Re: [m5-dev] changeset in m5: O3CPU: Fix a bug where stores in the cpu where ...

2010-07-22 Thread Steve Reinhardt
(I wrote most of this email before I saw your second message, so I'm
not sure whether it still applies or not, but I figured I'd send it

Hi Gabe,

I certainly agree with your goals, but I will quibble with some of the

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 2:17 PM, Gabriel Michael Black
> To me there's actually a spectrum of ISA dependence, incompletely described
> below:
> 1. If ISA == suchandsuch do this, otherwise do that.
> 2. If ISA has characteristic such and such, do this, otherwise do that.
> 3. Here, ISA, you take care of this.
> 4. ISA data parameterizing non-ISA stuff.
> Number 1 is the worst since it's hard to maintain, can be cumbersome to
> specify, and it isn't always clear -why- ISA suchandsuch needs a particular
> behavior.

I could go into a lot more detail about why I think #1 is the
worst---I think you're being too kind here---but since we agree it's
bad I won't bother.

> I'd say number 2 is second worst, and that's what this is an example of.
> It's better since it's obvious why the code is separated out and there can
> be sharing between CPU models, etc., but at the same time it increases the
> CPU's awareness of the ISA on it and partially breaks down the barriers of
> abstraction. It also sets up special case code paths where, for instance,
> only x86 on the timing CPU would possibly exhibit a certain bug. If someone
> changes things for ARM and everything seems to work, they could be subtley
> breaking x86 which they aren't familiar with and weren't thinking about when
> they made their change.

I don't really agree with this analysis... I think you can also look
at #2 as a special case of #4 where the ISA parameter is a bool rather
than (for example) an int.  I agree there's a qualitative difference
in terms of how dramatically control flow is affected, but I think
it's a perspective that makes it psychologically more appealing.  And
the fact that it sets up special code paths is orthogonal: if there's
a bug in how unaligned accesses are handled, that's only going to show
up in x86 regardless of whether that code path is explicitly blocked
by a HasUnalignedAccess flag or just implicitly never gets exercised
because sreqLow is always NULL for non-x86 ISAs.

Overall I don't disagree with your ranking; in fact we've already
discussed moving the unaligned access handling for both the TLB and
cache into the ISA-specific TLB and a shim, respectively, which would
be an example of moving this code from case 2 to case 3.

However I view it as more of a gulf, where #1 is really bad, and 2-4
are reasonable things to do, and while in general 4>3>2 there are
things that are just easier to do via #2 and there's no need to
unnaturally avoid that.

> I think it's bad news to have a big list of yes or no checkboxes in each ISA
> directory which turn on and off behaviors. This is especially true when it's
> ambiguous whether to say yes or no, if the behavior changes based on
> circumstances, etc., and if/when the checkbox is interpretted subtley (or
> not so subtley) differently by the consumer.

I'm not advocating for a huge list of ambiguous checkboxes... I'm just
advocating for #2 in preference to #1, and also saying that #2 is
really not so bad that we need to bend over backward to avoid it when
it seems natural.

m5-dev mailing list

Re: [m5-dev] changeset in m5: O3CPU: Fix a bug where stores in the cpu where ...

2010-07-22 Thread Gabriel Michael Black
Actually, maybe this falls into a subcategory of 2. which is why it  
seems more acceptable.

2.a If the ISA says it's safe to use this optimization which doesn't  
affect behavior and which could be turned off and only result in lower  
simulator performance, skip this code/check/whatever.

This still has some of the drawbacks I mentioned for the  
list-of-checkboxes model, but at least if it doesn't fit there's  
always a failsafe option. These would be optional hints, like telling  
the compiler a function never returns.

This may have been what you were talking about in the first place, in  
which case great, we're on the same page. I'd been debating whether to  
send out my little list anyway since I think it's productive to spend  
a few cycles thinking about this stuff.


Quoting Gabriel Michael Black :

To me there's actually a spectrum of ISA dependence, incompletely  
described below:

1. If ISA == suchandsuch do this, otherwise do that.
2. If ISA has characteristic such and such, do this, otherwise do that.
3. Here, ISA, you take care of this.
4. ISA data parameterizing non-ISA stuff.

