Slow fetching

2020-10-30 Thread Jim Lesurf
This morning when I tried to fetch some items the download rate was much
slower than usual. i.e. about a 1/10th what is normal. In effect, the
result is 'real time'  - so a 30 min TV program takes, erm, about 30 mins
to obtain rather than the usual 3 - 5 mins.

I've tried again during day with much the same result. I was waiting to see
if anyone else reported anything similar here, but so far that hasn't
happened. So I'd like to check: Has anyone else started seeing this today?

FWIW the reported stream lists as dvfhd1/bi. Not done any experiments yet
in case it clears up. But will do tomorrow, so any feedback welcome.


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world service 96k

2019-12-03 Thread Jim Lesurf
I' ve now switched to using the new version of GIP and using the 'DASH'
approach for fetching. Many thanks for the new version. :-)

For TV this works fine. And for *most* radio it also works fine. But since
I'm writing this you'll have guessed there is a trailing, "...however..." 

Using " --type=radio --mode=daf " I can get 320k aac from R4/3 fine. But
when I tried some World Service examples ('More or Less") they came as 96k
aac. So far I can't find a sign or way of getting them as 320k.

I'm pretty sure I could get 320k from WS in the past. And the last time I
checked, Scotland was still within the UK. So am I doing something wrong,
or has something changed, or do I mis-remember... or is there a way now to
get 320k from WS?


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New distro.

2019-06-19 Thread Jim Lesurf
I've just installed the current xfce mint long-term-support distro on my
main 'work' machine. Having transferred my own programs, data, etc, I find
that gip now doesn't work. This seems to be because at least some of the
relevant perl modules aren't installed by default. However I can't work out
which one(s) I need because the package names listed by synaptic I can't
relate to the specific items/locations gip lists as being awol.

The problem seems to be with "XML/"  - although it may well be
more than that. I can't tell as I know zip about perl.

Can someone please explain which packages I should install for gip to work
as usual?



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Rutherford and Fry

2019-01-08 Thread Jim Lesurf
I've been getting the current 'Rutherford and Fry' series and it seems to
differ from most other radio progs on R4. As a result I've been able to use
the same gip settings as I've employed for ages to get the 'extended'
version that is podcast as 320k aac. In effect, that's been the default for
the downloads using

--type=radio --mode=hafhigh2

which I've happily used.

However the last episode b07ctt11 is different. The above settings fail to
work and I'm told to use hlastd. That works but gives me a lower bitrate.

So, is there a setting that will give me this episode as 320k aac and work
as before, giving that, for the other programmes?


Armstrong Audio
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radio recordings using latest gip version

2018-08-26 Thread Jim Lesurf
Until yesterday I've been using an old version of gip to fetch radio
programmes. This is on my usual "Ain't broke" -> "Don't fix" basis. However
yesterday when I tried to get the latest set of R3 Proms files it failed
for the items that started with the pids that begin with 'm'.

As an aside, I know zip about perl. But I did experiment with seeing if
this was a filter problem I could fix. I found a couple of places in the
version I was using that seemed to be requiring a 'p' or 'b' and added 'm'
in the '[ ]' braces. But no cigar. Out of curiosity, if this should have
been possible I'd welcome someone explaining. However, on with the main
reason for writing this...

I got the current version of gip, and this did let me fetch the files.
However each time it began it popped up some comments to the effect 

"Error response 500 Can't connect to aod-hls-uk-live ...

... certificate verify failed."

It then said to ignore this if the download worked. Which it did. But my
questions are: Can I tell it to skip this apparent attempt to 'verify' and
not prompt or have to report the error? Or am I doing something wrong?

FWIW I've been using a series of settings

--type=radio --mode-hafhigh --force --no-tag --pid (then the pid)

Doing the above, there is something else I can report in case someone can
comment or find it of interest.

I fetched a series of half a dozen 'Proms' files inc. some of the
'headphone mix' ones which I'm in two minds about. The first fetch ('m'
prefix pid) popped up an error partway though the process.

502 bad gateway

and said a segment was missing.

The others were all OK.

I refetched the first file and this time it came without any 502. Comparing
the two files, they have exactly the same length, but I've not yet had a
chance to compare them to spot any diff.

The 502 was curious. But I also noticed that the first series of fetches
all ran at about the same, moderately slow, rate. Whereas the re-fetch ran
much faster. Which strenghtens a feeling I have that items more than a few
days old are slower to transfer, but can then get into some kind of 'cache'
which means they then can be obtained more quickly until bumped out by
something else. Is this correct?



Armstrong Audio
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Proms puzzles

2018-07-24 Thread Jim Lesurf
I've been getting various R3 Proms items fine via using my generally
preferred approach - using the pids I can find from the 'schedules' pages.
However I found another page that offerred other items, which has worked in
some cases, but not others. So I'm puzzled by this and wonder if someone
knows a way past the problems.

Note that I'm focussed here on the R3 (audio) items, not TV.

The key page is at

which lists the proms, etc, by date.

Selecting a particular prom from that pops up another page that then offers
what files are available.

For the first two proms these pages offerred both 'excerpts' (e.g. a single
composition from the prom) and some 'headphone mix' or 'binaural'
alternatives. GIP let me download these as usual.

Note that one curio here is that these items seem to 'expire' after just a
few days, not the usual month. So the first examples are now presumably no
longer available. 

However for more recent proms the 'excerpt' items should, I think, still be
available and they show a little 'clock' item and a text showing something
like '2d' which I take to mean 'available for another two days'.

