Re: [Gegl-developer] new GEGL samplers: what they are and where they are going

2009-09-18 Thread Daniel Rogers

On Sep 17, 2009, at 6:51 PM, Nicolas Robidoux wrote:

But I am wondering if for GEGL's target user base an "always pretty
good" default is preferable to "choose your poison."

Well, if all GEGL ever has is a "always pretty good" default and you  
never get to pick your poison, you are making your decision for your  
users.  And frankly, "always pretty good" is not as cut and dry and  
you'd like to think, off the top of my head here are some image  
processing applications I can think of that have dramatically  
different requirements in a resize operation (I speak from experience  
here, I've been involved with most of the items on this list):

High throughput print on demand rendering services.  (Think and their ilk.)

medical research.  (MRI, CT, PET, ultrasound scanners)
astrophysics research.
general physics experimentation (anyone using a camera for measurements)
embedded systems (printers, kiosks, etc)
real time video processing

And of course applications like The GIMP.

All of these require different tradeoffs for their resamplers.  I've  
seen downsamplers that preserve bluriness so you can show a thumbnail  
that is representative of the bluriness you see in a printed product.   
Rescaling text, it's often important to worry less about aliasing and  
more about blur.  Nearest neighbor is actually a perfect resize  
operation for a large class of artificial images.  Medical scientists  
are much more worried about introducing artifacts that could be  
misinterpreted as disease, or potentially blurring away evidence of  
such.  Anyone using a camera for measurements is (depending on the  
measurement) often more interested in geometric stability, regardless  
of blur or aliasing.  Real time video is often about speed.

I think a better question is to ask, are you going to limit GEGL to  
being used solely by The GIMP, and then, only the subset of GIMP users  
you think exist, or are you going to allow your users to create the  
facilities to use GEGL is applications you did not originally envision.

For me the obvious choice is the latter.  Making GEGL suitable for as  
broad a range of applications as possible gets you a larger user base  
and, if done right, higher quality code.  The Linux kernel is a great  
example of this.

Gegl-developer mailing list

Re: [Gegl-developer] new GEGL samplers: what they are and where they are going

2009-09-17 Thread Martin Nordholts
On 09/18/2009 03:51 AM, Nicolas Robidoux wrote:
> But I am wondering if for GEGL's target user base an "always pretty
> good" default is preferable to "choose your poison."
> Comments?

As long as there is good general-purpose resampler (which could
possibly use different algorithms depending on if it is dealing
with downscaling or upscaling) I'm happy. Everything else is bonus
to me.



My GIMP Blog:

Gegl-developer mailing list

[Gegl-developer] new GEGL samplers: what they are and where they are going

2009-09-17 Thread Nicolas Robidoux

Question about future direction for resamplers:

Would it be better if there was only one sampler tuned for upsampling,
and one tuned for downsampling?

My previous vision for GEGL was that my research group would
contribute TWO resamplers tuned for upsampling and TWO resamplers
tuned for downsampling. The four new samplers would (eventually)
integrate the best of the 16 resamplers programmed by Eric and Adam
for GSoC 2009.  Within each of the two pairs of resamplers, one was to
be "interpolatory" (and more aliased) and the other would minimally
blur (and be less aliased).

Now: I just figured out how to use the Jacobian matrix information so
that the sampler only add noticeable antialiasing blur when the
operation is performing significant upsampling or downsampling. What
this means for the resamplers tuned for upsampling, for example, is
that we could seamlessly integrate Nohalo and Snohalo in such a way
that the sampler behaves like Nohalo when translating and rotating
(hence is "blur free") but behaves increasingly like Snohalo as the
transformation (locally) deviates from being distance preserving
(hence is more anti-aliased), resulting in one single sampler which
would please everyone and their father.

I imagine that a few people would want the added control over the
aliasing vs blur trade-off which having pairs of methods would provide
(also, methods can be faster if they are not jack of all trades).

But I am wondering if for GEGL's target user base an "always pretty
good" default is preferable to "choose your poison."


Nicolas Robidoux
Universite Laurentienne
Gegl-developer mailing list

Re: [Gegl-developer] new GEGL samplers: what they are and where they are going (REVISED)

2009-09-03 Thread Martin Nordholts
On 09/01/2009 04:22 PM, Nicolas Robidoux wrote:
> Abstract
> Eric Daoust and Adam Turcotte are about to wrap up a pair of Google
> Summer of Code 2009 projects having to do with new samplers.  In this
> document, I explain what the samplers do, how they (may) fit within
> the GEGL library, and where they are going (most likely: feedback
> would be nice).
> I also briefly indicate what will need to be done when non-affine
> transformations (perspective, warp) are implemented in GEGL so that
> they use the samplers tuned for downsampling (for example, thumbnail
> production) with maximal benefit.

