[Gimp-developer] Thank you.

2011-02-27 Thread Patrick Horgan
I'm sitting here whipping out a picture of a RGB Venn diagram with text 
labels with a recent pull from trunk in single window mode.  I've loved 
and used GIMP for years (although I'm not a power user).  There have 
always been things I loved and things that I didn't love quite so much.  
For the first time, at this point in time, I find nothing annoying.  
Everything is happy.  It's beautiful and intuitive.  Something that 
should be a simple task is a simple task.  You guys are the best and I 
love your work.  How wonderfully text works now.  I know you guys hear a 
lot of complaints at times (perhaps one or two from me through the 
years) and you deserve to hear the good things too.

Thank you very much.


p.s. http://dbp-consulting.com/RGBVenn.png
p.p.s The venn diagram is done with 5 layers.  Top to bottom:

Screen Mode - Red Circle
Screen Mode - Green Circle
Normal Mode - Blue Circle
Normal Mode - Red Circle
Normal Mode - Green Circle
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Thank you!

2003-10-24 Thread sven
Please see the attached file for details.___
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Thank you for writing

2002-05-25 Thread help


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[Gimp-developer] Thank you

2002-04-24 Thread James D Strandboge

Dear Gimp developers,

The gimp is absolutely is one of my indispensable apps.  With it I have
been able to create cool graphics for web design and photo manipulation
for pictures of my family.  I sell people on checking out linux and
free/open source software by touting the power and usability of the
gimp.  It is a great, great program.

I appreciate all the hard work that has gone into making the gimp, and
just wanted to say 'Thank You.'

Jamie Strandboge

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