*But* if I try their PIDs I find GIP fails to fetch them. Instead it tells
me that the HAF modes aren't available. Yet this didn't happen for the
first few proms. Questions here are why, and am I doing something wrong?

I also think it may be the case that the main pids shown here differ from
those on the schedules pages. But I've not fully checked that as I'm
currently puzzled by the above failures and the curio of the very short
periods of availability.

The signs are that these files are being produced quite separately from the
main ones listed in the daily shedules, but the inconsistencies seem really

BTW I don't think the 'headphone mixes' are much to write home about. They
seem to be a mix, not genuine binaural. And here with the headphones I'm
using, I prefer the standard broadcast balance! ... at least for the only
two proms thus far that have offerred the choice. :-)



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April fool or real?

2017-04-05 Thread Jim Lesurf
Is this an 'April Fool' joke or a real trial? :-)


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Update: Progress and puzzles

2016-08-20 Thread Jim Lesurf
Another try this morning confirmed that using the --ffmpeg option lets me
have gip successfully fetch via hvfhd and convert the result into playable
mp4 files. I also spent some time with ffprobe comparing previous hvfhd
fetch results as follows.

My earliest hvfhd fetches mostly were 'silent' when played with VLC. One or
two played. The distinction seems now to be as follows:

The few where VLC played the audio had ffprobe audio stream reports like

aac (LC) mp4a/0x6134706D fltp 125k

The ones that were 'silent' *lacked* the  (LC).

The versions I then got with the --raw option as ts files gave me

aac (LC) ... etc - i.e. as the above examples where VLC *did* play the
audio. But these have ther audio as stream 0,0 whereas it is 0,1 on the
converted files above.

Examining the later mp4s converted with the new ffmpeg confirmed the
pattern that when the report included the (LC) then VLC could play the
audio, but was silent when the (LC) was absent.

Quite how this squares with what I was told by my BBC contacts I don't
know. When I find out more I may be able to resolve that.

Following on from that, a curio...

A few days ago I used Flash mode to get the old 1280x720 25fps version of
the Beriloz Romeo and Juliet (Prom 20). So I thought I'd try getting the
hvfhd version as well for comparison. A quick check on the main Proms TV
list (URL given in a previous email) showed that now Prom 20 was absent
from the list! So I could not check for any 'part' files. And a newcomer
might decide the prom wasn't available.

However the pid I'd already used (b07mlqhm) duly got me the hvfhd 50fps
version and it seems fine. Although during the end conversion gip/ffmpeg
gave a series of reports specifying a sort of 'how I am getting on' which
I've not noticed before. This gave a set of elapsed times - 4m11s 8m7s,
etc. Thinking of the 'missing segments' I have a look at playing though
some of these. Only did a few, but didn't notice any problems. So maybe
these are some kind of progress reports from ffmpeg now?

BTW Can someone say what settings/settings gip has ffmpeg use when turning
the hvfhd result from ts into mp4? Using a verbose output didn't show this
when I used gip, although I may have missed it.

Once I know,  I can expriment with it on the ts files I got earlier using
--raw to see if that creates playable mp4 that let VLC give sound OK.

With luck, this all means that when the Lumpits end and we get a flood of
delayed proms txs we can get good versions of them. Thanks again to
dinkypumpkin for making this possible! At present I doubt I'll want the
1280x720 50fps for all files. But they do improve the proms over previous
'lower spec' streams! :-)  Just a shame the BBC couldn't go to 320k aac for
the audio 8-]


Armstrong Audio
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episode oddity

2016-07-27 Thread Jim Lesurf
I've been fetching and watching the recent 'Forces of Nature' BBC1 TV
series presented by Brian Cox. There are four episodes and I've had no
problem getting episodes 1, 2, and 4. But episode 3 seems different for
some reason.

For now, I've continued using a development version from Jan of 2.95 as it
has otherwise worked fine. I fetch individual programmes with the

--tvmode=hlsbest  and -- pid=

settings. However for episode 3 (pid = b07l1zvw) the fetch always halts at
about 2 mins from the start.

Anyone else had this problem or knows how to to fix it?


Armstrong Audio
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Odd fetching of radio

2016-02-17 Thread Jim Lesurf
Apart from the recent hiccup, fetching TV programmes has been fine here.
However in the last few days I've had some unusual behaviour showing up
when trying to fetch sound radio programmes.

One aspect of this is *very* slow fetches. However I tend to get radio
programmes during the day when connections here tend to be slow. (I get TV
before 9am when things are quicker.) But I get particularly strange
behaviour from the items linked from

I'm fetching using the 2.95 developmental version recommended for DASH a
while ago and using the options

--type=radio --mode-dashhigh --force --no-tag --pid 

Some examples - eg the 'Leviathan' episode give me a partial file name that
includes an extra '.' in the name (in addition to .m4a.m4a at the end). And
fail to be 'cleaned' into the usual form. I can clean them using ffmpeg
-acodec copy after the event, though. But I'm guessing the stray '.' may be
confusing the routine cleanup?

On other occasions the fetch seems to restart because of a delay, but that
may be the slw connections.

However the 'DNA's third man' seems to have an odd programme pid. I can't
seem to get this at all.

Anyone able to diagnose/help? I'm trying to use DASH to get 320k versions.


