Hi all!

After the gem5 workshop and town hall we held a couple of weeks ago, I have
put together a draft of the gem5-20.1 roadmap. You can find the draft on
gerrit: https://gem5-review.googlesource.com/c/public/gem5-website/+/30715.
Please let me know what feedback you have!

One of the main reasons we want to have a roadmap for 20.1 is that we found
during the gem5-20.0 release that we had many changes committed in the last
week before we created the staging branch. This was not ideal, and led to a
lot of effort to stabilize gem5 before we could release it. See
http://www.gem5.org/project/2020/05/21/gem5-20.html for more info.

Thus, for gem5-20.1, we would like to have a firm idea of what we are
trying to commit now, so we know where to focus our efforts. This roadmap
will help us do this.

So, if you're working on some cool new feature for gem5 and would like to
see it in gem5-20.1, let's add it to the roadmap so we can be sure that it
gets in!



Jason Lowe-Power (he/him/his)

Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of California, Davis
3049 Kemper Hall
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