Number 1 is the worst since it's hard to maintain, can be cumbersome  
to specify, and it isn't always clear -why- ISA suchandsuch needs a  
particular behavior.

I'd say number 2 is second worst, and that's what this is an example  
of. It's better since it's obvious why the code is separated out and  
there can be sharing between CPU models, etc., but at the same time  
it increases the CPU's awareness of the ISA on it and partially  
breaks down the barriers of abstraction. It also sets up special  
case code paths where, for instance, only x86 on the timing CPU  
would possibly exhibit a certain bug. If someone changes things for  
ARM and everything seems to work, they could be subtley breaking x86  
which they aren't familiar with and weren't thinking about when they  
made their change.

3. Three is better in some ways and worse in others. It's clear  
what's happening, there's a lot of flexibility, and the CPU isn't  
actually aware of -how- something is being done, just that, say,  
this would be a good time to check for interrupts, whatever that  
means. It's not as great because you have more complex interactions  
between ISAs and CPUs, and you have to do a bit more work in the  
ISA. It can also be hard to make some of this functionality work  
sensibly in order, out of order, single cycle, multi cycle, timing  
mode, atomic mode, etc. etc.

4. This one is the best when you can get away with it. This is where  
you, say, make your integer register file 32 registers because the  
ISA says that's how many it needs. Basically the only draw back to  
this is that behavior changes a little based on each ISA, but if you  
can get away with it this is the safest.

I think having a multi ISA simulator that will be modified by its  
end users, especially one with as large a cross product of options  
as ours, needs to try to be safe and simple before being as  
absolutely fast as it can be. You know what they say about premature  
optimization. Ideally we should design things so the big,  
unnecessary pieces of code just aren't part of the equation because  
they're in the ISA defined objects, control just doesn't go that way  
when it wouldn't make sense, etc. And if, for instance, a pointer  
should always be 0, the code should still behave correctly. The code  
should do its job correctly no matter -why- it's being asked to do it.

I think it's bad news to have a big list of yes or no checkboxes in  
each ISA directory which turn on and off behaviors. This is  
especially true when it's ambiguous whether to say yes or no, if the  
behavior changes based on circumstances, etc., and if/when the  
checkbox is interpretted subtley (or not so subtley) differently by  
the consumer.

In this particular limitted case it seems relatively ok although not  
necessarily advisable, but it's a slippery slope I don't consider us  
have a completely clean history with.


Quoting Steve Reinhardt :

In generalI think this is the kind of ISA hook we should be using...
in the sense that checking TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc is much better
than "(TheISA == x86 || TheISA == Power)".  I think it's useful not
only to avoid the overhead of a dynamic check for an ISA that doesn't
need it, but also to clarify that this is code that never gets
executed on those ISAs.  Maybe for a little one-liner like this it's
not a big deal either way, but for bigger hunks of code I think that
clarification is potentially useful.


On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Gabriel Michael Black

Yes it does, and that sounds reasonable to me. I'd still like to see us use
ISA hooks as minimally as possible, but this seems ok.


Quoting Timothy M Jones :

Oh, ok, I see where you're going with that.  However, the main idea of
having TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc was that it is a constant  
specific to each

ISA.  Therefor

Re: [m5-dev] changeset in m5: O3CPU: Fix a bug where stores in the cpu where ...

2010-07-22 Thread Gabriel Michael Black
To me there's actually a spectrum of ISA dependence, incompletely  
described below:

1. If ISA == suchandsuch do this, otherwise do that.
2. If ISA has characteristic such and such, do this, otherwise do that.
3. Here, ISA, you take care of this.
4. ISA data parameterizing non-ISA stuff.

Number 1 is the worst since it's hard to maintain, can be cumbersome  
to specify, and it isn't always clear -why- ISA suchandsuch needs a  
particular behavior.

I'd say number 2 is second worst, and that's what this is an example  
of. It's better since it's obvious why the code is separated out and  
there can be sharing between CPU models, etc., but at the same time it  
increases the CPU's awareness of the ISA on it and partially breaks  
down the barriers of abstraction. It also sets up special case code  
paths where, for instance, only x86 on the timing CPU would possibly  
exhibit a certain bug. If someone changes things for ARM and  
everything seems to work, they could be subtley breaking x86 which  
they aren't familiar with and weren't thinking about when they made  
their change.

