Re: [Gimp-developer] [GSoC] GimpSizeEntry widget

2011-05-10 Thread Martin Nordholts
2011/5/9 Enrico Schröder :
> Hi everybody,
> I've come up with a updated (and more detailed) version of class and
> sequence diagrams for the new widget.
> I tried to incorporate some of the comments. Note that all names are
> subject to change ;-)
> Our now called GimpUnitEntry will be derived from GtkSpinScale and use a
> subclass of GtkAdjustment to store its value including the unit
> (GimpUnitAdjustment). All synchronisation and live updating of
> associated UnitEntries will happen directly between their
> GimpUnitAdjustments, thus completely separating everything value-related
> from the gui and input. The GimpUnitEntry itself will be just
> responsible for display and parsing of entered terms. See use cases and
> class diagram for details.

Hi Enrico,

Good job! Very clear. Some comments, questions and design concerns:

* I think the class names are fine.

* The parsing should also be perfomed by a non-UI layer and not in
GimpUnitEntry so the parsing code can be used in e.g. a script
interpreter with no UI dependencies.

* Yes, try to reuse GtkAdjustment::value-changed. Only if that doesn't
work for some reason should you duplicate the signal in

* GimpUnitEntryTable shouldn't derive from GtkTable, because there is
no is-a relationship. To convince yourself of that: Can you always
replace a GtkTable with a GimpUnitEntryTable? Nope, so you should use
composition instead of inheritance.

* In case mitch didn't already tell you: The easiest way to create a
new class including all C GObject boilerplate is to copy an existing
class and do word-wize and case-preserving (like Emacs)
search-and-replace. For example, to create GimpUnitAdjustment, copy a
GObject inherited GimpDoubleWorded class and first replace 'double'
with 'unit', then 'worded' with 'adjustment'.

* I've recomended a test-case based development approach before, and
now that most of the code will have no UI-dependencies I recomend it
even more, as non-UI classes generally are very easy to unit-test. An
example of a commit that introduces a non-UI class along with
appropriate propotions of documentation and unit tests is this commit:
By writing unit tests along with your code, productivity goes up a lot
when you (or anyone in the lifetime of the project) refactor code,
because verifying the class still works takes seconds.

* Regarding the use case of entering "1 cm" and getting the result in
px, we could use an 'in' keyword like Google. Analogous to "100 SEK in
USD", we would have "1 cm in px". That is a future extension though,
don't spend time on that yet.

* Have you thought about how the image resolution comes into the picture?

* Regarding your get_unit() method, an interesting question is what
unit an expression like "10px + 1cm" has.

* Have you thought about how to connect GimpUnitEntry to the existing
GIMP code like the various props helper functions? (See how
GimpSizeEntry currently is used)

* I don't like how constraints currently are applied, in particular
that you require two instance of a constraint when there is only one
equation that shall hold. I don't think it is a good idea to make
GimpUnitAdjustment (or GimpUnitEntry for that matter) be aware of
constraints, because they can potentially be rather complex. It is
probably a better idea to take care of constraints one one
architectural level above GimpUnitAdjustment (they don't know about
constraints, constraints are just being applied to them).

* Regarding the contraint case, for a good design, consider how you
would support constraints between three numbers (e.g. a = b + c).

* Again, I would advice you to focus on the basics. Once the basic
functionality is in place, meaning it is good enough for inclusion in
a stable GIMP version, we can start working on constraints support.

* What program did you make those rather nice sequence diagrams in?

Best regards,

My GIMP Blog:
"GIMP 2.8 schedule on"
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Announcing Gimpscripter plugin authoring tool, beta prototype

2011-05-10 Thread lloyd konneker
Yes, the Gimpscripter UI and the whole app is thin and could be
improved.  But thanks for your suggestion, it helps to prioritize.

Thanks for the link, AdaptableGimp is exciting.