Armstrong Audio
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Random stalling

2015-06-24 Thread Jim Lesurf
I don't think the following is due to a flaw in gip. But it keeps happening
so I'd like to describe it and invite any comments regarding its cause or
what might be done.

In general I run a small program to do a set of gip fetches each morning,
timed to complete before the 9am 'deadline' when BT start clocking data
against out 'cap' value. The program simply issues a sequence of command
line fetches using gip. This lets me write a text file which lists the pids
that my program reads and then uses these to issue the fetch commands via
system() one by one.

Most mornings this works fine. But sometimes it doesn't. 

The most common symptom is that a command line fetch begins, but then halts
with the progress at  0.0%.  More rarely, it halts after the Commencing...

A ctrl-C generally simply causes the command to shut down the process it
had started and go on to the next fetch. This may or may not work.

A point to make here is that the behaviour seems 'random' in the sense that
often issuing the same command in the same with the same PID shortly
afterward duly works fine.

Occasionally when I ctrl-C the fetch it generates an 'error'. But again
these seem to vary 'randomly'. i.e. the same program fetch show  this on
one try but not on another, or may clean up with no error, or a different
one. In the bulk of cases, a failure simply cleans up without any reported

I'm raising this now because I initially spent about 10 mins this morning
re-trying the same set of 5 PIDs and they kept failing. Then some worked.
Then some which had still refused worked. Only one persisted in stalling at
0.0%. By then 9am approached and I was doing other things anyway, so I
stopped for the day. My guess is that if I try to fetch that program later
today it will fetch OK.

My *guess* is that this is some analogue of 'leaves on the line' or 'the
wrong kind of snow' affecting my connections. I also sometimes get the
'busy' page from the iplayer using firefox at times. Again, I suspect the
problem is that somewhere along the pipework between me and the BBC
servers enough other traffic is involved to disrupt things. Thus leaving
gip waiting for a packet whist the server is waiting for a request because
something got lost.

If so, no idea if this is because I live north of Edinburgh, so in a
different world to the LBH machines, or if it is a local problem, or my

Again, most mornings I get no problems at all. Sometimes I get one problem
try. This morning was a struggle. There's no pattern I've noticed.



Armstrong Audio
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Peter Grimes

2015-05-25 Thread Jim Lesurf
I've been trying to get the Peter Grimes opera broadcast on BBC4 last
night. But all I can get in response is

get_iplayer v2.92, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
  conditions; use --conditions for details.

1089:   Peter Grimes on Aldeburgh Beach - -, BBC Four, Classical,Music,Opera,

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
WARNING: The 'default' programme version could not be determined
INFO: No versions of this programme were selected (available versions:

I normally fetch by pid number but I get the same behaviour by name. How do
I specify the open version? It should be available as high quality.


Armstrong Audio
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secret history of our streets - sd or hd

2015-04-29 Thread Jim Lesurf
I'm puzzled by an inconsistency I've encountered between episodes of this

Series 1 episode 1 - Deptford = HD file obtained  (pid b01jt96v)

Series 1 episode 2 - Camberwell = SD file obtained (pid b01jzpm3)

I used the same options as usual for both of them, and which normally
gets me the 'best' (i.e. normally HD when available). FWIW I look at the
BBC listings and find the pid number to use in each case.

I think the series was made in 2012/13. And I expected all the episodes to
be HD. However Radio Times omits an (HD) for them both in its listings.

It seems very odd for a series to be partly HD and partly SD. So, is
episode 2 available as HD but I failed to fetch it for some reason? Or is
this series 'mixed' for some reason?

Using 2.92.


Armstrong Audio
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get_iplayer mailing list

radio sample rates.

2015-03-15 Thread Jim Lesurf
I've just noticed a curious change and wondered if others have encountered
it or know the reason.

This is all for *sound radio*, not TV...

Until about a week ago the files I fetched using gip all share the 44.1k
sample rate I also get using the BBC's Flash plugin with FireFox.

However recently I've noticed that some of the radio files have a 48k
sample rate. Although the same programs using the Flash + FF RTMP route
show up as 44.1k still.

I'm still using gip 2.91 as I've not yet updated to 2.92, although I'll do
that shortly. Afraid that since I've only recently noticed the above change
I don't know if it might have co-incided with my adopting 2.91 or not.

In case anyone is curious, I can tell the sample rate because the audio DAC
I use indicates it. In general, it switches to 'follow the source'.

For radio I use --type=radio --no-tag --pid pid and this seems to get the
'best' results in general. Then allow gip to call avconv to recontain with
the usual codec copy settings.

Anyone encountered something similar or know why this has started to occur?
I'm wondering if the BBC are moving over to 48k sample rate for the radio
files and the Flash plugin or FF is causing this to be downsampled.


Armstrong Audio
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HDTV specs

2015-03-08 Thread Jim Lesurf
Until recently I've just used gip for radio. But a few days ago I
experimented with TV for the first time to compare it with what I got using
the ilplayer plugin and FireFox. The results prompt me to outline what I
got and ask if this is typical or if I was doing something ahem?
sub-optimal. :-)

The first time I used FireFox I went via the 'shedules' to the 'Symphony'
programme on BBC4 that wa broadcast Friday before last. I clicked on the
'hd' icon to select it.

This played but a right-click over the display told me the stream was 1500
kbps and resolution 832 x 468. Which struck me as not particularly 'HD'.

So I tried again a day later when I had a chance. This time the program's
page offerred sd and hd buttons. And the 'hd' one gave me  2800 kbps 1280 x
720 this time. Rather better, but not 1980 x 1080 of course.

