Re: [Gimp-developer] Possibility of a stand in Siggraph

2006-05-11 Thread Clarence Risher
Just throwing it out there...  It might be cool to have a stand split between the main LGM projects (GIMP, Blender, Inkscape, Scribus, Xara).On 5/10/06, Dave Neary
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:There's a decent possibility of having a stand very cheap (proper island stand,
partially sponsored, in the main conference area) which we would share withBlender and some other projects (Ton from Blender's co-ordinating). I wouldlove to have the GIMP represented at a top flight conference like this, and
think it's worth the money - the GIMP's part of the pie would be between $1Kand $2K, depending on the levels of sponsorship, whether we bed in with theGNOME guys, etc.
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Color Paletes for Gimp, Inkscape and Krita (also Scribus compatible one): CORRECT LINK

2006-05-11 Thread jEsuSdA 8)

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Color Paletes for Gimp, Inkscape and Krita (also Scribus compatible one)

2006-05-11 Thread jEsuSdA 8)


I only wanted notify you that i've made a collection of color palettes i 
think can be interesting to your project.

I've used some palettes included in Gimp, Krita and Inkscape and i've 
added some interesting others:

Scribus color palette,
Pantano - a Pantone Coated color palette copy (a propos of this: ¿Can I 
have legal problems about this ?)

and some others.

I've have made a simple script to install and configure all of these 
palettes simultaneously in Krita, Gimp and Inkscape, and I consider that 
it will be interesting create a separated package with palettes that all 
design applications could use.
By the moment, each application uses ours palettes and this is not so 
god to work between them.

I hope you find this idea and project interesting.

Thanks and excuse my poor english.

jEsuSdA 8)



Sólo quería nofificaros que he creado una colección de paletas de color 
que creo que pueden resultar interesantes para vuestros proyectos.

He usado algunas paletas incluidas en Gimp, Krita e Inkscape y he 
añadido algunas otras interesantes:

Una paleta de color con los colores de Scribus,
Pantano, una copia de la paleta de color Pantone Coated (a propósito: 
¿Puedo tener algun tipo de problema legal por esto?)

Y algunas otras más.

He creado también un script sencillo para instalar y configurar todas 
las paletas simultánemente en Krita, Gimp e Inkscape, y considero que 
sería muy interesante crear un paquete separado con las paletas para que 
todas las aplicaciones pudieran usarlas.
Por ahora cada aplicación usa las suyas propias y esto no es muy bueno 
para trabajar entre ellas.

Espero que encontréis esta idea y proyecto iinteresante.

Gracias y perdón por mi deficiente inglés.

jEsuSdA 8)
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] RFC: three questions for the LXF article

2006-05-11 Thread Michael Schumacher
> Von: Alan Horkan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Wed, 10 May 2006, Michael J. Hammel wrote:

> > Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 13:52:24 -0600
> > From: Michael J. Hammel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > If anyone wants to comment on these, please feel free.
> >
> > 1. Developer Wishlist
> >
> > A lng time ago there was a wish list of features for GIMP.  Is 
> > there any such thing now, specifically as seen from the developers 
> > point of view?
> Anything and everything marked as enhancement in Bugzilla?

Is this GIMP Wish list one of the following?

It would be worthwhile to check if there is anything not yet in Bugzilla.


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Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] RFC: three questions for the LXF article

2006-05-11 Thread Alan Horkan

On Wed, 10 May 2006, Michael J. Hammel wrote:

> Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 13:52:24 -0600
> From: Michael J. Hammel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: GIMP Developer Mailing List 
> Subject: [Gimp-developer] RFC:  three questions for the LXF article
> If anyone wants to comment on these, please feel free.
> 1. Developer Wishlist
> A lng time ago there was a wish list of features for GIMP.  Is there
> any such thing now, specifically as seen from the developers point of
> view?

Anything and everything marked as enhancement in Bugzilla?

> 2. The 5 most annoying GIMP bugs
> Totally subjective, but please feel free to comment on these.  I know
> the two I've heard the most are that GIMP uses SDI instead of MDI and
> that the menus don't read like Photoshops (two that I, personally, think
> are irrelevent, but who am I to say what's relevent?).

I'd qualify that complaint a little further.  The GIMP uses CSDI, a
controlled Single Document Interface, where the Toolbox is the control
window[1] unlike the SDI used in Inkscape and various Gnome applications.
This makes the GIMP quite unusual and unfamiliarity is enough to put off
many users (but then there are other issues besides that).
The biggest supporters of this scheme are users with dual head setups or a
complex window manager (ie not Metacity or Windows).  I would not mention
the "instead of MDI" (Window in Window like Photoshp for Microsoft
platforms)  because that presumes too much about the best alternative.

The menus not reading like photoshop increases the learning curve allowign
users to leverage existing knowledge and makes it more difficult to reuse
all those photoshop tutorials out there.  The point I regularly make is
that I'd be a lot happier if things were _the same or better than
photoshop_ i.e. unless there was a specific reason to do things
differently they would be the same.  However the default position remains
to only copy photoshop when there is a distinct benefit to doing so.  I
don't think this is a particularly significant problem in the grand scheme
of things but it is a realtively easy complaint for users to identify and
put the blame here for other difficulties they might be having trying to
learn the software.

Alan H.

[1] The old version of Mathematica I had on windows used the menubar as a
control window.  I think Delphi did too.  Macintosh applications use the
menubar as the control window which is slightly different.
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] about lanczos

2006-05-11 Thread Alastair M. Robinson


Roberto Winter wrote:

I guess the whole point is that Lanczos is not really the 'best' 
algorithm for reducing images (as suggested in the scalings dialogs whe 
selecting the algorithm). Now, isn't there a problem?...

Yes, there is - and the problem isn't just that Lanczos is not the 
"best" algorithm for reducing images, *interpolation* of any kind is 
inapproprite when reducing images.

Interpolation allows us to estimate pixel values that "fall in the 
cracks" between sample points in the original image - which is a great 
help when enlarging; however, when reducing, the "correct" approach is 
to perform a weighted average of all source pixels that are "covered" by 
the destination pixel.

Cubic interpolation gives a tolerable approximation of the "correct" 
method; Lanczos Sinc, it would appear, doesn't.

Another point worth considering is that, while for band-limited 
photographic images Lanczos performs very well, for artifically sharp 
images it can result in almost JPEG-like ringing artifacts.

So while it produces the "best" results for many images - and is 
certainly the method that causes the least amount of blurring when 
rotating an image by a few degrees, it's not *always* the best choice.

All the best,
Alastair M. Robinson
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: Color Paletes for Gimp, Inkscape and Krita (also Scribus compatible one)

2006-05-11 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine

On 5/11/06, jEsuSdA 8) wrote:

it means create a palette independent package.
By the moment, i've created a simple script to create a folder
(/usr/share/color-palettes) and link it into gimp, krita an inkscape
palettes directory.

What you are trying to do is exactly what we are doing in CREATE. I
don't understand why you say that it's a different thing just because
of symlinking.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: Color Paletes for Gimp, Inkscape and Krita (also Scribus compatible one)

2006-05-11 Thread jEsuSdA 8)

Alexandre Prokoudine escribió:

On 5/11/06, jEsuSdA 8) wrote:

 But my idea is unificate all palettes

What exactly does it mean?


it means create a palette independent package.
By the moment, i've created a simple script to create a folder
(/usr/share/color-palettes) and link it into gimp, krita an inkscape
palettes directory.



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