[GKD] Global Community Networking Report

2002-01-21 Thread Aga Khan Health Service,Kenya

During the Global CN 2001 at Buenos Aires  all the
participants from the Africa Region held a meeting to discuss about how
to organize our region to participate actively in the Global Community
Network activities. A communication list will be set up

-   to gather information on the Community Network ongoing activities
and projects in Africa

-   discuss on related issues

-   Suggest guidelines and actions for the participation of Africa.

A document on "Guidelines for a Global CN partnership organization and
common actions" is available and will be sent to all of you for comments
and contribution if you request Gideon Hayford Chonia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

As an active CN worker, you are kindly invited to join us, as a
discussion group, in our efforts of indicating specific inputs from our
region to participate actively in GCN activities.

We are waiting for your reply to send you the working documents

Best regards

MaryStella Barasa

MIS Specialist  - Aga Khan Health Service, Kenya

Pendant la Conference mondiale sur les reseaux citoyens Buenos Aires
(Global CN 2001), tous les participants africains se sont reunis pour
discuter des modalites d'organisation de notre region pour participer
activement aux activites de Global CN.  Le rapport de cette reunion est

Une liste de discussion sera creee pour :

-   collecter les informations sur les activites des reseaux citoyens et
des projets en cours en Afrique.

-Discuter des sujets y afferant.

-Proposer des modalites et des actions de participation de l'Afrique

Un document sur les ' Modalites pour une organisation et des actions
communes de partenariat pour Global CN ' est disponible et vous sera
envoye pour commentaires et contribution.

En tant acteur des reseaux citoyens, vous ites invites a vous joindre 
nous et notre groupe de discussion dans nos efforts de produire des
contributions specifiques  notre region pour participer activement aux
activites de Global CN)

Nous attendons votre reponse pour vous envoyer les documents de travail
qui sont notre disposition.

Meilleure consideration

MaryStella Barasa

MIS Specialist - Aga Khan Health Service, Kenya

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Re: [GKD] India Adopts Universal Access

2002-01-21 Thread sandoval

Dear GKD Members,

With or without Simputer the main question remains the same: How to
integrate people for changing the manner in which they work actually?

Simputer is a good idea and maybe others will come. Other electronic
devices, before Internet, during the early '80's appeared and they were
extremely used by people. One example is the French Minitel, just a
terminal. 7 million of these devices are installed and most households
and companies got one. And this device was very useful for doing
elementary things that are not done by Internet. How was this device
adopted by French people at a mass level? The main reason was a
volunteer policy of France Telecom to offer without cost to anyone
wanting to replace a paper directory by an electronic one. Then many
suppliers appeared and a first by telematic market began.

I do not think it is the same for India and any country adopting the
Simputer. But the main question remains: search the ways to integrate
people. Do not forget this elementary law of new dimension (I call it
Five Dimension as you know): we must integrate two networks, one of
computers and one of people. And the most important in every situation
is this last.

Dr. Victor Sandoval

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[GKD] Riders Roundup 2002: IT for Non-Profits

2002-01-21 Thread William Lester

Dear Colleagues, 

If you are... 

- an IT consultant with nonprofit clients 
- an IT professional who is on staff at a nonprofit organization 
- a member of the Nonprofit Open Source movement 
- a member of the Community Technology Center movement 
- a member of the "Circuit Rider" movement 
- a nonprofit professional who has become an "accidental techie" 
- an activist or advocate who wants to go online to expand your outreach
- a nonprofit management support professional who needs to learn more
about IT
- an idealistic professional who is considering a career in IT for
nonprofit organizations

..then it's time to considering attending Roundup 2002.


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 

*What is the Roundup? 
It's an annual conference for individuals and organizations working in
nonprofit technology -- a great opportunity to meet peers and build
relationships, share resources and ideas, and learn more about what's
happening in the field. Originally a US-based movement, in the last few
years, there's been a great deal of international interest, especially
in the developing world. Last years roundup had attendees from Europe,
the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. For more information on why you
should attend, please go to .

*When is the Roundup? 
April 11-14, 2002. Check out the Roundup schedule of events at
http://www.nten.org/stories/storyReader$21 .

*Where is the Roundup? 
Orlando, FL. See the roundup hotels and reserve a room now:

*How much does it cost to attend? 
The registration fee is $250. This includes meals! Limited scholarships
will be available -- see http://www.nten.org/stories/storyReader$23 for

*How do I register? 
Go to http://www.nten.org/stories/storyReader$23

*Are airfare discounts available? 
Yes -- check out http://www.nten.org/stories/storyReader$24

*Will there be a day of service this year? 
Yes -- volunteers are needed! See
http://www.nten.org/stories/storyReader$26 for details.