I used gip to get the program by pid and asking for tvmode 'best'. This
also gave me the 1280 x 720 resolution version.

The result plays better using vlc (avcodec) than I saw using FireFox and
plugin. The FF/plugin streamed version showed some examples when objects
that moved/panned sideways produced an image of them that was 'torn into
horizontal bands' because the image integrity couldn't keep up. The fetched
file when played with vlc didn't show this problem at all.[1]

Is 1280 x 720 the norm for the hdtv best-quality? I can't tell as I only
have one example which doesn't give me a chance to do any stats at all!
Plan to mainly remain interested in audio, but am curious about how hdtv
via gip and FF compare with via DVB-T2.



[1] FWIW I have a decent fttc connection in terms of nominal speed but live
some way from London (and, I assume the main BBC servers).

Armstrong Audio
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history of britain in numbers

2015-03-02 Thread Jim Lesurf
I'm having a problem downloading the last episode of the recent 'History of
Britain in Numbers' series on Radio 4. There are 10 episodes and I got the
first 9 with no problem using my usual method. However when I try gip with

--type=radio --no-tag --pid=b053c3pd

it fails with the error

no specified modes available for this programme with version 'default'.

All the other episodes seem fine with the default 'flash' modes. gip then
suggests I try 'mode=' but I have no idea what to try, or why there's a

The item plays OK with firefox and the usual web interface. The page shows
the above pid. So I'm curious as to why just one episode out of ten should
differ from the others.


Armstrong Audio
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get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-13 Thread Jim Lesurf
In article, Dave Liquorice wrote:
 On Tue, 11 Nov 2014 09:52:46 + (GMT), Jim Lesurf wrote:

   cough syrup :-)  I know from measurement and from discussions with
  some involved that for the Proms on BBC4TV they use the R3 feed for
  the music. BBC1/2TV do their own things, though. At times, that shows
  up clearly in terms of things like reduced dynamic range on BBC1/2.

 I more than half expected you to know all that already. B-)  Long gone
 are the days of a pair of analogue music lines leaving site through a
 spider filled and corroded GPO block terminal then to have some hefty
 line equalisation applied.

I'm old enough to recall what even Wrotham sounded like in those days. At
least at first they only needed *one* bit of wet string to the TX so they
didn't have to match pairs for stereo. :-)  Glad I didn't live then where I
do now, the sound quality from FM north of Edinburgh must have been awful.

 Always amused me that the golden ears would worry about mono
 directional oxygen free crystal orientated interconnect cables...

What amuses me is when they say how much better FM is 'because its
analogue'. Presumably not knowing the BBC *still* use NICAM for the
distribution to the TXs even though these days it goes by fancy routes. 8-]

That's ignoring the extra level compression on FM as well.

  Some quite subtle differences can crop up at times. pun alert! e.g.
  the 'time travel' I found one year. The best guess we reached for it
  was the presence of asynch resamplers in a chain.

 And all this is orgination, well before transmission/distribution for
 DTTV/DSAT/Streams/iPlayer get their sticky fingers on it.  B-)

My local favourite is the difference between our DTTV TXs at Angus and
Durris. If you check the mux listings they provide in the PIDs, one of them
lists the frequencies, etc, of muxes for *both* BBC TXs. This helps explain
why Freeview RXs here can get particularly confused if you just do an
automatic scan.


Armstrong Audio
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get_iplayer mailing list

Re: mpeg-dash and get_iplayer?

2014-11-13 Thread Jim Lesurf
In article, Jeremy
Nicoll - ml get_iplayer wrote:
 Jim Lesurf wrote:

  Yes I know I can install it at the click of a button. But I'm wary of
  anything from Google given their dubious behaviour, etc. Would prefer
  an alternative.

 I use Chrome rarely, but it's always worth a shot if FF won't work on a
 particular site.  For example I've found both IE  FF fail to work (when
 one comes to login) on the STV Player site, but Chrome works...

OK. I treat my laptop as 'expendable' anyway when it comes to experiments.
8-]  I'll check on how long the test mpeg-dash example will remain. And if
there is long enough for me to be able set up recording the results I'll
install Chrome there and see what happens.

Or Chromium / Opera as Clive suggests. Can anyone summarise the
differences? If not I'll do a search on the web. But it would be
interesting to hear comments from anyone wary about Google's tendency to
snoop and track.


Armstrong Audio
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get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-11 Thread Jim Lesurf
In article, Dave Liquorice wrote:
 On Mon, 10 Nov 2014 17:41:05 + (GMT), Jim Lesurf wrote:

  IMO any significant difference in sound is going to be down to
  relative codec efficiency, not due to huge differences in the TX
  chain. iPlayer desktop uses AAC-LC, DSAT is MP2 and AAC for HD, DTT
  the same albeit at lower bit rates.
  In general terms, that's what I'd be expecting. Particularly when my
  favourite source material for comparisons has tended to be proms
  concerts where I can compare R3 with BBC4, for example. 

 cough False assumption that there is only one mix leaving site... or
 even that the same mics are being used across the different services.
 Particulary for broadcasts on BBC1/2, not so sure what happens for BBC4.

 cough syrup :-)  I know from measurement and from discussions with some
involved that for the Proms on BBC4TV they use the R3 feed for the music.
BBC1/2TV do their own things, though. At times, that shows up clearly in
terms of things like reduced dynamic range on BBC1/2.

