Re: Simple Text with shadow as transparent gif impossible?

2000-10-11 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-11 at 0915.09 -0400):
> >What did I wrong? How can I create a showed text stored in a tranparent
> >gif where only the Text and the shadow should be visisble.
> gif only supports one bit alpha, as you figured out.  If you want a picture
> with 256 bit alpha, use png.  Note that support for this on web browsers is
> not very good (IE and mozilla support it fine), but it is the only way that

IIRC current implementations did not support full alpha PNG. Maybe
they have changed lately. I know they can view simple PNGs, but I can
not talk about "exotic" PNGs (I still smile when I remember an app I
had that loaded RGBA PNGs as CMYK).

> I know of to do it.  Conversly, you could flatten the image and delete just
> the background (leaving a light hue around the text), but then why even use
> a transparent gif?

There are some tools to add some "border" to the text, so you still
get transparency and the page background is visible, but the text
borders are smooth and you can have shadows. Look for Perl based
Prepare for gif (prep4gif) under Filters > Web, and for binary
Semiflatten under Filter > Colors. They do the work for you pretty
fine and you get a nice 50% / 50% solution.


Re: Simple Text with shadow as transparent gif impossible?

2000-10-11 Thread James Smaby

>What did I wrong? How can I create a showed text stored in a tranparent
>gif where only the Text and the shadow should be visisble.

gif only supports one bit alpha, as you figured out.  If you want a picture
with 256 bit alpha, use png.  Note that support for this on web browsers is
not very good (IE and mozilla support it fine), but it is the only way that
I know of to do it.  Conversly, you could flatten the image and delete just
the background (leaving a light hue around the text), but then why even use
a transparent gif?
-James Smaby

Simple Text with shadow as transparent gif impossible?

2000-10-11 Thread Rainer Krienke


I want to create a transparent gif, containing a text with a drop shadow
(for use in a Web-page).
Basically creating such an image is not very hard but converting the
result to an indexed palette results in a relly bad picture. Here is
what I tested:

1. Create a new RGB picture with tansparent fill type
2. Write a text (black) in this picture
3. Add a drop (black or grey) shadow with Script-Fu->Shadow->Drop-Shadow

Now the picture looks like I want to have it and its time to convert it
into a gif:

4. Do a "Merge visible layers"
5. Run Image->Mode->Indexed and select "Optimal Palette" and "Enable
Dithering of transparency"

The result is a 1bit palette image, that really does not look fine. The
shadow is now only a collection of black dots and looks horrible. I can
also choose Web-Palette in the Mode-dialog from above, but the result is
always the same.

What did I wrong? How can I create a showed text stored in a tranparent
gif where only the Text and the shadow should be visisble.

Thanks a lot
Rainer Krienke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universitaet Koblenz,
Rechenzentrum, Voice: +49 261 287 - 1312
Rheinau 1, 56075 Koblenz, Germany  Fax:   +49 261 287 - 1001312