* Can I help to spread the word about Roundup 2002? 
Yes! If you'd like to get involved, go to
http://www.nten.org/stories/storyReader$27 .


If you have other concerns or questions, please feel free to email
Deborah Finn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; She'll be happy to refer you
to a member of the Roundup 2002 Committee who can give you a definitive

Many thanks and best regards,
Bill Lester 
(Member, Roundup 2002 Outreach Committee) 

William A. Lester 
CTO/Director of Technology 
a program of EngenderHealth 
440 Ninth Avenue 
New York, NY 10001 
(Office) 212.561.8002 (eFax) 212.202.5167 
(URL) www.ninthbridge.org 
"The Means to The Mission"

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[GKD] Minister Herfkens Approves IICD's New 5-Year Strategy

2002-01-21 Thread Information

Minister Herfkens approves IICD's new 5-year strategy

The International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD)
proudly announces the approval of its new strategy by the Netherlands
Minister for Development Cooperation, Mrs. Herfkens. Following the
positive recommendations of an external evaluation in early 2001, the
strategy "Deepening Local Ownership through Partnerships" builds on the
work of the past years. In the upcoming five years, IICD will work with
its partner organisations in up to 9 developing countries, helping local
stakeholders to assess the potential uses of information and
communication technologies (ICTs) in development. It will also
strengthen the capacities of local partners to formulate and implement
locally owned development policies and projects that make use of ICTs.

Strategy 2002 - 2007

Learning from our past, we will increase our efforts to build and
strengthen 'ICT for development' networks. Here, local partners take
full ownership of a range of activities within Country Programmes.
Further, knowledge sharing networks will focus on the applications of
ICTs in development sectors, such as education, agriculture, or health.
Within these networks, knowledge exchange and learning across projects
and countries is key.

IICD's mission is to assist developing countries to realise locally
owned sustainable development by harnessing the potential of information
and communication technologies. It does this through a strategy with the
following goals:

* to empower local organisations and stakeholders to make effective use
of ICTs on their own terms, and;

* to catalyse lessons learning and knowledge sharing on ICTs by local
organisations and the international community.

To ensure that the results are sustainable and address local development
needs, six guiding principles are applied to all activities - ownership,
demand responsiveness, multi-stakeholder involvement, capacity
development, partnerships, and learning by doing.


Two strategic approaches are used to achieve IICD's mission and goals.
First, Country Programmes bring local organisations together in a
Roundtable Process. Within this process local institutional capacities
are strengthened to formulate and execute ICT supported development
policies and projects. Second, Thematic Networks link local and
international partners working in similar areas, connecting local
knowledge with global knowledge, thereby promoting South-South and
South-North exchanges.

Each Country Programme has several components - development of networks,
policies, projects and capacities, and knowledge sharing. The local
partners that participate in a Country Programme form a 'network' that
determines priorities, shares responsibilities and tasks, mobilises
resources, and monitors planned results. Country Programmes are
long-term investments over a 5-7 year period. However, the nature and
intensity of our support changes over time as local partners become more
self-reliant in tasks like policy formulation, project identification,
fund raising, and capacity development. Knowledge sharing is maintained
as part of our joint commitments to share lessons and information about
ICTs for development.

Thematic Networks intend to meet rising requests from our local partners
on the uses of ICTs in specific sectors. With the reaching of a critical
mass of projects in the Country Programmes the need to share experiences
across countries has become evermore striking. Next to requests by local
partners, other parties increasingly turn to IICD for assistance in
deepening their specific knowledge on development sectors.

ICTs and sustainable development
ICTs can have a significant positive and negative transforming impact on
society. Our philosophy is that ICTs are tools that can contribute to
sustainable development and poverty alleviation. However, this only
applies when ICTs are supporting existing development activities, for
example in education.

IICD seeks to engage in activities that alleviate poverty in a
sustainable manner. To actually reach disadvantaged groups, local
partner organisations have a key role as intermediaries. Responding to
local demands, our partners devise and implement locally owned
development activities that address poverty, by using ICTs. IICD
strengthens local partners' capacities to apply ICTs for development.


The extension of our mandate by Minister Herfkens to 2007 enables IICD
to continue the forward momentum and to effectively support our local
partners in realising sustainable development. By the end of this
period, IICD envisages a transition from a mainly Dutch-based institute
to a multi-actor North-South network, in which local partnerships and
empowerment are crucial.


More information

For additional information, please visit our website: 
General: http://www.iicd.org/
IICD Strategy document:

Or contact

[GKD] "Politics and E-Mexico" Book Update

2002-01-21 Thread Alan Levy

Dear Colleagues,

For those who have already received a copy of my book, "Politics and
E-Mexico: An Appeal for Universal Connectivity," please be aware an
update has just been completed... not to mention the dreaded additional

The updated version is available without cost and can be sent by MS Word

Kindest regards,

Alan Levy
Director Ejecutivo
ADI - Asociacion para el Desarrollo de Internet, S.C.
Mexico, D.F.
RFC: ADI-010117-MB8
Tels: (55)5-595-7270, 5-595-6709

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[GKD] Technology Group Partners with Nigeria for E-Commerce Dev.

