Kaustav Goswami has uploaded this change for review. ( https://gem5-review.googlesource.com/c/public/gem5/+/51614 )

Change subject: misc: Adding instructions on how to setup a multi-channel memory.

misc: Adding instructions on how to setup a multi-channel memory.

This change adds a readme file that explains how a multi-channel
memory is setup and how it works in gem5,

Change-Id: Iec53a11f115a81b30a56c3faf754e2539bf03be6
A src/python/gem5/components/memory/ReadMe_MultiChannel_Memory.md
1 file changed, 185 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/python/gem5/components/memory/ReadMe_MultiChannel_Memory.md b/src/python/gem5/components/memory/ReadMe_MultiChannel_Memory.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a222e61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/gem5/components/memory/ReadMe_MultiChannel_Memory.md
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+[![Build Status](https://)](https://)
+# Simulating Multi Channel Memories in gem5
+The classic main memory simulator cannot simulate multi-channel main memories. +In this addition, we append the gem5 components library to add "multi\_channel.py",
+which implements a multi-channel memory device.
+### Directory Structure
+├── build_opts
+├── build_tools
+├── configs
+├── ext
+├── include
+├── site_scons
+├── src ─┐
+│        └─ python ─┐
+│                   └─ gem5 ─┐
+│                            └─ components ─┐
+│                                           └─ memory
+│                                              multi_channel.py
+├── system
+├── tests
+└── utils
+### Code Description
+The addition to the code base is the file "multi\_channel.py". In this
+section, we describe the aforementioned file.
+    multi_channel.py:
+ Defines a class named MultiChannelMemory, which accepts 5 parameters:
+        (a) dram_interface_class:
+            The DRAM interface type to create with this memory controller.
+            Currently tested versions are:
+                DDR4_2400_8x8
+        (b) num_channels:
+            The number of channels that needs to be simulated.
+        (c) size:
+            Optionally define the size of the memory controller's address
+            space. By default, it starts at 0 and ends at the size of DRAM
+            device specified.
+        (d) addr_mapping:
+            Defines the address mapping scheme to be used. By default,
+            the mapping scheme is RoRaBaCoCh. Other supported mapping
+            schemes are:
+                RoRaBaChCo
+                RoCoRaBaCh
+                RoRaBaCoCh [default]
+        (e) interleaving_size:
+ Defines the interleaving size of the multi-channel memory system.
+            By default, it is equal to the atom size, i.e., 64 (bytes).
+### Working Example
+In this section, we demonstrate how a given address is decoded into its
+respective channel (Ch), rank (Ra), bank (Ba), Row (Ro) and Column (Co),
+when the address mapping scheme is given. There are three mapping schemes
+currently supported by gem5: (a) RoCoRaBaCh, (b) RoRaBaCoCh, and,
+(c) RoRaBaChCo. We provide examples of each of these aforementioned mapping
+schemes. But before that, we need to understand the key variables/terms that
+are used in this section.
+We define a few key variables:
+    addr: A given address.
+    chan: addr's corresponding channel
+    rank: addr's corresponding rank
+    bank: addr's corresponding bank
+    row : addr's corresponding row
+    col : addr's corresponding col
+    intlv_size:
+    intlv_bits:
+    ranksPerChannel: the number of ranks per chan
+    banksPerRanks  : the number of banks per rank
+    rowsPerBanks   : the number of rows  per bank
+    burstsPerRowBuffer:
+    burstsPerStripe   :
+    higherOrderColumnBits:
+    lowerOrderColumnBits :
+    We determine intlv_bits = lg (intlv_size)
+    The row_buffer size for the memory system is given by:
+        row_buffer_size = device_rowbuffer_size * devices_per_rank
+    chan_bits: lg (chan)
+    rank_bits: lg (rank)
+    bank_bits: lg (bank)
+    row_bits : lg (row)
+    col_bits : lg (row_buffer_size)
+Now consider the following:
+    1. Assume that the given address is 0x3940
+    2. Binary Address (35): 0b00000000000000000000011100101000000
+    3. The MSB of the intlv\_bits will give us chan
+    4. The remaining bits of the intlv\_bits gives us the
+        lowerOrderColumnBits.
+    5. Based on the mapping scheme, the bits for row (Ro), rank (Ra), and,
+        Bank (Ba) will be determined.
+    6. The remaining bits signify the higherOrderColumnBits.
+    7. Assume that we are simulating a multi-channel DRAM device
+        (DDR4_2400_8x8) with 2 channels, and, the total size of the DRAM
+        is 32 GiB (16 GiB) per channel. There are 2 ranks per channel.
+        Further, there are 16 banks per rank (4 banks per bank-group, and,
+ there are a total of 4 bank-groups). For a 32 GiB DDR4 2400 MHz DRAM
+        device (8x8), there are 65536 rows per DRAM bank. This gives us the
+        following information:
+            chan_bits = lg (2)     = 1
+            rank_bits = lg (2)     = 1
+            bank_bits = lg (16)    = 4
+            row_bits  = lg (65536) = 16
+    8. addr and its corresponding chan, rank, bank and row are given by:
+        (a) RoCoRaBaCh
+            chan: 1
+            rank: 1
+            bank: 0010
+            row : 0000000000000000
+            The lowerOrderColumnBits, i.e., 0000000 are interleaved.
+            The higherOrderColumnBits are 000010
+            Visual: 0b00000000000000000000011100101000000
+                      └───────┬──────┴───┬───┼─┬──┼──┬──┘
+                              │          │   │ │  │  │
+ │ │ │ │ │ └─ lowerOrderColumnBits
+                              │          │   │ │  └──── chan
+                              │          │   │ └─────── bank
+                              │          │   └───────── rank
+ │ └───────────── higherOrderColumnBits
+                              └──────────────────────── row
+        (b) RoRaBaCoCh
+            chan: 1
+            rank: 0
+            bank: 0000
+            row : 0000000000000000
+            The lowerOrderColumnBits, i.e., 0000000 are interleaved.
+            The higherOrderColumnBits are 1110010
+            Visual: 0b00000000000000000000011100101000000
+                      └───────┬───────┼──┬─┴───┬──┼──┬──┘
+                              │       │  │     │  │  │
+ │ │ │ │ │ └─ lowerOrderColumnBits
+                              │       │  │     │  └──── chan
+ │ │ │ └─────── higherOrderColumnBits
+                              │       │  └───────────── bank
+                              │       └──────────────── rank
+                              └──────────────────────── row
+        (c) RoRaBaChCo
+            chan: 1
+            rank: 0
+            bank: 0000
+            row : 0000000000000000
+            The lowerOrderColumnBits and higherOrderColumnBits are merged
+            together in this case, represented by column.
+            Visual: 0b00000000000000000000011100101000000
+                      └───────┬───────┼──┬─┼──────┬────┘
+                              │       │  │ │      │
+                              │       │  │ │      └──── column
+                              │       │  │ │
+                              │       │  │ └─────────── chan
+                              │       │  └───────────── bank
+                              │       └──────────────── rank
+                              └──────────────────────── row

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Gerrit-Project: public/gem5
Gerrit-Branch: develop
Gerrit-Change-Id: Iec53a11f115a81b30a56c3faf754e2539bf03be6
Gerrit-Change-Number: 51614
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Owner: Kaustav Goswami <kggosw...@ucdavis.edu>
Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
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