Thanks a lot for this detailed info

I'll make sure that your work is merged to master sooner or later (but it could 
take a while before I find the time to do it)

Gegl-developer mailing list

[Gegl-developer] new GEGL samplers: what they are and where they are going

2009-09-03 Thread Nicolas Robidoux


> ===
> Upsharp sampler
> ===

> ...

> Future improvements: ...Finally, current research
> suggests that the co-monotonicity enforcing derivative clamping is
> overkill and that the result would be less aliased without a
> noticeable increase in haloing if it only enforced strong boundedness.

More current research suggests that the standard "three times the
difference" rule (Fritsch and Carlson et al) is just about as good as
it gets, so this future improvement won't be.

Nicolas Robidoux
Gegl-developer mailing list

Re: [Gegl-developer] new GEGL samplers: what they are and where they are going (REVISED)

2009-09-01 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Nicolas Robidoux wrote:

> Abstract
> Eric Daoust and Adam Turcotte are about to wrap up a pair of Google
> Summer of Code 2009 projects having to do with new samplers.  In this
> document, I explain what the samplers do, how they (may) fit within
> the GEGL library, and where they are going (most likely: feedback
> would be nice).

One thing most of your mails need is a section which states that it
would be legal to use any part of the text in the user manual :)

Gegl-developer mailing list

[Gegl-developer] new GEGL samplers: what they are and where they are going (REVISED)

2009-09-01 Thread Nicolas Robidoux


Eric Daoust and Adam Turcotte are about to wrap up a pair of Google
Summer of Code 2009 projects having to do with new samplers.  In this
document, I explain what the samplers do, how they (may) fit within
the GEGL library, and where they are going (most likely: feedback
would be nice).

I also briefly indicate what will need to be done when non-affine
transformations (perspective, warp) are implemented in GEGL so that
they use the samplers tuned for downsampling (for example, thumbnail
production) with maximal benefit.


In total, twelve new samplers were programmed:

six samplers tuned for transformations in which good downsampling is
more important than good upsampling (for example, thumbnail

  downsize, downsharp, downsmooth and their simplified/faster versions
  downsizefast, downsharpfast and downsmoothfast


six samplers tuned for transformations in which good upsampling is
more important than good downsampling (for example, image enlargement
and rotation):

  upsize, upsharp, upsmooth and their simplified/faster versions
  upsizefast, upsharpfast and upsmoothfast

(Note: Perspective transformations often are both upsampling and
downsampling, depending on the location and even the direction.)

Every sampler can be used for any resampling task (enlarging,
shrinking, rotating, perspective, warping...). "Sampler tuned for X"
means that the sampler is built to excel at task X. It does not mean
that it does poorly at other tasks.

The naming convention which Adam, Eric and I used (which could be
changed) is as follows:

  "up*" samplers are tuned for upsampling, "down*" samplers are tuned
  for downsampling,

  "*sharp*" samplers maximise sharpness at the expense of increased
  aliasing ("jaggies"); *sharp* samplers behave more like nearest
  neighbour than the other methods.  "*smooth*" samplers minimise
  jaggies at the expense of additional blur. "*size*" samplers are a
  compromise between the two.
  "*fast are simplified/faster versions. If "fast" is omitted, the
  corresponding method is the higher quality/slower version.

As implemented for GEGL, none of the above methods are parameterised.

The distinguishing feature of the methods (except upsharpfast) is that
they do not introduce any haloing artifacts, and yet do well at
antialiasing (esp. upsize, upsmooth and the future version of

Relevant patches
(remove the yafr sampler)
(remove the sharp sampler, and add upsharp)
(add upsharpfast, upsizefast and upsmoothfast)
(add upsize)
(add upsmooth)
(add downsharp, downsize, downsmooth)
(add downsharpfast, downsizefast and downsmoothfast)

(Non-sampler patches which Eric and Adam produced are not included here.)

Where this is going?

If it is felt that GEGL does not need "pretty good fast samplers," the
"*fast" methods could simply not be integrated into GEGL (or made
"public"). If and when GEGL has "quality levels," one could write a
driver which selects the fast method when the chosen quality level is
low. In any case, programming the "*fast" methods was not a waste: The
s/nohalo family of methods is multi-stage, hence the "cheaper"
versions are used as stages for the "non-fast" ones; in addition, the
improved fast versions programmed for GSoC will be ported to
VIPS. This being said, it would be nice if they could be merged into
GEGL trunk and then removed, so that the git repository have a record
of them.

Keeping the "*fast" methods private (or not merging them at all) would
reduce the total number of "public" GEGL methods from twelve to
six. The following would further reduce the total number of methods to
four (or eight if "*fast" samplers are kept).

