Re: problem with Pango...= NO Gimp 1.1.28

2000-11-06 Thread DeusExHeli0s

>GSystemThread owner;

Okay, here's an interesting thing, I did a 
cat glib.h | grep GSystemThread

And guess what, It shows up once in the whole glib.h file.  Strange
wouldn't you say?  I'm no programmer (not yet anyway) but I'd think one
would define or aforemention this thing or whatever it is, before one
coulde use it? so guess what i did.  I commented out this line and make
ran fine.  Hopefully, it isn't a necessary component or anything.

I tried using the suggestions I got here on the list, but I got stranger
results. I also was able to configure and compile gtk+1.3.1. From there
compiling gimp 1.1.28 was a breeze. 


Re: problem with Pango...= NO Gimp 1.1.28

2000-11-05 Thread Jeffrey Goldberg

On Sun, 5 Nov 2000, DeusExHeli0s wrote:

> /usr/local/include/glib-2.0/glib.h:3123: parse error before `GSystemThread'
> /usr/local/include/glib-2.0/glib.h:3123: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or 

> 3118  typedef struct _GStaticRecMutex GStaticRecMutex;
> 3119  struct _GStaticRecMutex
> 3120  {
> 3121GStaticMutex mutex;
> 3122unsigned int depth;
> 3123GSystemThread owner;
> 3124  };

> Anyone Know what to do here??? I'm totally clueless.

I think that that SHOULD be OK, but I'm not going to look up C standards
to make sure.  Instead can you see what happens if you put line 3118 after
the structure definition on lines 3119-3124?  Alternatively, try a
combined declaration/typedef.

typedef struct _GStaticRecMutex
   GStaticMutex mutex;
   unsigned int depth;
   GSystemThread owner;
 }  GStaticRecMutex;

Also please post the compiler version you are using.

All of this is wild guesses.  I've never even thought about looking at
the source code for any of these tools, and certainly have no knowledge of


Jeffrey Goldberg
I have recently moved, see
Relativism is the triumph of authority over truth, convention over justice