3. Three is better in some ways and worse in others. It's clear what's  
happening, there's a lot of flexibility, and the CPU isn't actually  
aware of -how- something is being done, just that, say, this would be  
a good time to check for interrupts, whatever that means. It's not as  
great because you have more complex interactions between ISAs and  
CPUs, and you have to do a bit more work in the ISA. It can also be  
hard to make some of this functionality work sensibly in order, out of  
order, single cycle, multi cycle, timing mode, atomic mode, etc. etc.

4. This one is the best when you can get away with it. This is where  
you, say, make your integer register file 32 registers because the ISA  
says that's how many it needs. Basically the only draw back to this is  
that behavior changes a little based on each ISA, but if you can get  
away with it this is the safest.

I think having a multi ISA simulator that will be modified by its end  
users, especially one with as large a cross product of options as  
ours, needs to try to be safe and simple before being as absolutely  
fast as it can be. You know what they say about premature  
optimization. Ideally we should design things so the big, unnecessary  
pieces of code just aren't part of the equation because they're in the  
ISA defined objects, control just doesn't go that way when it wouldn't  
make sense, etc. And if, for instance, a pointer should always be 0,  
the code should still behave correctly. The code should do its job  
correctly no matter -why- it's being asked to do it.

I think it's bad news to have a big list of yes or no checkboxes in  
each ISA directory which turn on and off behaviors. This is especially  
true when it's ambiguous whether to say yes or no, if the behavior  
changes based on circumstances, etc., and if/when the checkbox is  
interpretted subtley (or not so subtley) differently by the consumer.

In this particular limitted case it seems relatively ok although not  
necessarily advisable, but it's a slippery slope I don't consider us  
have a completely clean history with.


Quoting Steve Reinhardt :

In generalI think this is the kind of ISA hook we should be using...
in the sense that checking TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc is much better
than "(TheISA == x86 || TheISA == Power)".  I think it's useful not
only to avoid the overhead of a dynamic check for an ISA that doesn't
need it, but also to clarify that this is code that never gets
executed on those ISAs.  Maybe for a little one-liner like this it's
not a big deal either way, but for bigger hunks of code I think that
clarification is potentially useful.


On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Gabriel Michael Black

Yes it does, and that sounds reasonable to me. I'd still like to see us use
ISA hooks as minimally as possible, but this seems ok.


Quoting Timothy M Jones :

Oh, ok, I see where you're going with that.  However, the main idea of
having TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc was that it is a constant  
specific to each

ISA.  Therefore, the compiler should really recognise this and optimise it
away wherever it's used.  In this case, for ISAs that don't have unaligned
memory accesses the whole 'if' block should disappear.  For ISAs that do
have them then the condition should be reduced to just checking sreqLow.
 Therefore it's better for the first set of ISAs for this to be kept in.
 Does that make sense?


On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 14:30:56 -0400, Gabe Black 

I think you missed my point. If the check of TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc
is redundant, we shouldn't be checking it at all. It's a free, though
very small, performance bump, but more significantly it removes a direct
dependence on the ISA.


Timothy M. Jones wrote:

changeset 3bd51d6ac9ef in /z/repo/m5

Re: [m5-dev] changeset in m5: O3CPU: Fix a bug where stores in the cpu where ...

2010-07-22 Thread Steve Reinhardt
In generalI think this is the kind of ISA hook we should be using...
in the sense that checking TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc is much better
than "(TheISA == x86 || TheISA == Power)".  I think it's useful not
only to avoid the overhead of a dynamic check for an ISA that doesn't
need it, but also to clarify that this is code that never gets
executed on those ISAs.  Maybe for a little one-liner like this it's
not a big deal either way, but for bigger hunks of code I think that
clarification is potentially useful.