So in general for R3 vs BBC4TV Proms the mains differences tend to be
due to the encoder type/settings choices and any resamplings for changes in
base sample rate. e.g the way they used to HF limit one route to force the
bits available to be devoted to describing lower frequencies with more

You can see various examples by measurement on my website. In some cases
people at the BBC also kindly gave me source copies as LPCM pre-encoders
for comparisons. (For some years they found me useful as a 'health check'
on what emerged at the user end of the chains. They've been very helpful.)

Some quite subtle differences can crop up at times. pun alert! e.g.
the 'time travel' I found one year. The best guess we reached for it
was the presence of asynch resamplers in a chain.


Armstrong Audio
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get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-10 Thread Jim Lesurf
   Thanks, I'll look at the above. One of the things I'm curious about
   is the relative performance (in terms of quality, etc) of ffmpeg
   versus avcodec. I come to this from being a long term user of
   ffmpeg, but knowing nothing about the forking or its effects. Given
   my past I tend to go for using ffmpeg as my first intent. But
   would/will change if it is advantageous.

 Bringing this sharply back on topic...

 IIRC, DTT, DSAT and iPlayer are basically fed with the same quality
 source. iPlayer caps live from the full fat source signal, with
 automation to tell it when to start and stop, except where something
 has been preloaded for immediate availability. Not intimately familiar
 with the latest incarnation setup but I'll read some docs and confirm
 with people who do, I'm also curious now.

 IMO any significant difference in sound is going to be down to relative
 codec efficiency, not due to huge differences in the TX chain. iPlayer
 desktop uses AAC-LC, DSAT is MP2 and AAC for HD, DTT the same albeit at
 lower bit rates.

In general terms, that's what I'd be expecting. Particularly when my
favourite source material for comparisons has tended to be proms concerts
where I can compare R3 with BBC4, for example. However there can still be
curious differences as I've found and reported on previous webpages on

And I know that at one time the R3 'listen again' differed from the 'live'.
e.g. a tendency to be able to second-guess converting the input stream at a
different level. Not sure that's still the case, though. Nor for other

However one of the points I want to test is to compare how the 'Flash'
decoder you're using when using a webpage and browser compare with what
something like ffmpeg makes of the source material. I've asked about
various aspects of this in the past. But TBH aspects of it are a black box
even for BBC people! Too much outsourcing and no source code they can all
check, I fear. :-/


Armstrong Audio
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get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-09 Thread Jim Lesurf
In article, Jonathan Larmour wrote:
 On 08/11/14 23:05, Peter S Kirk wrote:
  Yes, David runs the list. However, he should respect the preferences
  of list members who as you say almost no-one else on the list agrees
  with him in principle.

 I very much agree in principle, and in practice.

 David's reasoning is sound, and also reflects the way mailing lists have
 run for many years. People here are saying they don't know other lists
 that run like this - whereas I am the opposite, and virtually all the
 lists I am on behave correctly, just like this list.

Whereas other like myself can't recall using such a list in the decades
I've used email.

However I accept the one true argument. If its his list, the rules are his
to make. The rest of us have to either put up with it (with workaround if
we can) or go elsewhere. :-)

Personally I don't yet know if I'll keep on the list as I'm too new to
get_iplayer, etc. Time will tell.

BTW Having opted for 'reply to list' I got peter's address as well as the
list's in 'To'. The behaviour of the emails I get seems very inconsistent.
PITA from my POV.

I'll leave it there.


Armstrong Audio
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get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Live TV pining for the fjords

2014-11-09 Thread Jim Lesurf

 For the moment I'm occupied with fixing things still broken by the loss 
 of the programme feeds, but HDS is a can of worms that will have to be 
 opened eventually.  The BBC have already declared they are moving to HDS 
 for AOD in 2015.  If they are going to use the switch to bring in DRM (a 
 la C4), then it's game over for get_iplayer (except for podcasts).  If 
 anyone sees any news about their DRM plans, please post.

FWIW I've just written an 'opinion' column for Hi Fi News magazine about
the way the BBC dropped the feeds and raising the general issue of - in
effect - who the BBC should have in mind when making changes, etc. I've
asked readers to comment on their experience and wishes in the matter. In
particular I'm wondering how these changes may hit people with some 'smart'
devices or special groups like those with eyesight problems who aren't
aware of why something has 'stopped working'.

However the publication cycle of HFN is 3-4 months, so don't expect to see
the column soon.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-09 Thread Jim Lesurf
In article,
   David Woodhouse wrote:

 As Owen says, this has been discussed before.

 Your email client - every email client - has (at least) two options for
 *how* to reply to an email.

 First there's the private reply which goes only to the sender of the
 original email.

 And then there's the public reply to all which goes to everyone who
 received the original email.

Mine has reply to sender and reply to list. In all lists I use except
this one they work as labelled from the start.

Here even though I chose reply to list I got my *own* address in 'To' and
the list and your own address in 'cc'. I want to just send this to the list
so have to hand-edit the fields.

I'd made the change to the settings yesteryday, but still got the probem
with making this reply. Certainly *not* what I want.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Live TV pining for the fjords

2014-11-09 Thread Jim Lesurf
In article, michael norman wrote:
 On 09/11/14 10:27, Jim Lesurf wrote:

  FWIW I've just written an 'opinion' column for Hi Fi News magazine
  about the way the BBC dropped the feeds and raising the general issue

 Have you put it on your own website ? 

