Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: Comments on gimp's interface

2006-04-07 Thread Akkana Peck
Pär Forsling writes:
> Akkana Peck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(about problems Tab causes because the focus ends up in the wrong
window, and wanting a way to disable Tab).

> Have you posted a bug report to bugzilla about the wrong focus
> behaviour? Otherwise I'll do it.

I haven't, because the focus behavior is mostly normal window
manager behavior. It would be nice if GIMP could set focus back
to the image window after Tab brings back other windows, but that
seems fairly difficult to do in gtk. I wasn't confident such a bug
would be accepted.

And since I never actually want the Tab behavior anyway, and Tab
is so easy to hit by accident, I'd still like a way to disable it.
Grabbing the focus back would help in that correcting an accidental
Tab would only take one keystroke instead of a keystroke-plus-mouse-
out-plus-mouse-in; but I'd rather not have to correct it at all.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Comments on gimp's interface

2006-04-07 Thread Sven Neumann

actually the idea is that "Save" saves as XFC because that's the only
format that keeps all the information. Everything else is "Export". If
you want to propose how the Export functionality should be
implemented, feel free to discuss it here. But please make sure that
the results are put on the GIMP Wiki and please inform us and the
GIMP group at about your efforts.

It would be nice if the proposal could keep in mind that the file
plug-ins are out-of-process. Thus it will be very difficult to
implement anything that tries to combine user interface elements of
the core (the file-chooser) and the plug-in.

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] File save plugins, preferred vs required image types

2006-04-07 Thread Clarence Risher
I am taking a stab at my first contribution in the form of an improvement to an existing file saving plugin.  I have discovered how the plugin specifies which types of images it can handle (INDEXED*, GRAY*) but I have a small problem.  Currently a dialog appears to asks if the image should be converted to indexed or greyscale, but if I add RGB* as an accepted type than that dialog goes away.  I want some sort of prompt to still appear asking the user if they want to index the image.  Is there any sort of image type 'preference' that would not have the force of a requirement but would still produce that dialog?

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