On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Gabriel Michael Black
> Yes it does, and that sounds reasonable to me. I'd still like to see us use
> ISA hooks as minimally as possible, but this seems ok.
> Gabe
> Quoting Timothy M Jones :
>> Oh, ok, I see where you're going with that.  However, the main idea of
>> having TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc was that it is a constant specific to each
>> ISA.  Therefore, the compiler should really recognise this and optimise it
>> away wherever it's used.  In this case, for ISAs that don't have unaligned
>> memory accesses the whole 'if' block should disappear.  For ISAs that do
>> have them then the condition should be reduced to just checking sreqLow.
>>  Therefore it's better for the first set of ISAs for this to be kept in.
>>  Does that make sense?
>> Tim
>> On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 14:30:56 -0400, Gabe Black 
>> wrote:
>>> I think you missed my point. If the check of TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc
>>> is redundant, we shouldn't be checking it at all. It's a free, though
>>> very small, performance bump, but more significantly it removes a direct
>>> dependence on the ISA.
>>> Gabe
>>> Timothy M. Jones wrote:

 changeset 3bd51d6ac9ef in /z/repo/m5
        O3CPU: Fix a bug where stores in the cpu where never marked as


 src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh |  6 ++
 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

 diffs (16 lines):

 diff -r 02b471d9d400 -r 3bd51d6ac9ef src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh
 --- a/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh    Thu Jul 22 18:47:52 2010 +0100
 +++ b/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh    Thu Jul 22 18:52:02 2010 +0100
 @@ -822,6 +822,12 @@
    storeQueue[store_idx].sreqLow = sreqLow;
    storeQueue[store_idx].sreqHigh = sreqHigh;
    storeQueue[store_idx].size = sizeof(T);
 +    // Split stores can only occur in ISAs with unaligned memory
 accesses.  If
 +    // a store request has been split, sreqLow and sreqHigh will be
 +    if (TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc && sreqLow) {
 +        storeQueue[store_idx].isSplit = true;
 +    }
    assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(storeQueue[store_idx].data));

    T gData = htog(data);
 m5-dev mailing list

>>> ___
>>> m5-dev mailing list
>> --
>> Timothy M. Jones
>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
>> ___
>> m5-dev mailing list
> ___
> m5-dev mailing list
m5-dev mailing list

Re: [m5-dev] changeset in m5: O3CPU: Fix a bug where stores in the cpu where ...

2010-07-22 Thread Gabriel Michael Black
Yes it does, and that sounds reasonable to me. I'd still like to see  
us use ISA hooks as minimally as possible, but this seems ok.


Quoting Timothy M Jones :

Oh, ok, I see where you're going with that.  However, the main idea  
of having TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc was that it is a constant  
specific to each ISA.  Therefore, the compiler should really  
recognise this and optimise it away wherever it's used.  In this  
case, for ISAs that don't have unaligned memory accesses the whole  
'if' block should disappear.  For ISAs that do have them then the  
condition should be reduced to just checking sreqLow.  Therefore  
it's better for the first set of ISAs for this to be kept in.  Does  
that make sense?


On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 14:30:56 -0400, Gabe Black  wrote:

I think you missed my point. If the check of TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc
is redundant, we shouldn't be checking it at all. It's a free, though
very small, performance bump, but more significantly it removes a direct
dependence on the ISA.


Timothy M. Jones wrote:

changeset 3bd51d6ac9ef in /z/repo/m5
O3CPU: Fix a bug where stores in the cpu where never marked as split.


src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh |  6 ++
1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (16 lines):

diff -r 02b471d9d400 -r 3bd51d6ac9ef src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh
--- a/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hhThu Jul 22 18:47:52 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hhThu Jul 22 18:52:02 2010 +0100
@@ -822,6 +822,12 @@
storeQueue[store_idx].sreqLow = sreqLow;
storeQueue[store_idx].sreqHigh = sreqHigh;
storeQueue[store_idx].size = sizeof(T);
+// Split stores can only occur in ISAs with unaligned memory  
accesses.  If
+// a store request has been split, sreqLow and sreqHigh will  
be non-null.

+if (TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc && sreqLow) {
+storeQueue[store_idx].isSplit = true;
assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(storeQueue[store_idx].data));

T gData = htog(data);
m5-dev mailing list

m5-dev mailing list

Timothy M. Jones

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

m5-dev mailing list

m5-dev mailing list

Re: [m5-dev] changeset in m5: O3CPU: Fix a bug where stores in the cpu where ...