  Downsampling schemes: The downsize and downsharp samplers are very
  similar. For this reason, it would make sense to only keep the
  downsize and downsmooth samplers (same with downsizefast and
  downsmoothfast). Note that I am not 100% sure that users will prefer
  the downsize method to the downsharp method: it depends on whether
  they dislike aliasing (jaggies) more than than blur. (I dislike
  aliasing, hence my preference for downsize.)

  The upsize and upsharp samplers are very different from each other,
  but research performed by Chantal Racette as part of her Laurentian
  University Honours Thesis during the Summer suggests that the method
  underlying upsharp should be used as a final stage for the
  multi-stage methods upsize and upsmooth, yielding superior methods
  which would replace the current upsize and up

[Gegl-developer] new GEGL samplers: what they are and where they are going

2009-08-31 Thread Nicolas Robidoux


Eric Daoust and Adam Turcotte are about to wrap up a pair of Google
Summer of Code 2009 projects having to do with new samplers.  In this
document, I explain what the samplers do, how they (may) fit within
the GEGL library, and where (most likely) they are going.

I also indicate what will need to be done when non-affine
transformations (perspective, warp) are implemented in GEGL so that
they use the samplers tuned for downsampling with maximal benefit.


(Warning: I wrote this document in a hurry: Hopefully, it contains no
significant inaccuracy.)

In total, twelve new samplers were programmed:

six samplers tuned for transformations in which good downsampling is
more important than good upsampling (for example, thumbnail

  downsize, downsharp, downsmooth and their simplified/faster versions
  downsizefast, downsharpfast and downsmoothfast


six samplers tuned for transformations in which good upsampling is
more important than good downsampling (for example, image enlargement
and rotation):

  upsize, upsharp, upsmooth and their simplified/faster versions
  upsizefast, upsharpfast and upsmoothfast

(Note: Perspective transformations often are both upsampling and

The naming convention which Adam, Eric and I used (which could be
changed) is as follows:

  "up*" samplers are tuned for upsampling, "down*" samplers are tuned
  for downsampling,

  "*sharp*" samplers maximise sharpness at the expense of increased
  aliasing ("jaggies"); *sharp* samplers behave more like nearest
  neighbour than the other methods.  "*smooth*" samplers minimise
  jaggies at the expense of additional blur. "*size*" samplers are a
  compromise between the two.
  "*fast are simplified/faster versions. If "fast" is omitted, the
  corresponding method is the higher quality/slower version.

As implemented for GEGL, none of the above methods are parameterised.

Relevant patches (remove the yafr sampler) (remove the sharp sampler, and 
add upsharp) (add upsharpfast, upsizefast 
and upsmoothfast) (add upsize) (add upsmooth) (add downsharp, downsize, 
downsmooth) (add downsharpfast, 
downsizefast and downsmoothfast)

(Non-sampler patches which Eric and Adam produced are not included

Where this is going?

(Feedback welcome and actually sought.)

If GEGL does not need "pretty good fast samplers," the "*fast" methods
could simply not be integrated into GEGL. If and when GEGL has
"quality levels," one could write a driver which selects the fast
method when the chosen quality level is low. In any case, programming
the "*fast" methods was not a waste: The s/nohalo family of methods is
multi-stage, hence the "cheaper" versions are used as stages for the
"non-fast" ones; in addition, the improved fast versions programmed
for GSoC will be ported to VIPS. This being said, it would be nice if
they could be merged into GEGL trunk and then removed, so that the git
repository have a record of them.

Keeping the "*fast" methods private (or not merging them at all) would
reduce the total number of "public" GEGL methods from twelve to
six. The following would further reduce the total number of methods to
four (or eight if "*fast" samplers are kept).

  The downsize and downsharp samplers are very similar. For this
  reason, it would make sense to only keep the downsize and downsmooth
  samplers (same with downsizefast and downsmoothfast).

  The upsize and upsharp samplers are very different from each other,
  but research performed by Chantal Racette as part of her Laurentian
  University Honours Thesis during the Summer suggests that the method
  underlying upsharp should be used as a final stage for the
  multi-stage methods upsize and upsmooth, yielding superior methods
  which would replace the current upsize and upsmooth and make the
  current upsharp obsolete.

So, in the end, there could only be four new additional GEGL samplers:

  Two samplers tuned for downsampling: downsize and downsmooth (with
  fast versions downsizefast and downsmoothfast if desired)

  Two samplers tuned for upsampling: upsize and upsmooth (with fast
  versions upsizefast and upsmoothfast)

Every one is a good general purpose sampler. The downsize method, in
particular, will be found to give acceptable results in "all"
situations (generally better than bilinear when upsampling, and much
much better than bilinear when downsampling). For this reason, I think
that downsize may be a good candidate for default GEGL sampler.