I haven't yet fully explored AdaptableGimp, so what follows are first
impressions.  AdaptableGimp seems to be a social way to document a
TaskSet (what I call a recipe) and to make the TaskSet
point-and-clickable. The difference is that TaskSets are not executable
as a unit, you still must point and click.  This makes sense when the
user needs to use the mouse/pointer during the task, e.g. to make a
selection or to draw a shape. OTOH when no user mouse/pointer
interaction is required, why not make a TaskSet executable? Shouldn't we
merge the two ideas of social programming, and point-and-click authoring
of executable-as-a-unit recipes?  Maybe the users don't want the
messiness: "just give me a recipe, I can execute it myself, all that
talk about active objects and stacks is confusing."

And GEGL is part of the picture, a sequence of image transformations
that can be executed as a unit, and controlled as a unit (I have a
superficial understanding of GEGL.)

Many have suggested improvements to Gimp Registry, to make it more
sociable: easier to find, upload, download, and manage plugins.

SociableGimp: on-line, community TaskSets AND plugins?

Some terminology clarification:  Gimpscripter creates what I call
shortcuts or wrapper plugins.  They are distributable, first-class
plugins.  They should be sociable.  What I call macros are not easily
distributable.  They are short code fragments built-into Gimpscripter.
They are a layer on top of the PDB, to adapt it (eventually some of the
macros might migrate to, or be fixed in, the PDB?)  They adapt the model
presented by the GIMP GUI (e.g. a new layer is in an image) to the model
presented by the PDB (e.g., a new layer is not attached.) They don't
need to be sociable, once a complete set is created.

On Tue, 2011-05-10 at 10:40 +0800, Tim Chen wrote:
> Looks good. The UI for creating macros could use some improvement
> though, especially some options to remove/insert actions into existed
> scripts. Maybe you can reference Michael Terry's recent work on
> Adaptable GIMP.
> Thanks for sharing.
> Regards,
> Tim Chen
> On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 9:23 PM, lloyd konneker 
> > Announcing a new version of the "Make Shortcut" plugin, now called
> > "GimpScripter". It lets you point-and-click create a plugin that
calls a
> > sequence of plugins, PDB procedures, or macros. It is a plugin
> > tool.
> >
> > Gimpscripter is a Gimp plugin written in Python. It generates Python
> > code for a plugin.
> >
> > The source is at Installation
> > instruction are in the README file. The source includes many
> > documents such as NEWS, TODO, and a user's manual. You can download
> > tarball or zip there. It is in Python so just install it in the
> > Gimp directory for plugins, no compilation necessary.
> >
> > Gimpscripter is still in development. It usually works, but is
> > incomplete and could be improved.
> >
> > Take a look if you are interested in scripting Gimp, as a user or as
> > programmer.
> >
> > Gimpscripter lets you visually (graphically, point-and-click)
> > a sequential recipe, for example "Choose this, set that parameter,
> > choose that, ..". It doesn't have any control flow statements.
> >
> > It uses a stack model: it hides a prefix of parameters and
> > them to active objects.
> >
> > It includes a macro facility and macros for common sequences of
> > operations, and to wrap certain PDB procedures with higher-level
> > parameter type, e.g. PF_BRUSH instead of PF_STRING for a brush.
> >
> > Some people suggest using a recorder/playback tool to automate Gimp.
> > Scripts from such tools break when the Gimp GUI changes, and the
> > are not easily distributable. Gimpscripter is an alternative.
> >
> > Gimpscripter does have many weaknesses, some of which can be
> > to lack of support from the PDB. So it could help guide improvements
> > the PDB (but it might not raise any issues not already known, such
> > not storing defaults.)
> >
> > I welcome comments or contributions.
> >
> > Here is an example use, to make a plugin "Stroke selection with
> > selection":
> >
> > Choose "Filter/Gimpscripter" to start Gimpscripter.
> > >From the menu pane choose "Edit/Copy".
> > Choose "Edit/Paste as/New Brush".
> > Choose "Select/To path".
> > Choose "Edit/Stroke/Path".
> > Enter a name for the plugin, for example "Stroke selection with
> > selection".
> > Choose the OK button.
> > Read the summary and choose the OK button.
> > Restart Gimp.
> > Open an image and make a selection.
> > Choose "Shortcuts/Stroke selection with selection".
> > You should see a mobius like effect.
> >
> >
> > ___

[Gimp-developer] Plans for input handling in GIMP

2011-05-10 Thread Cedric Sodhi
The current way input devices are setup and handled is flawed in thus
far that it does not allow for any soft of useful flexbility and is, for
a bigger part, not working either.

