Re: How to put tree into index

2013-11-20 Thread Johannes Sixt
Am 11/20/2013 12:47, schrieb Alexander GQ Gerasiov:
> 1. I have repository with tree like this:
> dir1/
>   file1
>   file2
>   file3
> dir2/
>   subdir1/
>   some files
> 2. Current branch is B.
> 3. I want to get dir1 from branch A, and save it's content on current
> branch (B) as dir2/subdir1

> So my question is
> How to put into index tree-object with known sha1 and given name?

git rm -r --cached dir2/subdir1 &&
git read-tree --prefix=dir2/subdir1/ A:dir1

Note the trailing slash.

> PS I was able to do what I need when copied files, not tree-itself.
> Just add -r to git ls-tree, and put into index blobs/files, not tree.
> But I'm interested: is it possible to put tree-object into index?

No, because the index does not store trees, only blobs.

-- Hannes
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Re: How to put tree into index

2013-11-20 Thread Matthew Cengia
On 2013-11-20 15:47, Alexander GQ Gerasiov wrote:
> So my question is
> How to put into index tree-object with known sha1 and given name?

I was just reading about something very similar in the Git book:
(read the entire Tree Objects section), and then came up with this,
which I think does what you want except it doesn't erase the previous
contents of dir2/subdir1:

mattcen@wasp:repo$ ls -la
total 8
drwxrwxr-x 2 mattcen mattcen 4096 Nov 20 23:12 .
drwx-- 3 mattcen mattcen 4096 Nov 20 23:12 ..

mattcen@wasp:repo$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/with-temp-dir.ZDw19F/repo/.git/

mattcen@wasp:repo(master)$ touch .gitignore

mattcen@wasp:repo(master)$ git add .gitignore

mattcen@wasp:repo(master)$ git commit -m Initial\ commit
[master (root-commit) 43d7ee6] Initial commit
 0 files changed
 create mode 100644 .gitignore

mattcen@wasp:repo(master)$ mkdir -p dir1 dir2/subdir1

mattcen@wasp:repo(master)$ touch dir1/file{1..3} dir2/subdir1/some\ files

mattcen@wasp:repo(master)$ git add -A

mattcen@wasp:repo(master)$ git commit -m Add\ files
[master 2654d91] Add files
 0 files changed
 create mode 100644 dir1/file1
 create mode 100644 dir1/file2
 create mode 100644 dir1/file3
 create mode 100644 dir2/subdir1/some files

mattcen@wasp:repo(master)$ git branch A

mattcen@wasp:repo(master)$ git checkout -b B
Switched to a new branch 'B'

mattcen@wasp:repo(B)$ git cat-file -p A^{tree} | grep dir1
04 tree 9599fdeb034597d90d72d2f58396dee096885b79dir1

mattcen@wasp:repo(B)$ git read-tree --prefix=dir2/subdir1 

mattcen@wasp:repo(B)$ git write-tree

mattcen@wasp:repo(B)$ git checkout .

mattcen@wasp:repo(B)$ find *
dir2/subdir1/some files

Hope this helps.


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