No/not yet. Alas, complicated situation due to the good old 'rights' issue.

The arrangement I have with them is that they publish my monthly column and
an occasional 'feature'. But on the basis that they have 'first publication
rights, and then non-exclusive' for any writing that goes into the
magazine. Its as close as I can get to free/open with a commercial consumer
mag of this kind.

*After* a delay (typically six months or more) I can put it on the web
because it now won't interfere with selling the relevant issue. They can
also reprint it if they wish. But this means I have to avoid treading on
their toes before magazine publication. Wouldn't be fair to sell it to
them, then let all potential magazine buyers read it free somewhere else

For some topics I can/may write a much longer item for the website covering
the same ground. Sometimes I can then put that up *before* the column in
the mag and reference readers to it. The justification is a mix of 'too
long for the mag' and 'too technical and will deter/annoy the less clued up

So something longer than the column may appear on the web. But can't say
what or when. I don't know enough of the detailed technical background to
the recent 'feeds' kerfuffle anyway at present to say much about that. That
said, at present two other topics are competing for top-of-the-list as a
long web item.

FWIW I know one or two people at the BBC so may try to find out something.
But if so I can't say who, or exactly what they said without their specific
agreement. Wouldn't be fair on them, and would lose me the ability to have
them talk to me or co-operate on some things.

 I have that bookmarked great stuff

 If so might be worth posting that link here.

 A lot will happen in 3-4 months.

If anyone knows what, when, please say. :-)

FWIW sometimes items can be put in as 'news'. But alas the long production
cycle of the mag tends to mean they are 'old news' by the time the print
mag appears. I'd love the mag to have their own list, but no-one is
interested there as they're over-busy anyway!

BTW wrt mag rights. I did once almost have something in the 'linux format'
magazine. (User guide to ALSA.) The editor liked the item and wanted to
publish it. But his publishers insisted on 'all rights, exclusive'. i.e. I
could never publish it on the web or elsewhere. I declined as most people
lose access to printed mags once 99% of the issues are landfill. Put it on
the web instead. Fortunately, I don't write for a living, so can choose to
do so. I write because I'm interested in something and hope/think others
may also be interested.

That shows that although it may seem resitrictive, HFN have been pretty
decent compared to many mags.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-08 Thread Jim Lesurf
On 08 Nov, Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer wrote:
 Jim Lesurf wrote:

  One complication here I've already hit is that IIUC the xfce mint
  distro I'm using doesn't provide ffmpeg but avcodec (?) I've installed
  a local version of ffmpeg but am unsure of how avcodec may differ from
  this in ways that may affect what I have in mind. I'm used to ffmpeg,
  but not avcodec. 

 Something possibly relevant avconv Used in Preference to ffmpeg Where
 Available changed in 2.83; see notes at:

 and also changes in 2.87 Important note re: obsolete FFmpeg versions:
 (also for avconv) - see:

Thanks, I'll look at the above. One of the things I'm curious about is the
relative performance (in terms of quality, etc) of ffmpeg versus avcodec. I
come to this from being a long term user of ffmpeg, but knowing nothing
about the forking or its effects. Given my past I tend to go for using
ffmpeg as my first intent. But would/will change if it is advantageous.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-08 Thread Jim Lesurf
On 08 Nov, batguano999 wrote:
 What I'm hoping to do using get_iplayer is to be able to compare such
 results with an analysis or decoding to LPCM of the flv by other means.
  i.e. use ffmpeg or similar. I'm wondering if anyone else here has
 already done this, or has comments that would help. 
 Hi Are you asking for instructions how to use FFmpeg to convert an m4a
 file downloaded with get_iplayer to a different format?

No. I already know how to do something like

ffmpeg -i infilename -f wav outfilename.wav 

to get the required coconut. :-)

What I am asking about is if anyone has done this *and compared the results
with using the 'official' BBC flash player*. Specifically by comparing the
LPCM results.

FWIW my 'traditional' method is to get as close as possible to a system
with no needless mixings, gain changes, etc. Just to have the flash output
to LPCM delivered to an external audio DAC and digital recorder. That uses
the conversion method expected by the BBC. For all I know, get_iplayer'ing
an flv and using ffmpeg produces bit-identical results. But I suspect not,
so want to investigate.

I'm wondering what - if any - measurable difference using ffmpeg (or other
'decoders' like avcodec) may introduce. And I'd do that by comparing the
output LPCM as sets of data samples.

What I don't know is who may have already done this, by what methods, and
what their detailed results were.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-08 Thread Jim Lesurf

 Something possibly relevant avconv Used in Preference to ffmpeg Where
 Available changed in 2.83; see notes at:

 and also changes in 2.87 Important note re: obsolete FFmpeg versions:
 (also for avconv) - see:

I've now looked at the above. I'm not clear if they matter for my purposes
as I'm *not* using ffmpeg as a 'client' for get_iplayer to produce a
converted result for me when it downloads. If you think it matters for the
below, please let me know...

I'm having get_iplayer provide me with an flv to represent the raw data
that gets fed by the BBC system to the flash player in the 'official
receiver' - i.e. the flash plugin that a browser like FireFox will use when
playing in the 'BBC approved' manner. I'm after what gets fed into the
Flash player as it represents the audio data the BBC want me to have for
their official method to use.

What I will then do is use ffmpeg (and/or other programs) to generate a
seperate LPCM file for analysis.

FWIW the ffmpeg I'm using at present is

version N-65311-...  dated as a 6th Aug 2014 build.