2002-01-21 Thread Olu Olatidoye

Contact: Shelita Compton 404-577-2566 or Bisi Coker 404-577-2566

Atlanta Technology Group Signs E-Commerce Infrastructure Partnering with

Nov. 25, 2001 Atlanta, GA. After more than two years of long
transcontinental flights, unreliable communications and hundreds of
research hours, an Atlanta based technology organization has finally
signed a memorandum of understanding with the Federal Government of
Nigeria to provide the much-needed local backend infrastructure for
E-commerce connection and development for the country.

The primary objective of the MOU is to confirm the agreement between the
Federal Ministry of Science and Technology (Nigeria) and Tido Technology
International (TTI) to enter into a strategic partnership to organize
and execute the National Electronic Commerce Initiative (NECI) in
Nigeria. Focus areas of the NECI include:

(1)   An African Global Enterprise (AGE) Conference: This is a yearly
forum where key stakeholders and technology experts discuss Electronic
CommerceĆ­s issues in the African context.

(2)Establishment of Electronic Commerce Resource Center: Through a
network of e-Centers consisting of a central hub and a number of
regional centers, provide the means to infuse electronic commerce,
information and communications technologies into the machinery for
economic growth and improving productivity.

(3)   Interfacing with multi-lateral agencies: As a strategic partner, 
TTi will interface with multi-lateral agencies to support technology
pilot projects in Nigeria.

Currently, E-commerce in Nigeria is in it infancy, thereby creating a
disadvantage for businesses and government competitiveness in today's
global electronic marketplace.

Tido Technology International (TTI), an Atlanta based technology
engineering company, leading a host of other information technology
companies known as Organization for Business Enterprises (OBE) will
develop, implement and maintain an electronic resource backbone for the
federal and state government, as well as private enterprises in Nigeria.

"A major step for NigeriaĆ­s sovereignty in the world of information
technology, especially e-commerce", said Dr. Olu Olatidoye, TTI CEO and
OBE's chairman. In addition to laying e-commerce infrastructures, the
MOU signed with Nigeria also calls for an establishment of Electronic
Commerce Resource Centers patterned after the United States E-Commerce
centers, which Dr. Olatidoye is a technical partner of the centers'
branch at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. All the
functionalities of the U.S. based centers will be available at the
centers in Nigeria.

"This MOU represent a significant breakthrough for American businesses
seeking a major play in Africa's information technology largely untapped
market" said Dr. Bob Fulton, Director of Georgia Institute of Technology
E-Commerce Center, a Fulton County Commissioner in Georgia, U.S. and
also, an OBE member.

"Nigeria's ability to participate competitively in the global economic
will be greatly enhanced by its ability to provide a robust e-commerce
infrastructure", added Mr. O. Oghie, TTI Chief Technology Officer. The
commitment shown by the signing of the MOU will ensure the continuous
flow of the global supply chain, concluded Mr. Oghie.

The full commitment of the US and Nigerian governments was also
exhibited by the signing of the U.S. - Nigeria Joint Declaration on
Electronic Commerce by the Nigeria Minister of Commerce Mustapha Bello
and U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick on October 29th 2001.

Several key industry members and participating partners, as well as
Nigeria's representatives will convene soon in Atlanta to discuss the
MOU at the next OBE meeting, and also in Abuja, Nigeria.

For more information, please contact Shelita Compton at 404-577-2566 or

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[GKD] The ICT Stories Competition 2002

2002-01-21 Thread Pstreet

IICD and infoDev are very pleased to announce the ICT Stories
Competition 2002! If you work on a project using ICTs with a focus on
social or economic development, write about your experiences and win a
trip to Washington D.C. to attend the INET 2002 Conference in June 2002
AND present your project in a special Stories Winners session. Four
winners will be selected to travel. Finalists will be awarded as well.

Previous winners include "The Bankilare Experience: An Example of a
Successful Collaborative Effort to Bridge the Digital Divide",
"NairoBits: African Youth Online" and "Computers and Cakes give
Confidence and Cash to Peruvian Housewives".

If you have a story to tell and would like to enter it online or learn
more about the project, visit our website 
The competition is open to anybody with experience from an active or
completed project. Previous years entrants are eligible to enter new or
updated stories. Deadline for entry is April 15, 2002. Enter your story

Please Distribute - Pass this on to a Friend or Colleague working on an
ICT Project.

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