2010-07-22 Thread Timothy M Jones
Oh, ok, I see where you're going with that.  However, the main idea of  
having TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc was that it is a constant specific to  
each ISA.  Therefore, the compiler should really recognise this and  
optimise it away wherever it's used.  In this case, for ISAs that don't  
have unaligned memory accesses the whole 'if' block should disappear.  For  
ISAs that do have them then the condition should be reduced to just  
checking sreqLow.  Therefore it's better for the first set of ISAs for  
this to be kept in.  Does that make sense?


On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 14:30:56 -0400, Gabe Black   

I think you missed my point. If the check of TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc
is redundant, we shouldn't be checking it at all. It's a free, though
very small, performance bump, but more significantly it removes a direct
dependence on the ISA.


Timothy M. Jones wrote:

changeset 3bd51d6ac9ef in /z/repo/m5
O3CPU: Fix a bug where stores in the cpu where never marked as split.


 src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh |  6 ++
 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (16 lines):

diff -r 02b471d9d400 -r 3bd51d6ac9ef src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh
--- a/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hhThu Jul 22 18:47:52 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hhThu Jul 22 18:52:02 2010 +0100
@@ -822,6 +822,12 @@
 storeQueue[store_idx].sreqLow = sreqLow;
 storeQueue[store_idx].sreqHigh = sreqHigh;
 storeQueue[store_idx].size = sizeof(T);
+// Split stores can only occur in ISAs with unaligned memory  
accesses.  If
+// a store request has been split, sreqLow and sreqHigh will be  

+if (TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc && sreqLow) {
+storeQueue[store_idx].isSplit = true;
 assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(storeQueue[store_idx].data));

 T gData = htog(data);
m5-dev mailing list

m5-dev mailing list

Timothy M. Jones

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

m5-dev mailing list

Re: [m5-dev] changeset in m5: O3CPU: Fix a bug where stores in the cpu where ...

2010-07-22 Thread Gabe Black
I think you missed my point. If the check of TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc
is redundant, we shouldn't be checking it at all. It's a free, though
very small, performance bump, but more significantly it removes a direct
dependence on the ISA.


Timothy M. Jones wrote:
> changeset 3bd51d6ac9ef in /z/repo/m5
> details:;node=3bd51d6ac9ef
> description:
>   O3CPU: Fix a bug where stores in the cpu where never marked as split.
> diffstat:
>  src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh |  6 ++
>  1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
> diffs (16 lines):
> diff -r 02b471d9d400 -r 3bd51d6ac9ef src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh
> --- a/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh  Thu Jul 22 18:47:52 2010 +0100
> +++ b/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh  Thu Jul 22 18:52:02 2010 +0100
> @@ -822,6 +822,12 @@
>  storeQueue[store_idx].sreqLow = sreqLow;
>  storeQueue[store_idx].sreqHigh = sreqHigh;
>  storeQueue[store_idx].size = sizeof(T);
> +
> +// Split stores can only occur in ISAs with unaligned memory accesses.  
> If
> +// a store request has been split, sreqLow and sreqHigh will be non-null.
> +if (TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc && sreqLow) {
> +storeQueue[store_idx].isSplit = true;
> +}
>  assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(storeQueue[store_idx].data));
>  T gData = htog(data);
> ___
> m5-dev mailing list

m5-dev mailing list

[m5-dev] changeset in m5: O3CPU: Fix a bug where stores in the cpu where ...

2010-07-22 Thread Timothy M. Jones
changeset 3bd51d6ac9ef in /z/repo/m5
O3CPU: Fix a bug where stores in the cpu where never marked as split.


 src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh |  6 ++
 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (16 lines):

diff -r 02b471d9d400 -r 3bd51d6ac9ef src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh
--- a/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hhThu Jul 22 18:47:52 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hhThu Jul 22 18:52:02 2010 +0100
@@ -822,6 +822,12 @@
 storeQueue[store_idx].sreqLow = sreqLow;
 storeQueue[store_idx].sreqHigh = sreqHigh;
 storeQueue[store_idx].size = sizeof(T);
+// Split stores can only occur in ISAs with unaligned memory accesses.  If
+// a store request has been split, sreqLow and sreqHigh will be non-null.
+if (TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc && sreqLow) {
+storeQueue[store_idx].isSplit = true;
 assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(storeQueue[store_idx].data));
 T gData = htog(data);
m5-dev mailing list