Re: [Gimp-developer] Doing an action for each color i n an indexed color-palette

2007-07-05 Thread Roberto Uhlig
Hello and best thanks first,
but it doesn't work correct on my xp-pc with gimp GIMP 2.3.10.
After private consultation with saul some testing and some changes for windows 
(backslash \) now it works fine.
Essential change is, that saul's 
;; (set! blue  (fmod (aref color-map (+ 2 index)) 256))
doesn't work.
aref brings sometimes negative eg. -51 values. In that case you have to ad 256 
to become the realy color-value for blue.
So I implementet
  (set! blue  (aref color-map (+ 2 index)))
  (if (< blue 0) (set! blue (+ blue 256)))
and it does his job.
I've tested it only under WINXP with Gimp 2.3.10 and also with 2.2.11.

Because of a bug in save-tiff-plugin in gimp 2.3.x (I din't know which was the 
fix) it isn't possible to save black-white (1bit) indexed with older gimp's.
In my 2.3.10 it works fine.

Where can I find Informations about internals of the color-map int8array data 
storage, because I found that negative integer values?


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Gesendet: 28.06.07 08:04:46
> An: gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> Betreff: Re: [Gimp-developer] Doing an action for each color in an indexed
> color-palette

> I have updated the script  
> (
>  It now saves as a LZW-compressed  
> ;; Saves a 1-bpp TIFF file for each color of an Indexed image where that
> ;; color is replaced by white and the rest of the image is black.
> ;; The TIFF's filename is derived from the name of the bottom
> ;; layer of the original Indexed image. The RGB color values are
> ;; appended to this name, separated by hyphens.
> ;; An example of an output filename would be
> ;; "Background-10-242-79.tif".
> ;;
> ;; The files (one for each color) are saved in same directory as
> ;; the original image (or to the GIMP invocation directory if a
> ;; new image.
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer

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Re: [Gimp-developer] Doing an action for each color i n an indexed color-palette

2007-06-27 Thread Roberto Uhlig
thanks at first!
I'l test your script if there ist some time.

My handy way was:
1. create optimized palette
2. select by color
3. "flying layer" to new layer
4. extend layer to image extensions (important!!!)
5. rename the new layer to color or gis thema (eg. wather, street ...)
again for each color
6. save as xcf for keeping the layers
7. delete all uninteressting layers
8. create b&w palette 1-bit (may be before step 6 but layers must/should be 
named right)
9. save as tiff (may be with lzw-compression or not)
!!! binary tiff save had a bug in gimp 2.2 ..  but works fine with my 2.3.14 !!!
reload 6. again for each layer 

I'm not so good in programming and I do not know if my hady way could become a 
script an whitch would be better.

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Gesendet: 27.06.07 17:20:44
> An: gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> Betreff: Re: [Gimp-developer] Doing an action for each color in an indexed
> color-palette

> Quoting Roberto Uhlig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hello,
> > has/knows anyone a script/plugin (an idea) to go color by color   
> > through an indexed color-palette and doing an action for each color?
> > I'd like to create from a picture with an optimized color-palette   
> > with ca. 5-10 (may be 1-256) colors new layers or new pictures for   
> > each color in palette.
> > Layer(s) or pictures must have the same extensions like the original 
> > picture.
> > The new picture must be a black and white (1-bit) palette binary   
> > tiff for using in geo information systems as visible and invisible.
> I have written a script  
> (
> which attempts to address your problem. I do not know how to save  
> 1-bit TIFFs and so my script saves the files as RGB-mode  
> black-and-white PNGs (I know Indexed would be smaller, but I was lazy).
>  From the comments in the script:
> ;; Saves a PNG file for each color of an Indexed image where that
> ;; color is replaced by white and the rest of the image is black.
> ;; The PNG's filename is derived from the name of the bottom
> ;; layer of the original Indexed image. The RGB colors are
> ;; appended to this name, separated by hyphens.
> ;; An example of an output filename would be
> ;; "Background-10-242-79.png".
> ;;
> ;; The files (one for each indexed color) are saved in the same directory as
> ;; the original image (or to the GIMP invocation directory if a
> ;; new image).
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer

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