Re: Bill Gates in the news: Deja vu

2021-07-12 Thread Jean Louis
* Alexandre Garreau  [2021-07-12 18:09]:
> But while I wouldn’t want to waste time on inventing lies about bill 
> gates, I wouldn’t either defend him, he’s just “yet another billionaire” 
> capitalist, that’s what come with fame and power, I never personally talk 
> to him, know nothing I appreciate about him, and he mostly does wrong.  So 
> well…

Bill Gates as business of Bill Gates was and is continuously penalized
by various governments due to the abusive and criminal way of doing
business. People may consider Bill Gates as leader, but he made sure
that there is no competition and destroyed the natural development of

This deposition is not the only case that is there:

Or like:

would Bill Gates be doing business as individual, not as corporation,
he would be life ling in prison for what harm they have done to

In the recent COVID creation, Bill Gates is using completely same
methods, he is suppressing competition by funding the World Health
and thus also influencing largely how to impose sanctions on the
world, while in the same time making sure how to sell vaccines:

According to history of Bill Gates, there is just nothing trusted
about him.


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In support of Richard M. Stallman

Re: Bill Gates in the news: Deja vu

2021-07-12 Thread Alexandre Garreau
Le vendredi 21 mai 2021, 22:15:40 CEST Akira Urushibata a écrit :
> When people see opinions on any contested subject the typical initial
> reaction is: "which side is this commentator on?"  In rare cases
> someone may comment from a position outside the firmly established
> camps.  Those who have grown used to the framework of the debate may
> have trouble digesting the unconventional message.
> As I wrote, I can see that the recently surfacing scandalous stories
> concerning Bill Gates of Microsoft are similar to those cast upon
> Richard Stallman of FSF some two years ago.  I wonder why this is so.
> I would like to examine this issue objectively.

Stories about sex, and more importantly sex and young people tends to 
shock people, I think that’s it, nothing more.  Epstein shocked and made 
(understandably) crazy a lot of people, that ramifies to almost every one 
having any form of indirect relation to him.  Sensationalism is not good, 
but the fact serial rape shocks people is good (unlike the genghis khan 
epoch, where a serial rapist and murderer in every place he stepped across 
a whole continent was seen as honorable… and sometimes still is (but same 
goes for other like napoleon, who’s another mass murderer still presented 
positively in his country))

Since both bill gates and rms are famous, there are people having interest 
in both disparaging rms and disparaging bill gates.  About bill gates, 
he’s so powerful and rich that he must have some objective (related to 
their objective interests) enemies (at least among competitors!), while 
for rms, it’s because he openly, widely and very visibly defends extreme 
viewpoints on his ideology, and that ideology hurt proprietary software 
business, so he must have even more objective enemies, even in his own 

If Bill Gates looses any good reputation, that will harm his business 
(which is good) but wouldn’t stop it (so it’s insufficient and a bad 
strategy, in many ways).  While if rms looses good reputation, he doesn’t 
has a profitable business to be hurt, but the free software movement 
reputation, ideology and struggle will be partially hurt (I’ve seen many 
people supporting the anti-rms campaign mostly not even because of rms 
himself, but because to them he represents some kind of obnoxious, purist, 
extremist and single-focused librist they despise and are tired of).

But while I wouldn’t want to waste time on inventing lies about bill 
gates, I wouldn’t either defend him, he’s just “yet another billionaire” 
capitalist, that’s what come with fame and power, I never personally talk 
to him, know nothing I appreciate about him, and he mostly does wrong.  So 

For rms it’s different, although he’s often busy, he’s definitely 
approachable, have many personal features that makes him interesting a 
worth a (or many) talks, he does mostly useful and relevant political 
advocacy, and he’s not really powerful, or a real capitalist (with venture 
capital etc.) or what

So to me the case is pretty different, but that’s according my personal 
jugement and values

Re: Bill Gates in the news: Deja vu

2021-05-21 Thread Akira Urushibata
When people see opinions on any contested subject the typical initial
reaction is: "which side is this commentator on?"  In rare cases
someone may comment from a position outside the firmly established
camps.  Those who have grown used to the framework of the debate may
have trouble digesting the unconventional message.

As I wrote, I can see that the recently surfacing scandalous stories
concerning Bill Gates of Microsoft are similar to those cast upon
Richard Stallman of FSF some two years ago.  I wonder why this is so.
I would like to examine this issue objectively.

I respect Ali Reza Hayati.  He has the courage to apologize and make
corrections promptly.

Re: Bill Gates in the news: Deja vu

2021-05-20 Thread Ali Reza Hayati


Intention behind my previous emails was to avoid misunderstanding from 
Akira's emails. Akira is a good friend and colleague of ours and I don't 
accuse him of anything, specially in the case of RMS v. Hate Campaign.

