[Gimp-developer] Overview of SOC projects

2006-05-25 Thread William Skaggs
We welcome seven students who will be supported this summer by the
Google Summer of Code 2006 program.  Here is a shapshot of who they
are and what they will be working on:

Hendrik Boom, Vector layers in GIMP, with Simon Budig as mentor.
Hendrik will be starting as an undergraduate in Computer Science at
Concordia University in the fall.

Philip Lafleur, New/extended brush System, with Sven Neumann as
mentor.  Philip is a Computer Science undergraduate at North Carolina
State University.  He has already made important contributions to
GIMP, including the code that allows transform tools to show previews
inside the image (as opposed to just showing grids).

Pedro Alonso Ferrer, Vanishing point cloning, with Manish Singh as
mentor.  Pedro is a Computer Science/Engineering undergraduate at
Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona.

Kevin Sookocheff, Healing brush, with Bill Skaggs as mentor.  Kevin
is a Computer Science graduate student at the University of Saskatoon.

Scott Lembke, Ruby-GIMP scripting, with Kevin Cozens as mentor.
Scott is a Computer Science undergraduate at University of Minnesota

Andrey Smorkalov, User interface improvements, with Bill Skaggs as
mentor.  Andrey is an IT undergraduate at Mari State University in

Divyanshu Vats, Wavelet-based imaging/Jpeg2000 support, with Simon
Budig as mentor.  Divyanshu is an Electrical Engineering/Mathematics
undergraduate at University of Texas Austin.

It is worth noting that in supporting these projects, Google is
contributing over $30,000 to GIMP development -- a magnificent and
truly appreciated gesture.

  -- Bill

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[Gimp-developer] New microsoft image format

2006-05-25 Thread Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris
Just missing the deadline for a SoC sponsored plugin for it, 
microsoft released the specs for their new image file format here:


I di dnot download it, bu I read the agreement for ownlaoding it. One 
keep his soul and his mother in doing so. I mean- there is no nasty 
NDA, it seems possible to implement a free software  as fara s 
copyright issues stand, for reading and writing the beast - but the 
nDA says that software patents involving that owned by MS still 

They announce  a lot of miracles for this format, and it would be nice 
to be able to read and write to it if half of then hold true.


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