Re: [GKD] Gender and ICT in Jamaica

2003-09-29 Thread Karin Delgadillo
Hi Yacine,

Can you send the source of the information that you got regarding the
use of women in telecentres?.

As you know, [EMAIL PROTECTED] network , is a
community based telecentres network of Latin America and the Caribbe and
we are looking for ways to work very closely in Jamaica with the
University, Sustainable Development network and the ICT4D platform, to
support the initiatives community base telecentres. One of the biggest
problems that they raised is that there does not exist connectivity in
rural areas in Jamaica, and no social use and appropriation of ICT's to
attend to the demands of most of the population.

I would appreciate if you send the source of information, as I am very
interested in developing synergism.

Regarding youth and your question. Of course, we got lots of examples
and contacts, you can go to the web site of [EMAIL PROTECTED] and the
stories so far.

One example is the Street children project in Esmeraldas. They already
got a mircroenterprise based on their skills to maintain computers.
Collection of stories and contacts you find also in the web site of
[EMAIL PROTECTED] You will also find examples in Brazil and with the
Itchimbia telecentres on how youth develop a microenterprise of
recycling paper using the telecentre, there are other cases in Argentina
and Chile as well.

Hope this helps,


Yacine Khelladi wrote:

> Hello from Jamaica, were I'm participating in the design of an ICT
> community program
> Strangely here the problem is the opposite. In rural areas 70% of the
> cybercafes/telecenter users are women, in capital town it is around 50%,
> but those who do apply for training are 75% women. It's general in the
> country, for example, 70% of the students of the University of West Indies
> in Jamaica are women.
> This is of course starting at schools, where most boys quit early, and
> girls continue.
> So the problem here might be to design strategies to get more men,
> particularly boys and teens, into empowering them-self's, in and through
> ICTs, and get them off the street, where crime is often their only
> option...
> Any country had to deal with similar situation?

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Re: [GKD] RFI: Cost of Bridging Digital Divide?

2001-12-17 Thread Karin Delgadillo

At 03:48 13/12/2001 -0800, Refcon Standard wrote:
> I absolutely loved your post...until you brought up the need for
> telecenters.  They are based on the oldest extant ICT available, and
> very costly in too many ways to list. In fact, it could fill a
> book...which by the way I wrote. The book uses Mexico's current federal
> e-Mexico initiative in example. I'd be happy to send it as an MS Word
> attachment to anyone interested. We were the first nationwide
> initiative accepted by the WRI.
 the Latin American and the Caribbean Network of
telecentres has been collecting stories on how the community are using
the telecentres and the challenges that the telecentres are facing,
their  problems, success and lessons learned among other things. All
this information you can find in the above url. We also are doing
research of the state of the art of the telecentres in the region. This
research will be available in the next two months and we hope it will be
published, if everything goes ok.

Peter Burgess wrote:
> > But we are also very clear about the need for the telecenter to be
> > worthwhile for the community. Does the telecenter have the potential to
> > do something of value for the community. This is absolutely critical,
> > and value is not what  ATCnet might think as the promoter of the
> > telecenter, but what the community thinks as the user of the telecenter.

Peter, Chasquinet works on telecentres and our vision is not top down
level, our vision is to be facilitators, to know  and do an asssesment
of the community needs as a starting point and how the telecentre can be
a tool to support and attend the community needs among other tools. We
develop the concept of the telecentre together with the community, the
vision and the mission. My experience is that poor and marginal
communities appropriate of ICT's when they are going thorough crisis and
this crisis needs to be sorted out. Examples to illustrate this
experiences you can find in the online resource centre that we have in
 Hope this resources
will help in the reflection of your concept of telecentres. I apologize
for the spanglish,

All the best,


***GKD is an initiative of the Global Knowledge Partnership***
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[GKD]: Open Forum on Telecentres and Community Networks

2001-11-01 Thread Karin Delgadillo

Pre-Global Community Networks 2001 Workshop
Issues and avenues toward a pro-active, collaborative and representative
telecentres movement

Sponsored by Somos@Telecentros
Buenos Aires, December 4, 2001, 9am - 6pm
Place: Hotel Intercontinental

Morning Session

9:00-9:30 1) Welcome, presentation, discussion and workshop Agenda

9:30-10:00 2) Somos@Telecentros: a regional network in construction
- Overview
- Current activities and resources (Lecciones Aprendidas -- Karin
- Future developments: the Quito action plan: explain, review status,
discuss future developments
- Telelac 2: overall presentation and open discussion of what can be
done by whom to implement it (Klaus Stoll).

10-10:30 Discussion

10:30-11:00 3) Building a global alliance of telecenter initiatives:
purpose, minimal requirements, actions.

11-11:15 Coffee Break

11:15-11:45 4) Research issues and approaches toward learning from
regional telecentres endeavours: How to secure conditions for effective

11:45-12:15 Discussion

12:15-12:30 5) Public policy initiatives underway or planned in the
region (BID, World Bank, ITU, etc.) Strengthening cooperation in LAC:
Alianzas, Information sharing and invitations to cooperate

12:30- 13:00 Discussion

13:00-14:30 Lunch

Afternoon Session

14:30-17:00 6) Toward sustainability: a review of some critical issues

Steve Cisler: "Community building and technology centers: the Kellogg
MIRA project in the rural United States.

Invited speaker (unconfirmed): "Beyond access: What contents and what
services are really needed for telecentres to support development, how
are these to be effectively provided in the future?"

Rodrigo Ortiz: "Building effective partnerships for the development of
community telecenters: The experience (Sao Paulo)"

Scott Robinson: "Toward linking migrant diaspora communities with
communication and microbanking services--a view from Mexico"

Invited Speaker (unconfirmed): "Universal access policies and practices
by Telcos, regulatory agencies and governments: Is access for all
wishful thinking at this point?
RCP historical model.

Mari Paz Silva: "Sembrando Telecentros--la experiencia en Morelos,

Gerardo Anderson: "Internet Productiva de Tercera Generacion en
Argentina-- una propuesta para reactivar los Centros Tecnologicos
Comunitarios y figuras afines"

Michel Menou: "How the present limited or zero economic growth pattern
may affect IT policies and services re digital inclusion?"

Invited speaker (unconfirmed): "Emerging Internet by satellite
technologies and their potential for and community telecentre projects"

17:00-17:15 Coffee break

17:15-18:30 7) Alternative models of community linkage to telecentres:
are there more effective paths toward economic and social sustainability?
Examples may include discussion of:
- Government sponsored telecentres and digital inclusion programs (some
representative cases: Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Ecuador and
- Cybercafes (can or will they cooperate with community telecenters?)
- School-based centres
- Community centres
- Private University-based centres (Centros Comunitarios de Aprendizaje,
ITESM, Mexico )

18:30-19:00 Wrap-up and Workshop closing

***GKD is an initiative of the Global Knowledge Partnership***
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