I addressed Akira because I didn't want to address anyone directly. If I 
caused any misunderstanding for any of you, I apologize.

Sadly I became the very thing I intended to avoid, causing 

Let me clear my message.

I said "What was the case was that RMS asked some people out and 
insisted on that. Now, maybe the insisting part made them uncomfortable..."

I didn't meant to say RMS insisted on anything, what I meant was that 
even if RMS insisted, he didn't commit any crime and the nature of what 
RMS did is completely different from the Gates' case.

Maybe some woman accused him that he "insisted", but that is false. He 
invited someone out, but if she said "no", Richard *did no insist*.

About FSF board investigating the RMS case back in 2019, I didn't mean 
that FSF assigned a team of HR or anything. What I meant was that FSF 
board and people, at least some of them, followed the claims and reports 
and were aware of the situation.

I didn't mean to spread false information. Please understand that I'm 
not a native English speaker and some words I use may be wrong.

FSF did accept the RMS' resignation because they believed the 
accusations were true, and that's why I believe they followed the case. 
Sadly they didn't follow the case very carefully.

I apologize if caused any harm or misled people. And I apologize to 
Akira if I made people look Akira is doing harm or is spreading false 
information, as I said, my only intention was to avoid misunderstanding 
Akira, which I think I failed somehow.


Ali Reza Hayati (
Libre culture activist and privacy advocate
PGP: 88A5 BDB7 E07C 39D0 8132 6412 DCB8 F138 B865 1771

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Bill Gates in the news: Deja vu

2021-05-20 Thread Ali Reza Hayati
I misread your last line so what I wrote doesn't make sense. I thought you said 
"impossible" instead of "possible". For that, I apologize.

And Akira, please note that I'm not accusing you of anything, I'm just replying 
to you for those of people who may be confused about the matter.

Sorry if my message seems unkind, I don't intend to be offensive. I just don't 
want people to get the idea that RMS and Bill Gates cases are the same.

On May 18, 2021 11:59:14 PM UTC, Ali Reza Hayati  wrote:
>Akira, I think you're confused. Let me answer your message part by part 
>so you don't cause confusion or misunderstanding for others.
>On 19/05/2021 03:38, Akira Urushibata wrote:
>> Reports about the personal life of Microsoft founder Bill Gates are
>> appearing in the mainstream media.  Some charges sound familiar -
>> nearly identical ones were cast upon a different person a couple
>> years ago.
>> I wonder why this is happening.  I see expressions like this:
>>"Bill Gates Had Reputation for Questionable Behavior"
>> - New York Times
>>"... pursued women who worked for him at Microsoft and at the Bill
>> and Melinda Gates Foundation, creating what were described as
>> uncomfortable work environments" - NBC News
>> Bill Gates met Jeffrey Epstein several times.  He does not deny that
>> the meetings happened.  His spokesman, however, seems concerned that
>> the nature of these encounters is misunderstood.
>This is true. However, RMS never had any encounter with Epstein for any 
>reason and he called Epstein a serial rapist many times. The 
>controversial comments were also not about the nature of the crimes but 
>how they were put in words.
>So while Gates may be asked about the intentions behind those meetings, 
>RMS is clear that he never met and supported anybody n that case, what 
>RMS did was to describe the meaning behind the words, not anything else. 
>So there's no need to be concerned about the nature of relationship 
>between RMS and Epstein, as there's no relationship.
>> One thing that has become clear is that Microsoft's board has
>> investigated the founder's relation with a female employee and
>> concluded that it had been inappropriate.
>This true. However, the case, specially the hate letter, against RMS is 
>not about RMS' relationship with any FSF employees as there were no 
>relationship in the matter. None of the ones who "claimed" they were 
>hurt by RMS did have relationship in the term of 
>girlfriend/boyfriend/partner/etc. with RMS.
>What was the case was that RMS asked some people out and insisted on 
>that. Now, maybe the insisting part made them uncomfortable but that's 
>no crime. Not for RMS, not for Gates, not for anybody.
>> Has the FSF board investigated the widely held claim that Richard
>> Stallman "defended" Jeffrey Epstein?  I don't think they have
>> investigated anything.  As a consequence they have allowed rumors
>> of their founder's "bad behavior" run out of control and cause
>> unnecessary confusion and damage to personal reputation.
>FSF board did investigate that. So did a large members of our great 
>community. Stallman actually never defended Epstein, he just explained 
>the meaning behind some words. You can read those comments and emails 
>Bad behavior is relative. I'm comfortable with many stuff while some 
>people even consider jokes as bad behavior. But if you want to compare 
>Gates with Stallman, the difference is that Stallman never had any 
>relationship with those who claim are hurt, but Gates did have 
>relationship, as we see on news, I'm not judging or deciding anything.
>> I have a request: Do not do to Bill Gates what you would not like done
>> to yourself or Richard Stallman.  It is possible that the stories that
>> are recently surfacing are not true.  Do not turn your eyes away from
>> what may appear to be lame apology, for therein often lies the seeds
>> of truth.
>I support this. Nobody should be punished for crime one didn't do. If 
>Gates is innocent, he shouldn't be punished.
>However, you say, and I quote, "It is possible that the stories that are 
>recently surfacing are not true." This is a weird statement because it 
>is not impossible. All of the claims *can* be untrue.
>About the apology, if you think what RMS wrote was a lame apology, you 
>should first prove that what was claimed against Stallman was true. I 
>don't expect someone who didn't commit a crime to be punished or to 
>apologize, I think you think so.
>If you haven't read the claims or followed the actual story, I can 
>suggest with every detail needed and some 
>great articles that explain the matter.
>I hope you haven't just followed some people's baseless claims and 
>believed them without really fact checking and analyzing. Check the 
>website I sent and please do ask if you had any question.
>Best of all.

