myself continually amazed at how restrictive copywrite law 
is. I've mentioned myself how it has practically stopped people in 
England getting hold of books for a considderable time, but if a 
philanthropic action like that I proposed essentially ment for the 
purposes of sharing would be considdered a breach of law, I find 
that practically insane!

It seems that laws intended simply to insure an individuals' right 
to recieve creddit for his/her own creative work have,  
unsurprisingly given the general nastiness of unregulated 
capitalism, morphed into just another tool for extracting the 
maximal amount of prophit from any enterprise.

Getting back to my idea though, my thought was that all developers 
who wished to be involved club together as a group for this purpose, 
and the actual buying and administration of donations is done by a third party.

So, the sounds would be licensed to "the developement resources 
collective" (or whatever the heck we called it), who's members would 
included Thomas ward, Phil Vlasac, Che martin etc, but the actual 
buying of the license would be the responsability of the 
administrator,  whoever that would be.

i'd hope that would get around the evil capitalist evil.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] financial colaboration was: a drastic change isneeded for audio games.

2010-05-30 Thread dark

Hi tom.

Hmmm, I assumed that once a sound library was perchiced by an individual it 
was practically there's to use.

I find myself continually amazed at how restrictive copywrite law is. I've 
mentioned myself how it has practically stopped people in England getting 
hold of books for a considderable time, but if a philanthropic action like 
that I proposed essentially ment for the purposes of sharing would be 
considdered a breach of law, I find that practically insane!

It seems that laws intended simply to insure an individuals' right to 
recieve creddit for his/her own creative work have,  unsurprisingly 
given the general nastiness of unregulated capitalism, morphed into just 
another tool for extracting the maximal amount of prophit from any 

Getting back to my idea though, my thought was that all developers who 
wished to be involved club together as a group for this purpose, and the 
actual buying and administration of donations is done by a third party.

So, the sounds would be licensed to "the developement resources collective" 
(or whatever the heck we called it), who's members would included Thomas 
ward, Phil Vlasac, Che martin etc, but the actual buying of the license 
would be the responsability of the administrator,  whoever that would 

i'd hope that would get around the evil capitalist evil.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] financial colaboration was: a drastic change isneeded for audio games.

2010-05-30 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ron,
Lol! That's the one. Pretty accurate considering Dark's suggestion to
buy sounds and redistribute them illegally.

On 5/30/10, Ron Schamerhorn  wrote:
> Hey little girl, you broke the laws
> You hustle, you deal, you steal from us all

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Re: [Audyssey] financial colaboration was: a drastic change isneeded for audio games.

2010-05-30 Thread Ron Schamerhorn
Hey little girl, you broke the laws
You hustle, you deal, you steal from us all

- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] financial colaboration was: a drastic change 
isneeded for audio games.

Hi Dark,
That's a nice idea, but there is a thing called copyright law. So
strictly speaking your idea isn't strictly legal, and couldland the
developer/developers in hot water as it breaks the license for those
sound files.
Basicly, the way it works if an individual or company purchases a
commercial license for those sounds in the library it is to be used by
that individual or company, and not by a third-party developer. So if
USA Games were to purchase a sound library from Sound Ideas or
somebody and gave it to Draconis Entertainment, GMA Games, whatever we
would be in breach of the license and it would be considered piracy by
the company that produced the sound library. So while your idea is
nice it isn't feasable from a legal standpoint.
Once again, the copyright laws are designed in favor of corperations,
big businesses, etc  and if an individual or small business doesn't
have the funds to legally license sounds, music, trademarks, whatever
that's just tough. There is no consideration for a special class like
the blind who are largely unemployed world wide, and don't have the
funds to invest in the same sorts of things a major corperation can.
Bottom line, it all comes down to pure greed.

"Come on. Come on. Listen to the moneytalk."

On 5/28/10, dark  wrote:
> Hi tom.
> Actually, while I know this was a rather exasperated joke, there may be
> something in what you suggest,  at least as far as sounds go.
> Sounds afterall, unlike programming libraries or developement tools, may 
> be
> used by any game dev around.
> How about a donation scheme, sinse if 30 people donated ten usd, you'd 
> have
> enough for at least one of those cds'. The sounds could then be loaded 
> onto
> a password locked secure site, and the password could be given to
> developers.
> while, failing winning the lottery or a serious bank robbery, we might not
> be able to raise the hundred grand or so necessary to pay you,  or
> anyone else to make audio sf4,  scraping together 500 usd for some
> royalty free sounds might not be quite so unreasonable if people work
> together and are willing to donate a litle.
> this is also why I propose the sounds be placed on a secure site with a
> password which the major devs would have access to and would give out to
> anyone demed as necessary,  sinse then your not just donating to one
> person, but essentially to the entire community, and thus making all 
> future
> games better.
> Beware the Grue!
> Dark.

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