[Geoserver-users] WCS returns wrong GeoTiffs

2017-08-10 Thread Anna-Lena.Hock
Hello everyone, we recently tested the WCS of Geoserver. We want to use the service to request images in different projections. Our data source is in UTM32N and we requested GK3 images with coordinates in GK3. Here is the request: {_URL_}wcs?SERVICE=WCS&VERSION=2.0.1&REQUEST=GetCoverage&COVERAG

Re: [Geoserver-users] WCS returns wrong GeoTiffs

2017-08-11 Thread Anna-Lena.Hock
As far as I can interpret this, it means that in case we have OUTPUTCRS equals SUBSETTINGCRS the extent of the image should be exactly the one requested in SUBSET. The request coordinates aren’t transformed – the bounding box is “fixed” and the image is filled in this extent. If you vary the dim

Re: [Geoserver-users] WCS returns wrong GeoTiffs

2017-08-11 Thread Anna-Lena.Hock
Hello Andrea, yes, I did. But I send it again: I requested in GK3: SUBSET=Y,http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/31467(340,342)&SUBSET=X,http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/31467(566,568) AND set the crs to be the same: &SUBSETTINGCRS=http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/31467

[Geoserver-users] WMS NullPointer Exception

2017-09-25 Thread Anna-Lena.Hock
Dear List, currently I am facing a problem with our WMS Service. The data source is a big Image Pyramid with 5 levels covering Germany in EPSG:25832. For tiles outside the boundaries of the dataset Geoserver throws nullpointer exceptions: 2017-09-25 11:47:22,205 ERROR [geoserver.ows] - java.lan

[Geoserver-users] WMS NullPointer Exception

2017-09-25 Thread Anna-Lena.Hock
Dear List, currently I am facing a problem with our WMS Service. The data source is a big Image Pyramid with 5 levels covering Germany in EPSG:25832. For tiles outside the boundaries of the dataset Geoserver throws nullpointer exceptions: 2017-09-25 11:47:22,205 ERROR [geoserver.ows] - java.lan

Re: [Geoserver-users] WMS NullPointer Exception

2017-09-26 Thread Anna-Lena.Hock
Hi Andrea, thanks for the reply! I removed the footprints ( ;)! ) and it’s still the same problem. I also added a new layer with a ImageMosaic Datasource – pointing to 0-Folder in the pyramid. It’s still the same error – it only occurs if I am requesting a tile size. We will install the maste

Re: [Geoserver-users] WMS NullPointer Exception

2017-09-26 Thread Anna-Lena.Hock
Hi Andrea, we installed and tested the nighly build – the transformation error is gone, but the Nullpointer-Exception is still there. Here is a picture with OpenLayers with the service running with the nightly build: [cid:image003.jpg@01D33766.8AE8F0B0] Currently I am running the service as I

Re: [Geoserver-users] WMS NullPointer Exception

2017-09-27 Thread Anna-Lena.Hock
Hi Andrea, I think I found the issue. This request works: ?FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=FALSE&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&LAYERS=d&SRS=EPSG%3A25832&BBOX=281628.86785608,6110430.5035682,359900.3848201,6188702.0205323&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&tiled=true&tilesOrigin=28%2C52000

[Geoserver-users] WMS Time

2017-12-19 Thread Anna-Lena.Hock
Hello List, I am having trouble to set the time range of image mosaics granules. The problem is, that it would be necessary to set a valid_from and valid_till for each granule. But I tried to make small steps and display the data for one year, without success. It is just possible to display the

[Geoserver-users] OGC Best Practices WMS & TIME

2018-01-09 Thread Anna-Lena.Hock
Hello List, now I am more or less done with the OGC Best Practices for using WMS with Time Dependent or Elevation-Dependent Data (https://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=56394). You can find in the paper exactly the requirement I was searching for: setting a expiry date or a validi

[Geoserver-users] Requests with LANGUAGE Parameters

2023-01-10 Thread Anna-Lena.Hock
Dear Mailing-List, currently we're facing a problem with this type of request to a wms service from GeoServer (2.22.0): __WMS_URL__?LANGUAGE=ger&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities Following error will be thrown: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Translator error Translato

[Geoserver-users] Freemarker Templates empty Response

2017-07-31 Thread Anna-Lena.Hock
Dear Geoserver Users, currently we experienced a problem with the freemarker Templates and the GetFeatureRequest. If Geoserver couldn't find any feature and therefore the response of GetFeature is empty, we want to show a "No results" message instead of the empty html. As far as we know only t