I suggest to do the following to everything input related on GIMP:

0) Add a "Pan" tool to the toolbox! Mandatory!

1) Remove everything. Mousebindings. Keyboard bindings. (For the sake of
explaining it from scratch - not necessarily techincally)

2) Add a generic "Configure Input Devices" options dialog/section, this
unifies Extended Input Devices, Mice and Keyboards and obsoletes the
possiblity of using the event-nodes directly (such things do not belong
in any X program!).

X-Input provides a generic layer for input, Gimp should use it and
align itself to it, not reinvent a broken wheel.


Every xinput device as shown by "xinput list" is represented, devided
into the pointer and keyboard classes. Example (from my xinput):

⎡ Virtual core pointer  id=2[master pointer
⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointerid=4[slave  pointer
⎜   ↳ Wacom ISDv4 E3 Finger touch   id=10   [slave  pointer
⎜   ↳ Wacom ISDv4 E3 Pen stylus id=11   [slave  pointer
⎜   ↳ SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPadid=13   [slave  pointer
⎜   ↳ Wacom ISDv4 E3 Pen eraser id=15   [slave  pointer
⎜   ↳ Genius 4D Scroll Mouseid=16   [slave  pointer
⎣ Virtual core keyboard id=3[master keyboard
↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard   id=5[slave  keyboard
↳ Power Button  id=6[slave  keyboard
↳ Video Bus id=7[slave  keyboard
↳ Video Bus id=8[slave  keyboard
↳ Power Button  id=9[slave  keyboard
↳ AT Translated Set 2 keyboard  id=12   [slave  keyboard
↳ HP WMI hotkeysid=14   [slave  keyboard
↳ Chicony USB Keyboard  id=17   [slave  keyboard

3) Everything handled is generically, the only difference is made
between keyboards and pointers

4) Both, keyboards and pointers provide the following per-device

** Key/Button => GIMP Action (as currently exposed through the keyboard
bindings dialog)

5) In addition, pointer devices provide the following:

** Channel mappings (similar to what already exists): That is, every
available channel that is exposed through XInput can be mapped to either

...etc, you know the rest...

If a certain value is not mapped on a device (such as Pressure not being mapped
on #16), GIMP will optain the data from the CorePointer

** Associated toolset: If this option is enabled, a tool is associated with
the device and settings for that tool are associated with the device.
That tool is made the active tool, and the settings the active settings ,
when the device is used.

If the option is disabled for a device, the associated tool will be that
of the last-used device, so changing settings or the tool will change
the associated tool / associated settigns for the last used device. If
the last used device doesn't have an associated toolset either, this
recurses to the last used device with an associated toolset.

This option is necessarily enabled for the Corepointer.

** Dedicated Color
** Dedicated Gradient
** Dedicated Pattern
** Dedicated Brush: Similar to above.

kind regards,
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Announcing Gimpscripter plugin authoring tool, beta prototype

2011-05-10 Thread Sven Neumann

On 09.05.11 15:23, lloyd konneker wrote:
> Announcing a new version of the "Make Shortcut" plugin, now called
> "GimpScripter". It lets you point-and-click create a plugin that calls a
> sequence of plugins, PDB procedures, or macros. It is a plugin authoring
> tool.
> Gimpscripter is a Gimp plugin written in Python. It generates Python
> code for a plugin.

Sounds great. You should consider to name it GIMPScripter or similar 
though as GIMP is called GIMP and not Gimp.

> Here is an example use, to make a plugin "Stroke selection with
> selection":
> Choose "Filter/Gimpscripter" to start Gimpscripter.
>> From the menu pane choose "Edit/Copy".
> Choose "Edit/Paste as/New Brush".
> Choose "Select/To path".
> Choose "Edit/Stroke/Path".
> Enter a name for the plugin, for example "Stroke selection with
> selection".
> Choose the OK button.
> Read the summary and choose the OK button.
> Restart Gimp.

It's a pity that GIMP needs to be restarted. We should add API to 
(re)load all or a particular plug-in at run-time.

Gimp-developer mailing list