Re: [geo] Geoengineering in IPCC WGI AR5 Summary for Policymakers

2013-09-27 Thread Andrew Lockley
I had in mind David Keith's excellent vector diagram work, which I believe is unpublished at present. There he showed that geoengineering corrects all of the temperature rise, and slightly over corrects the hydro. If you correct the hydro instead of the temperature, the resulting climate is perfec

Re: [geo] ETC: Concern as IPCC Bangs the Drum for Geoengineering

2013-09-27 Thread Ronal W. Larson
Jim, cc list I really don't understand the ETC position, so please excuse a few questions. I restrict myself, and ask you to also, to CDR, not SRM. I want to tackle the easiest issues first. The reason for asking the following is my having just finished Chapter 1 of a new book Climate

Re: [geo] Geoengineering in IPCC WGI AR5 Summary for Policymakers

2013-09-27 Thread Alan Robock
Dear Andrew, This is not correct. For example, please see the paper by Tilmes et al., in press in JGR: Tilmes, Simone, John Fasullo, Jean-Francois Lamarque, Daniel R. Marsh, Mike Mills, Kari Alterskjær, Olivier Boucher, Jason N. S. Cole, Charles L. Curry, J. H. Haywood, Peter J. Irvine, Duo

[geo] Geoengineering rules needed sooner rather than later

2013-09-27 Thread Andrew Lockley
Poster's note : I don't agree with Clive's portrayal of geoengineers as a bunch of mercenary renegades. It just doesn’t reflect my experience of the community at all. Geoengineering rules needed sooner rather than later Source: F

[geo] 'Reducing emissions won't be enough' : Nature News & Comment

2013-09-27 Thread Andrew Lockley
Poster's note : I attended this meeting 'Reducing emissions won't be enough' Geoengineering expert Tim Kruger says we need to research technologies to take carbon out of the atmosphere. Daniel Cressey 27 September 2013 Tim Kr

Re: [geo] Geoengineering in IPCC WGI AR5 Summary for Policymakers

2013-09-27 Thread Andrew Lockley
The bit that jarred with me was the IPCC comment about the hydro cycle under SRM. I don't think it expresses the science well. SRM doesn't disrupt the hydro cycle, it just doesn't fix hydro and temperature by exactly the same amount. Running SRM actually RESTORES the hydro cycle, rather than disrup

[geo] Three Al Jazeera (US) segments on geoengineering

2013-09-27 Thread Ken Caldeira
Can we engineer our way out of global warming? Is the solution to climate change in the clouds?

Re: [geo] Geoengineering in IPCC WGI AR5 Summary for Policymakers

2013-09-27 Thread Ronal W. Larson
Joshua and list 1. Thanks for the alert. Besides your excerpt below, there is another (well hidden, but is in Section E8, with "Irreversibility" in the Section Title) place in the Summary where CDR appears (albeit indirectly). I found it as I was reading today's RealClimate summary of th

Re: [geo] Geoengineering in IPCC WGI AR5 Summary for Policymakers

2013-09-27 Thread Ken Caldeira
Folks, Upon further reflection, I would like to retract my statement about "false statement". Sometimes my fingers hit the keyboard before my brain engages. I apologize for saying a statement was false, when I was in error for misinterpreting the statement. The IPCC WG1 SPM does not say "If SRM w

[geo] Why has geoengineering been legitimised by the IPCC?

2013-09-27 Thread Andrew Lockley Why has geoengineering been legitimised by the IPCC? This morning's publication of the IPCC's summary for policymakers tells a familiar and gloomy story of the science of climate change. The big surprise is the decision to mention the controversial idea of geoengineering Ja

[geo] ETC News release on IPCC: Concern as IPCC Bangs the Drum for Geoengineering

2013-09-27 Thread Andrew Lockley
> > News Release > > ETC Group – > > 27th September 2013 > > > > Concern as IPCC Bangs the Drum for Geoengineering > > IPCC Shoots a Silver Bullet (Point) for Climate Change, Includes Geoengineering in its Latest Report > > As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change publish

[geo] ETC: Concern as IPCC Bangs the Drum for Geoengineering

2013-09-27 Thread jim thomas
News Release ETC Group – 27th September 2013 Concern as IPCC Bangs the Drum for Geoengineering IPCC Shoots a Silver Bullet (Point) for Climate Change, Includes Geoengineering in its Latest Report As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published the first insta

Re: [geo] An Analysis of the Connection Between Climate Change, Technological Solutions and Potential Disaster Management: The Contribution of Geoengineering Research - Springer

2013-09-27 Thread Ronal W. Larson
Ken etal 1. I concur on that sentence. The literature on biochar that I read certainly includes the public (and only rarely any "elite"). 2. We have mentioned Dr. Sikka's name before on this list. The new article being pricey, I found a similar free article of the same time frame at: h

Re: [geo] Geoengineering in IPCC WGI AR5 Summary for Policymakers

2013-09-27 Thread Ken Caldeira
They left out an important word ("suddenly"), leaving them with a false sentence. Methods that aim to deliberately alter the climate system to counter climate change, termed geoengineering, have been proposed. Limited evidence precludes a comprehensive quantitative assessment of both Solar Radiati

[geo] Geoengineering in IPCC WGI AR5 Summary for Policymakers

2013-09-27 Thread Josh Horton
It's finally out and here's what it says about geoengineering: Methods that aim to deliberately alter the climate system to counter climate change, termed geoengineering, have been proposed. Limited evidence prec

Re: [geo] An Analysis of the Connection Between Climate Change, Technological Solutions and Potential Disaster Management: The Contribution of Geoengineering Research - Springer

2013-09-27 Thread Ken Caldeira
I laugh: * * * * *The central argument is that the material and discursive monopolisation of geoengineering research and discussion by elite groups—political, economic and scientific-technological—has led to the marginalisation of the public from this debate ...** * One of the main discussion fora

[geo] An Analysis of the Connection Between Climate Change, Technological Solutions and Potential Disaster Management: The Contribution of Geoengineering Research - Springer

2013-09-27 Thread Andrew Lockley Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management Climate Change Management 2013, pp 535-551 An Analysis of the Connection Between Climate Change, Technological Solutions and Potential Disaster Management: The Contribution of Geoengineerin

[geo] Profitable path to sustainability: Dennis Jensen MP

2013-09-27 Thread Robert Tulip
  This article published today by a member of the new Australian government argues for funding for energy storage research. This looks promising for commercial approaches to geoengineering through carbon dioxide removal, despite the author's skeptical comments about global warming.   Robert Tuli

[geo] Climatic impact of the Millennium eruption of Changbaishan volcano in China - Xu - 2013 - GRL

2013-09-27 Thread Andrew Lockley Xu, J., B. Pan, T. Liu, I. Hajdas, B. Zhao, H. Yu, R. Liu, and P. Zhao (2013), Climatic impact of the Millennium eruption of Changbaishan volcano in China: New insights from high-precision radiocarbon wiggle-match dating, Geophys. Re