I'm actually using it from a user dir to keep it distinct from any system
version of avcodec.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-08 Thread Jim Lesurf
On 08 Nov, Stuart Henderson wrote:
 On 2014/11/08 09:47, Jim Lesurf wrote:

  but not avcodec. (Or have I got its name wrong? Afraid I've forgotten
  if my memory was ever much better than nowdays. :-) )

 The projects are ffmpeg and libav (a fork of ffmpeg). One of the
 libraries is named libavcodec, the utility program is named ffmpeg
 or avconf.  In use, they should be pretty much interchangeable.

Thanks. I'd forgotten/muddled the name as I'm just habituated to using
ffmpeg! :-) I guess I picked up the wrong name from seeing it mentioned in
library listings.

Would you expect the results from recent versions of ffmpeg and libav when
generating an LPCM file from an flv one to be different? I expect to test
this, but info from any previous tests would be useful. I presume the
source codes have a lot in common, but have no idea if any details may
differ for the main purpose here of flv - LPCM.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-08 Thread Jim Lesurf
On 08 Nov, Owen Smith wrote:
 Blasted mailing list, I sent the message below as a personal reply,
 AGAIN. I simply cannot get my brain to accept how this list works. I'm
 on half a dozen other mailing lists all of which work the other way
 round ie. replies go to the list. Mutter.

I've also been a bit puzzled/confused by the list. I'd expected emails to
the list to just generate responses via the list. But various responses
have come both direct and via the list.

I don't mind cc'ing back when I get direct responses in parallel. But it
does mean I am getting duplicatics and will have to set up a filter to
ensure these all go to the correct storage 'box' here.

Is this all the norm here, or have I done something wrong? If the latter,
my apologies. Not experienced it on other lists where all by default goes
only via the list.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: OT: reply-to [was Re: iplayer audio to lpcm]

2014-11-08 Thread Jim Lesurf
On 08 Nov, Stuart Henderson wrote:

 Just use reply all. If somebody doesn't like duplicates, they can go to and set Avoid
 duplicate copies of messages? to yes.

I'll try that and see if it puts the *list* address in 'To'

  Probably in the best part of a couple of dozen lists, all but two or
  three set the Reply To: back to the list.

 It's the other way round for me, the majority of lists I'm on do not
 override Reply-To. On the whole, technical lists are less likely to do

In *every* other list I use I get the choice of reply to sender or reply to
list. When I choose reply to list, the list's address is in 'To' with no

But here I get just the sender in 'To' and the list in 'cc'. So this list
is sending out emails with headers unlike any other list I've used. Which
includes various 'technical' ones.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-08 Thread Jim Lesurf
On 08 Nov, Owen Smith wrote:
 The person that runs this mailing list has VERY firm views about how
 they should work. This is at odds with every other mailing I have ever
 been on, which must be around 50 by now. He feels it should work the
 same way as a direct email sent to multiple people, in that Reply goes
 just to the sender and Reply to All goes to everyone 

Well, using my preferred email program I just get replies which are 'To'
the sender and 'CC' the list. I can deal with this by removing the 'To'.
But it does seem daft to have to do this every time.

It also seems odd given the list signup makes the point that only the list
admin can see the subscriber's details. IIUC the main purpose of that is to
ensure everyone *doesn't* see the email address of people submitting.

 But this argument has been done to death recently on the list and there
 is no point having it again. The list is not going to change how it
 works, this has been made very clear. The person who runs the list runs
 it his way, regardless of any majority view there might or might not be
 on the list.

The alternative would be for someone to start a new list and migrate to it.
*None* of the other email lists I've used for years work like this one.
However maybe that's been suggested before and no-one wants to bother to
set one up.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: OT: reply-to [was Re: iplayer audio to lpcm]

2014-11-08 Thread Jim Lesurf
On 08 Nov, Dave Liquorice wrote:
  Just use reply all. If somebody doesn't like duplicates, they can go
  to and set
  Avoid duplicate copies of messages? to yes.

 Thanks for that, now set.

Same here. I'll see what happens. But had to edit the headers of this, as
with my last few replies. Hopefully because the server sent it before I
registered the change of 'preference'.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

get_iplayer - works at first... then doesn't

2014-11-07 Thread Jim Lesurf

I've just joined the email list as a result of starting trying it out a few
days ago. I'll summarise the symptoms of the problem, then give more


I'm using the current LTS version of xfce mint on my laptop for all the
following. I initially installed get_iplayer via synaptic and its 'as came'
set of distros on the day the BBC abruptly ceased supplying feeds. All of
what follows is for 'radio' programs, not 'tv' ones. Unless otherwise
stated, I'm using the --pid way to get programmes.

Having installed get_iplayer I was able to fetch a randomly chosen set of
programmes (R4 and R4ex) Ok. Worked nicely and I was happy with the

However having shut down the laptop, done other things, and powered up the
laptop again later, I found I could no longer get anything.

I've spent some time raising this in detail in newsgroups and elsewhere
(can give more backstory if required). And did more tests. These included
un-installing the 'distro' verion and trying a userland install of the
current version. This also gave me problems, perhaps for different reasons.

However I then tried installing the version offerred by synaptic again.
Once again it worked fine during the session and I downloaded some more
programmes OK. But once again, having shut down the laptop and then booted
it up again later, I could no longer get anything.