Ali Reza Hayati (

Re: Bill Gates in the news: Deja vu

2021-05-19 Thread Ali Reza Hayati
Akira, I think you're confused. Let me answer your message part by part 
so you don't cause confusion or misunderstanding for others.

On 19/05/2021 03:38, Akira Urushibata wrote:

Reports about the personal life of Microsoft founder Bill Gates are
appearing in the mainstream media.  Some charges sound familiar -
nearly identical ones were cast upon a different person a couple
years ago.

I wonder why this is happening.  I see expressions like this:

   "Bill Gates Had Reputation for Questionable Behavior"
- New York Times

   "... pursued women who worked for him at Microsoft and at the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation, creating what were described as
uncomfortable work environments" - NBC News

Bill Gates met Jeffrey Epstein several times.  He does not deny that
the meetings happened.  His spokesman, however, seems concerned that
the nature of these encounters is misunderstood.

This is true. However, RMS never had any encounter with Epstein for any 
reason and he called Epstein a serial rapist many times. The 
controversial comments were also not about the nature of the crimes but 
how they were put in words.

So while Gates may be asked about the intentions behind those meetings, 
RMS is clear that he never met and supported anybody n that case, what 
RMS did was to describe the meaning behind the words, not anything else. 
So there's no need to be concerned about the nature of relationship 
between RMS and Epstein, as there's no relationship.

One thing that has become clear is that Microsoft's board has
investigated the founder's relation with a female employee and
concluded that it had been inappropriate.

This true. However, the case, specially the hate letter, against RMS is 
not about RMS' relationship with any FSF employees as there were no 
relationship in the matter. None of the ones who "claimed" they were 
hurt by RMS did have relationship in the term of 
girlfriend/boyfriend/partner/etc. with RMS.

What was the case was that RMS asked some people out and insisted on 
that. Now, maybe the insisting part made them uncomfortable but that's 
no crime. Not for RMS, not for Gates, not for anybody.

Has the FSF board investigated the widely held claim that Richard
Stallman "defended" Jeffrey Epstein?  I don't think they have
investigated anything.  As a consequence they have allowed rumors
of their founder's "bad behavior" run out of control and cause
unnecessary confusion and damage to personal reputation.

FSF board did investigate that. So did a large members of our great 
community. Stallman actually never defended Epstein, he just explained 
the meaning behind some words. You can read those comments and emails 

Bad behavior is relative. I'm comfortable with many stuff while some 
people even consider jokes as bad behavior. But if you want to compare 
Gates with Stallman, the difference is that Stallman never had any 
relationship with those who claim are hurt, but Gates did have 
relationship, as we see on news, I'm not judging or deciding anything.

I have a request: Do not do to Bill Gates what you would not like done
to yourself or Richard Stallman.  It is possible that the stories that
are recently surfacing are not true.  Do not turn your eyes away from
what may appear to be lame apology, for therein often lies the seeds
of truth.

I support this. Nobody should be punished for crime one didn't do. If 
Gates is innocent, he shouldn't be punished.

However, you say, and I quote, "It is possible that the stories that are 
recently surfacing are not true." This is a weird statement because it 
is not impossible. All of the claims *can* be untrue.

About the apology, if you think what RMS wrote was a lame apology, you 
should first prove that what was claimed against Stallman was true. I 
don't expect someone who didn't commit a crime to be punished or to 
apologize, I think you think so.

If you haven't read the claims or followed the actual story, I can 
suggest with every detail needed and some 
great articles that explain the matter.

I hope you haven't just followed some people's baseless claims and 
believed them without really fact checking and analyzing. Check the 
website I sent and please do ask if you had any question.

Best of all.

Ali Reza Hayati (
Libre culture activist and privacy advocate
PGP: 88A5 BDB7 E07C 39D0 8132 6412 DCB8 F138 B865 1771

Description: OpenPGP digital signature