Re: [GKD] South Asian Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster

2005-01-04 Thread Robert Davies
Dear Colleagues,

I am copying you with this situation brief on the Asian coastal disaster
and business engagement in relief and recovery. This went out from IBLF
today in Australia, London, Hong Kong and USA and distributed by our
IBLF International Tourism Partnership (whose corporate members have
100s of properties in the region), and will be published elsewhere. It
draws on our experience in working with CEOs of the major global tourism
and hotel companies. However, it is relevant to all business operating
in the Indian Ocean rim and concerned to review what to do in backing up
official and agency rescue, relief and recovery efforts. In our
conversations with the World Bank and emergency aid services and others
it is clear that the human losses will mount considerably and how things
are approached for the longer-term is critical. Please feel free to
forward it on to colleagues and contacts who may find it useful.

The brief was issued in New York, London and Hong Kong with a media
advisory with the kind assistance of Edelman Worldwide Media Services
and the document can be downloaded from

We would value your feedback.

International Business Leaders Forum 
International Tourism Partnership 


What role for business leadership in the wake of Asia's coastal

The undersea earthquake off Indonesia and the resulting freak surge of
tsunamis across the Indian Ocean, swept thousands of unsuspecting
villagers and holiday-makers to their deaths and left devastated
communities and tourism facilities. As the death toll climbs, hotels
have become makeshift morgues, communities mourn, health risks rise and
authorities and agencies engage in the relief task. Industry leaders in
the region and across the world may ask what they can do to assist? 
Business cannot escape getting involved in the rescue and aftermath for
both humanitarian and business reasons. Tourism is essentially
community based and engaged in the fabric of poor communities around the
world. The challenge for regional and international business leaders
will soon be to take a lead and engage in support of the public
authorities in an even more critical role - aligned to their valuable
management and logistical skills and infrastructure, applied to relief
and recovery. That is to help save economies and communities from a
further wave of social and economic catastrophe. This situation brief
drawing on experience of the tourism industry aims to help managers and
business leaders think through their longer term role.

Robert Davies
Chief Executive Officer
International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF)
15-16 Cornwall Terrace
The Regents Park
London  NW1 4QP
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)20 7467 3666/7
F: +44 (0)20 7467 3665

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[GKD] Announcing Digital Partnership Online

2003-03-20 Thread Robert . Davies
ANNOUNCING DIGITAL PARTNERSHIP ONLINE - gateway to news and resources on
partnerships for affordable technology access

The Digital Partnership is pleased to announce the launch of its new
website DIGITAL PARTNERSHIP ONLINE to support the Digital Partnership
(and the pilot Digital Partnership South Africa) and the Digital
Partnership Academy.  Digital Partnership Online focuses on
private/public solutions and models for affordable access to ICT for
learning, enterprise and development. It includes links to resources,
policy papers and progress on private/public partnerships.

Subscribe to updates and breaking news at

Digital Partnership Online Knowledge Manager:  Katie Allison

Digital Partnership

The Digital Partnership is an international partnership facilitating
innovation and affordable access to technology, training and the
Internet for learning, enterprise and development in developing and
emerging market economies through a sustainable private/public
partnership model.

It is an initiative of the International Business Leaders Forum,
established in May 2001 with support from leading global IT companies
and their major corporate IT users, the World Bank and foundations.

A practical aim is to enable Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) skills training and IT literacy in disadvantaged communities to
support socio-economic development - a practical and scaleable approach
to bridging the digital divide. Schools, students and educators, as well
as community enterprises, will use reconditioned technology and the
Internet for learning, personal development and citizenship. The Digital
Partnership has pioneered a 'breakthrough model' through private/public
partnership to integrate affordable access to hardware, software,
training and content in a holistic approach that was initially piloted
in South Africa in June 2002.

The Digital Partnership also works with intergovernmental organisations
(such as UNEP and UNESCO) to provide a practical and collaborative
international focus for standard setting in refurbishment, safe end of
life technology disposal, business practices in technology deployment
and training standards.

The Digital Partnership is also committed to innovative and scalable
partnerships in all forms of digital technologies for e-business,
e-government, community and non-profit management and the promotion of
transparency, positive approaches to diversity, citizenship, learning
and development.

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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[GKD] Digital Partnership South Africa

2002-10-29 Thread Robert . Davies
Digital Partnership South Africa

The Government of South Africa has announced their full backing to the
national roll out of the Digital Partnership South Africa as a strategy
to deliver affordable access to technology, training and the internet
for learning, enterprise and development. RSA Director General of
Communications Dr Andile Ngcaba devoted his keynote address to Tel.Com
Africa 2002 participants in Johannesburg on Wednesday 23rd October to
outlining the objectives of the Digital Partnership South Africa, a
non-profit private/public partnership that he chairs. He hoped it would
be a new partnership model for NEPAD and other countries faced with a
digital divide.

The Digital Partnership South Africa aimed to put South Africa on the
map as a regional centre of excellence for technology refurbishment,
leading with a commitment to place up to 170,000 computers in schools
and community centres over two years. Outlining the model, he described
how the partnership integrated affordable hardware supply, based on
decommissioned PCs donated in bulk by major corporations in America,
Europe and Asia, with training, software and local content. Over 20
partnerships have been developed by the Digital Partnership South Africa
to help deliver eLearning centres to disadvantaged schools and
communities across South Africa, and further partnerships demonstrating
capacity for delivery would be developed. All are demonstrating
business contribution of skills and resources to development solutions.

Earlier at the Department of Communications stand in the Tel.Com Africa
2002 exhibition in Sandton Convention Centre Johannesburg, where the DOC
had constructed a township 'school room' to exhibit a Digital
Partnership eLearning Centre, staffed by educators from Soweto, Dr
Andile Ngcaba met partners and awarded  plaques to the
business supporters backing the programme. He appealed for other
businesses to join as . He was joined by Board
members of the Digital Partnership South Africa from Accenture, Cisco
Systems, IDCS, Intel, Oracle, Microsoft, Telkom and Vodacom.

Initiated and supported by UK based Prince of Wales International
Business Leaders Forum with support from the World Bank, foundations and
international business, the Digital Partnership South Africa is a
non-profit S21 company governed by a South African board of industry
leaders and is forging partnerships in the education and community

A global technology supply chain from America, Europe and Asia has
demonstrated low cost global logistics through a partnership with Exel,
and quality refurbishment under warranty by a private sector consortia
of South African authorised refurbishment partners enhances job creation
and guarantees quality standards.

Dr Ngcaba described how ten per cent of the programme will be devoted to
innovative projects placing eLearning Centres and ICT applications in
prisons, health centres, community centres and enterprise projects. The
Digital Partnership South Africa also provides a platform for private
sector training initiatives for IT orientation, network administrator
training and technical support through the Vodacom Foundation sponsored
Digital Partnership Resource & Learning Centre in collaboration with
Cisco Systems, Intel and Microsoft.


Johannesburg, 24th October, 2002

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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[GKD] Article in Financial Time on How to bridge the digital divide

2001-05-08 Thread Robert Davies

How to bridge the digital divide
[The Financial Times 3 May 2001 and,  Business Day South Africa 7 
May 2001]

Radical solutions are needed if we are to close the "digital divide" -
the gap between those with access to the internet in the "information
rich" developed world and the many "information poor" people in
developing countries.

The full article can be found at:

***GKD is an initiative of the Global Knowledge Partnership***
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