So I guess something is being changed or lost - either because of the
shutdown and restart, or due to a lapse of time meaning something vital
changes. Question is, what? And then of course, how to fix it? That's why
I'm asking here for help. :-)

More info:

I'm using command line and issuing commands like

get_iplayer --type=radio --verbose --not-tag --pid b04lsjkv --o outdir

in a terminal. The --no-tag avoids the fetch working but getting a
complaint about inability to fetch some metadata to tag the results. I've
also experimented with variations like using --url with much the same

When working, all goes fine and I get what I want - an flv of the programme
content. When not I get something like

get_iplayer v2.83, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
  conditions; use --conditions for details.

INFO: User prefs dir: /home/jim/.get_iplayer
INFO: System options dir: /etc/get_iplayer/options
Current options:
notag = 1
output = /media/jim/Xtra32/GetIplayer/
packagemanager = apt
pid = b04lsjkv
type = radio
verbose = 1

INFO: Search args: ''
INFO: Will try prog types: radio
INFO: Loaded history for first check.
INFO: Loading recordings history
INFO: Programme not in history
INFO: No file cache exists for radio
INFO: Getting page
INFO: Episode-only pid detected
INFO: Trying pid: b04lsjkv using type: radio
INFO Trying to stream pid using type radio
INFO: pid not found in radio cache
INFO: Cleaning pid Old: 'b04lsjkv',  New: 'b04lsjkv'
INFO: Loaded history for first check.
INFO: Loading recordings history
INFO: Programme not in history
INFO: iPlayer metadata URL =
INFO: Getting page
WARNING: No programmes are available for this pid with version(s): default
ERROR: Could not get version pid metadata

Note that thoughout I can use wget OK to fetch other things. This works
when get_iplayer fails. So I can use, say,


to get an xml file of the metadata for b04mcmnl even when get_iplayer fails
to get the actual programme file.

As luck would have it, I first installed and tried get_iplayer on the day
the BBC removed the deckchairs. So at first I thought that was the reason
for the problems. But this doesn't now seem likely given the way the same
works at first then stops behaviour can be recycled by a fresh install of
the same version of get_iplayer.

The distro version is 2.83. The one I tried in a user directory was 2.90
obtained via git.

I've been looking at the archives of this list, but haven't spotted the
problem/solution there - maybe because I'm not sure how it would have been
labelled. So I don't know if this is an 'old friend' for people here, or a
new puzzle. Nor do I know if I'm just doing something dumb or not. Not
played this particular game before. :-)


I actually decided to experiment because I want to compare the 'raw' data I
get with the results I routinely can obtain by recording the digital output
from a computer. i.e. compare how the 'flash' decoder in a webpage window
does this relative to possible alternatives. In addition, although my
interest is mainly audio, to compare the audio from some HDTV with the
content of ts files recorded from FreeviewHD. (That in turn was prompted by
*finally* having FTTC reach our area so I can now actually 

Re: get_iplayer - works at first... then doesn't

2014-11-07 Thread Jim Lesurf
On 07 Nov, Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer wrote:
 Jim Lesurf wrote:

 I'm using command line and issuing commands like
 get_iplayer --type=radio --verbose --not-tag --pid b04lsjkv --o outdir
  in a terminal. The --no-tag avoids the fetch working but getting a
  complaint about inability to fetch some metadata to tag the results.

 Is that --not-tag in your sample command a typo, or are you actually
 using the incorrect option name? 

Sorry. Typo. I'd use  to record the report by typed the command by
looking at the laptop screen whilst using this machine to send an email. As
you may know from elsewhere do tend to make typos I'm afraid. Even looking
at what I've written I can fail to see them.

 get_iplayer v2.83, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis

 It's pointless telling people what happens with 2.83; you need to tell
 us what happens with 2.90.

  The distro version is 2.83. The one I tried in a user directory was
  2.90 obtained via git.

 So post the relevant parts of its   --verbose   output instead.  Can you
 see any difference between that for a working run and a subsequent
 non-working one?

Just tried it. Same command as above (without the typo!) and it worked!

That's interesting because it didn't work before. I'm not sure if that's
because installing 2.83 has set up something else which it requires.
However I'll have to try it a few times before and after a
shutdown-wait-bootup to see if it continues.

 If you fetch the exact same programme both times, (you'll need to code
 --force   on refetches) it'll be easier to compare.

Ah. I'd noticed a force option but hadn't seen a description of what it
does. Thanks.

I'll report back later on what happens after a shutdown, etc.

But why would 2.83 work *until* a shutdown-startup?



Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: get_iplayer - works at first... then doesn't

2014-11-07 Thread Jim Lesurf
I've now done a power cycle of the laptop and the userland 2.90 still works
OK. Excellent. :-)

I'm still puzzled by why the 'distro' version works at first and then
ceases over a power cycle. If it had failed from the start I would have
taken for granted it was a dead duck and focussed on 2.90. But the fact
that it works initially after an install made me think I was simply doing
something wrong in terms of setup, etc.

Also, here I'm simply re-trying the 2.90 I installed a few days ago in a
user directory. Then it failed. Now it works. My guess is that then I'd
un-installed some kind of support that it needs when I'd uninstalled 2.83
to avoid accidentially using the wrong one (due to my typing un-skills!)

So it looks like I have to have installed the 'distro' 2.83 to ensure I've
also setup and installed something else that 2.90 needs.

I'll do some more tests, but it looks like - fingers crossed - I'm now OK.
Apologies for the muddle!



Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

get_iplayer mailing list