-monly-N-regs ?

1997-08-06 Thread Ian Collier

While I was trying to compiling ArrBase.o on i386-unknown-solaris2 this
message appeared:

>/tmp/ghc18527.hc:6388: fixed or forbidden register was spilled.
>This may be due to a compiler bug or to impossible asm
>statements or clauses.

Looking up gcc in the docs gave me this:

>If your GCC dies with ``internal error'' on some GHC source file,
>please let us know, so we can report it and get things improved.
>(Exception: on \tr{iX86} boxes---you may need to fiddle with GHC's
>\tr{-monly-N-regs} option; ask if confused...)

What does it all mean?


PS gcc version is

Re: -monly-N-regs ?

1997-08-06 Thread Meurig Sage

Ian Collier wrote:
> While I was trying to compiling ArrBase.o on i386-unknown-solaris2 this
> message appeared:
> >/tmp/ghc18527.hc:6388: fixed or forbidden register was spilled.
> >This may be due to a compiler bug or to impossible asm
> >statements or clauses.
This happened with me, with ghc-2.04 aswell. Sigbjorn said
"the backend is trying to steal more x86 registers than gcc can handle".
The solution is to do the following, compile ArrBase separately using:

make EXTRA_HC_OPTS=-monly-2-regs ghc/ArrBase.o

Then go on with the make.
Meurig Sage
Dept of Computing Science
University of Glasgow

Re: More questions on installing 2.05

1997-08-06 Thread Ian Collier

Me again... :-(

After my success at compiling ghc-2.05 on SunOS 4, I am now attempting it
on sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1 and i386-unknown-solaris2.5 and both of them
have stopped with this:

ghc-0.29 -cpp -fhaskell-1.3 -fglasgow-exts -DCOMPILING_GHC -Rghc-timing -I. -I
codeGen -InativeGen -Iparser -iutils -ibasicTypes -itypes -ihsSyn -iprelude -i
rename -itypecheck -ideSugar -icoreSyn -ispecialise -isimplCore -istranal -ist
gSyn -isimplStg -icodeGen -iabsCSyn -imain -ireader -iprofiling -iparser -inat
iveGen -fomit-derived-read -fomit-reexported-instances -DOMIT_DEFORESTER -O -H
20m-c absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs -o absCSyn/PprAbsC.o -osuf o

"codeGen/ClosureInfo.hi", line 72:
undefined type constructor: StgSyn.StgBinderInfo

"codeGen/ClosureInfo.hi", line 74:
undefined type constructor: CgMonad.CgInfoDownwards

"codeGen/ClosureInfo.hi", line 74: undefined type constructor: CgMonad.CgState

[snip more of the same]

Compilation had errors
make: *** [absCSyn/PprAbsC.o] Error 1

(and is there any way to get "make all" abort if "cd ghc/compiler;make all"
has errors?)

Oddly enough it compiles OK if I take the -O out, so perhaps I'll continue
with that (it occurs to me that I probably didn't compile the sunos one
with the -O flag.  [pause]  yes, it doesn't work with -O on sunos either).


GHC 2.04 List module: minor 1.4 conformance pbs and a bug (?)

1997-08-06 Thread Bjarte Mayanja Oestvold

[Sorry if this comes twice, Mew died on me.]


In GHC 2.04, the module List does not conform to the Haskell 1.4
Library Report (but it should?): List needs to export the definitions
`unionBy' and `intersectBy'.

Also, unless I haven misunderstood something, the definition of
`unionBy', and thus `union', is wrong (although identical to the one
in the report):

import List

{- from List.lhs
union   :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
union   = unionBy (==)

unionBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
unionBy eq xs ys=  xs ++ foldl (flip (deleteBy eq)) ys xs

main = print (union [] [1,1])

The answer is [1,1], but should be [1] (see *).  `unionBy' needs to
"nub" the argument `ys' and use the result in the fold.


*) Haskell 1.4 Library Report, page 26, paragraph 5: [...] union and
intersect preserve the invariant that lists don't contain duplicates,
provided that their first argument contains no duplicates.

Bjarte M. ?stvold   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Computer and Information Science   +47 73 59 44 83 (ph)
Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology   +47 73 59 44 66 (fax)
Gl?shaugen, N-7034 Trondheim, Norway

Re: More questions on installing 2.05

1997-08-06 Thread Ian Collier

On Tue, 05 Aug 1997 00:50:05 +0100 (BST), Sigbjorn Finne said:
> > Question 3: How do I even make the docs?  

> You'll have to give the doc target, e.g., 'make dvi', in the
> directory containing the .lit files.

OK, I've got somewhere with this (is it mentioned anywhere in the installation
instructions?) but in the users_guide directory the command

lit2latex -c -o runtime_control.itex runtime_control.lit

makes a file runtime_control.itex which is full of control characters and
weird things.  For example, the very first line of it is


and it contains no fewer than 30 copies of a single paragraph with minor
variations.  What gives?


2.02 newtype problem

1997-08-06 Thread Justin Cormack

In ghc 2.02 I seem to be having a problem. The following program 

module Test where

newtype Test = Test String deriving (Eq, Ord)

test :: [Test] -> Test
test = maximum

gives the error
Test.hs:6: No instance for: PrelBase.Ord Test.Test
Test.hs:6: at a use of an overloaded identifier: `PrelList.maximum'

Changing newtype to data compiles fine however.
